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support unplugin-icons / add example for unplugin ecosystem.

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@IndexXuan IndexXuan released this 15 Sep 02:27
· 11 commits to main since this release

unplugin-icons use ~icon/aaa/bbb while this ~ is not css-loader syntax and should not replaced it with empty string. this publish hack the alias regexp for ~ and make unplugin-icons works. Thanks @Akryum.

add example for unplugin ecosystem, unplugin and vue-cli-plugin-vite plays well in nature. very nice.

  module.exports = {
    lintOnSave: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production',
    devServer: {
      overlay: false,
    configureWebpack: {
      plugins: [require('unplugin-icons/webpack')({ compiler: 'vue2' })],
    pluginOptions: {
      vite: {
        disabledTypeChecker: true,
        plugins: [require('unplugin-icons/vite')({ compiler: 'vue2' })],