Visual Studio Code snippets to create Laravel Collective Forms inputs preformated for Twitter’s Bootstrap.
When you're editing your view in Visual Studio Code, type the snippet shortcut followed by the tab key.
Input | Shortcut |
Form | bootform |
Form model | bootformmodel |
Input | Shortcut |
Button | bootbutton |
Checkbox | bootcheckbox |
Date | bootdate |
bootemail |
File | bootfile |
Hidden | boothidden |
Number | bootnumber |
Password | bootpassword |
Radio | bootradio |
Select | bootselect |
SelectMonth | bootselectmonth |
SelectYear | bootselectyear |
SelectRange | bootselectrange |
Text | boottext |
Textarea | boottextarea |
Input | Shortcut |
Checkbox | bootcheckboxh |
Date | bootdateh |
bootemailh |
File | bootfileh |
Number | bootnumberh |
Password | bootpasswordh |
Radio | bootradioh |
Select | bootselecth |
SelectMonth | bootselectmonthh |
SelectYear | bootselectyearh |
SelectRange | bootselectrangeh |
Text | boottexth |
Textarea | boottextareah |