- General
- Settings
- Players
- Zombies
- Weapons
- Wallbuys
- Mystery Box
- Perks
- Pack-a-Punch
- Powerups
- Persistent Upgrades
- Buildables
- Bank
- Weapon Locker
- NAV Table
- Maps
- Game Modes
- Removed round cap
- Removed 5 second wait before match start
- Added restart game button when in online solo game
- Tick rate is always 20
- Announcer audio always plays
- In-game menu no longer disabled instantly when the game ends
- Fixed various engine related leaks with entities
- Added options to enable or disable new HUD elements
- Added option to enable or disable teammate head icons
- Added option to change action slot area
- Added option to enable or disable fog
- Added option to enable or disable depth of field
- Added option to change level of detail
- Added option in private match lobby to enable or disable character dialog
- Enemy counter displayed on top left of screen
- Timer displayed on top right of screen
- Health bar displayed on bottom left of screen
- Zone name displayed on bottom left of screen
- Added custom ammo display on Tranzit, Nuketown, and Die Rise
- Character name displayed on all maps
- Character name fades out after 15 seconds on all maps
- Weapon name is capitalized on all maps
- Weapon name is the same text size on all maps
- Weapon name and ammo no longer fade out
- Grenade icons no longer fade based on how many the player currently has
- Ammo counter no longer shows while scoped on all maps
- Added round chalk images from Mob of the Dead to all maps
- Added proper game mode and map name to scoreboard
- Added icons on scoreboard when player is downed, bled out, in Who's Who mode, in afterlife, or has the meat
- Added teammate head icons
- Decreased waypoint size
- Increased waypoint offset from top and bottom of screen
- Added new revive waypoint icon
- All waypoint arrows move when offscreen
- All waypoints fade when targeted
- Revive waypoints move to center of screen for the player who is reviving
- Revive waypoints no longer show at incorrect position when they first appear
- Bleed out bar displayed when downed
- Revive bar displayed for downed player
- Changed revive bar color to blue
- Player is reviving you text gets removed instantly when player drops the revive
- Player needs to be revived text updates to new player instantly
- Increased number of times that the round number pulses between rounds from 2-7 to 10 (same as Black Ops 1)
- Fixed powerup move animation being incorrect
- Fixed scoreboard showing incorrect team on Survival after restart
- Removed NAV cards
- Unlimited sprint
- Increased health from 100 to 150
- Self revives in solo are active whenever the player has at least 1 perk
- Upgraded starting pistol given as self revive pistol above all others except Ray Gun Mark 2
- Increased backwards move speed from 70% to 100%
- Increased strafing move speed from 80% to 100%
- Decreased sprint time needed to be able to dive from 0.25 seconds to 0.1 seconds
- Can move immediately after diving
- Can dive again right away after just diving
- Increased melee range by 16% (same as Black Ops 1)
- Disabled melee lunging
- Disabled meleeing while doing falling hands anim
- Removed ammo counter while doing falling hands anim
- Can look up and down 90 degrees (previously 85 degrees)
- Decreased normal health regeneration delay from 2.4 seconds to 2 seconds
- Decreased low health regeneration delay from 5 seconds to 4 seconds
- Normal health regeneration rate is no longer instant
- Changed health regeneration rate to 100 health per second (normally fully restored health in 0.5 seconds)
- Changed low health threshold from 20% of player's max health to 50 health
- Fall damage no longer increases when max health is increased
- Added blood fx when at or below 20% health
- Removed blur after getting damaged
- Removed shellshock from explosive damage
- No longer killed when landing on top of another player
- Ignored by zombies for 1 second after being revived
- Disabled meleeing while reviving (except if player switches weapons)
- Pressing fire button while reviving no longer switches weapons
- Weapon is no longer switched after reviving if player switched weapons during revive
- No longer gain points back on self revives
- Respawn near random player (normally respawn near the same player every time)
- No longer spawn in for a second when joining mid game
- Can activate triggers while switching weapons
- Can shoot while looking at other players
- Increased mantle speed
- Increased ladder climb speed
- Move direction on ladders no longer based on player view angles
- Disabled leaning
- Start with Semtex on maps that have Semtex
- Barriers can no longer be rebuilt while sprinting or thowing a grenade
- Upgraded weapon camo is applied in last stand
- Dual wield last stand weapon is switched to when ammo is only in left clip
- Decreased friendly player name fade out time from 1.5 seconds to 0.25 seconds
- Removed enemy player name fade in time
- Fixed last stand vision being changed when another player downs
- Fixed certain player anims
- Health capped at 100,000
- Decreased player damage from 60 to 50
- Changed height to 60 (normally either 48 or 72)
- Increased damage taken to make a crawler from 10% of current health to 25% of current health
- Amount of zombies scales linearly with the amount of players
- Zombies that are deleted due to being too far away always respawn
- Attracted towards points of interest immediately
- Removed walkers in high rounds
- Removed headless zombies
- Neck counts as headshot
- All body shot kills award 50 points
- 4 round and 5 round special rounds happen more equally
- Fixed not being able to drop powerups after doing certain traversals
- Changed max amount that can be spawned at once from 2 total to 1 per player in the fog
- No longer spawn for a player for 5 seconds after being killed
- Decreased health from 200 to 150
- Decreased number of melees to kill from 5 to 3
- Decreased number of melees to kill with Bowie Knife from 3 to 2
- Decreased number of melees to kill with Galvaknuckles from 2 to 1
- No longer automatically run away when player is first attacked in solo
- Removed hint when player is first attacked in solo
- Fixed not spawning in correct zone sometimes
- Drops a random powerup when killed
- Increased player damage from 90 to 100
- Decreased minimum distance away from players to be able to attack
- Respawns on the same round if exited due to being too far away from players (normally respawns on the next round)
- No longer give each player 2000 points when rewarded a free perk powerup
- Initial leaper round always happens on round 5 or 6
- Fixed getting kill points twice
- Smoke Grenade kills zombies
- Increased player damage from 99 to 100
- Decreased footstep screen shake by 25%
- No longer receives additional damage from Ray Gun Mark 2
- Teleports away less frequently
- Decreased amount that spawn per round in coop from 1-3 to 1
- Death explosion kills zombies
- Changed death explosion player damage from 100-25 to 75
- Decreased footstep screen shake by 25%
- No longer receives additional damage from Boomhilda or Ray Gun Mark 2
- Switch to melee weapon by pressing the Melee Weapon button (same button as Time Bomb and Maxis Drone)
- Added alt weapon names on HUD
- Added camo to all attachments
- Added proper melee swing sound to all melee weapons
- Fixed world model position of certain melee weapons
- Fixed projectile angles of certain grenades and projectile weapons
- Fixed alt weapons being switched from when trading weapons
- Fixed burst fire weapons shooting when pressing aim button while fire button is already pressed
- Bullet weapons: can penetrate through any amount of entities (normally capped at 5, still decreases damage each time it penetrates)
- Projectile weapons: changed projectile weapon damage scalar to 50 multiplied by round number (normally random number between 0 and 100 multiplied by round number)
- Projectile weapons: capped projectile weapon damage scalar at 3000
- Grenades: improved projectile upward speed
- Grenades: can no longer be thrown faster than intended by throwing a grenade right after throwing one
- Grenades: changed damage scalar to 25 multiplied by round number (normally random number between 100 and 200 added by round number)
- Grenades: capped damage scalar at 1500
- Placeable mines: changed damage scalar to 150 multiplied by round number (normally random number between 100 and 200 multiplied by round number)
- Placeable mines: capped damage scalar at 9000
- Placeable mines: player hit audio no longer plays
- Increased move speed from 100% to 110%
- Increased move speed while aiming from 200% to 220%
- Decreased aim FOV from 65 to 60 on all pistols
- Decreased weapon cost from 1000 to 900 on all maps
- Upgraded: decreased amount of primary camo
- Replaces Python
- Upgraded: changed attachment from None to Fast Mag
- Unupgraded: decreased stock ammo from 225 to 210 on all maps
- Upgraded: decreased stock ammo from 295 to 280 on all maps
- Removed delay between last shot and reload
- Unupgraded: increased clip ammo from 12 to 15
- Unupgraded: increased stock ammo from 96 to 180
- Upgraded: increased stock ammo from 180 to 270
- Upgraded: decreased stock ammo from 50 to 48
- Upgraded: decreased last stand ammo from 2 clips to 1 clip
- Ammo gets added to the clip at the same time that it gets added in the reload anim
- Upgraded: increased move speed while aiming from 100% to 110%
- Upgraded: fixed not being able to melee while aiming
- Upgraded: decreased last stand ammo from 2 clips to 1 clip
- Upgraded: added proper fire sound
- Upgraded: added proper fire sound
- Replaces M1911 (except on Mob of the Dead)
- Increased weapon cost from 1200 to 1500
- Unupgraded: decreased stock ammo from 300 to 240
- Upgraded: decreased stock ammo from 600 to 450
- Upgraded: changed weapon name from "94000" to "9400"
- Replaces FAL
- Replaces Galil
- Added on Buried
- Decreased recoil
- Unupgraded: increased stock ammo from 192 to 256
- Upgraded: decreased clip ammo from 42 to 40
- Upgraded: increased stock ammo from 336 to 400
- Decreased recoil
- Upgraded: changed attachment from Reflex Sight to EOTech Sight
- Upgraded: changed attachment from Reflex Sight to ACOG Sight
- Replaces M14
- Removed aim spread
- Unupgraded: increased damage from 80 to 100
- Unupgraded: decreased clip ammo from 20 to 10
- Unupgraded: decreased stock ammo from 140 to 100
- Upgraded: increased damage from 120 to 160
- Upgraded: increased headshot multiplier from 4 to 4.5
- Upgraded: decreased clip ammo from 30 to 20
- Upgraded: decreased stock ammo from 420 to 200
- Ammo gets added to the clip at the same time that it gets added in the reload anim
- Upgraded: decreased stock ammo from 330 to 300
- Upgraded: changed weapon name from "Spatz-447 +" to "Spatz-447"
- Replaces M16A1
- Added on Buried
- Decreased recoil
- Unupgraded: increased stock ammo from 150 to 300
- Upgraded: increased stock ammo from 270 to 450
- Upgraded: changed attachment from Reflex Sight to Millimeter Scanner
- Changed move speed from 100% or 110% to 105%
- Changed move speed while aiming from 200% or 220% to 210%
- Added on Buried
- Unupgraded: decreased clip ammo from 40 to 36
- Unupgraded: increased stock ammo from 120 to 252
- Upgraded: increased clip ammo from 40 to 48
- Upgraded: increased stock ammo from 200 to 336
- Upgraded: changed attachment from None to Select Fire
- Decreased ammo cost from 800 to 750
- Unupgraded: decreased stock ammo from 350 to 250
- Upgraded: decreased stock ammo from 400 to 300
- Increased move speed while aiming from 100% to 157.5% (move speed multiplied by 1.5)
- Ammo gets added to the clip at the same time that it gets added in the reload anim
- Adjustable Stock: increased move speed while aiming from 250% to 262.5% (move speed multiplied by 2.5)
- Added on Nuketown, Tranzit, Die Rise, and Buried
- Replaces MP5
- Added on all maps
- Upgraded: changed weapon name from "57000" to "5700"
- Upgraded: changed attachment from Reflex Sight to Fast Mag
- Replaces Ak74u
- Decreased move speed from 87.5% to 85%
- Increased move speed while aiming from 80% to 100% on all light machine guns
- Decreased recoil
- Upgraded: changed attachment from None to Fore Grip
- Ammo gets added to the clip at the same time that it gets added in the reload anim
- Replaces RPD (also added on Buried)
- Added on Mob of the Dead
- Decreased move speed from 95% to 90%
- Disabled scope sway
- Unupgraded: increased scope FOV from 15 or 20 to 25
- Replaces Olympia
- Unupgraded: increased damage from 150 to 250
- Unupgraded: decreased clip ammo from 8 to 6
- Unupgraded: decreased stock ammo from 64 to 60
- Upgraded: increased damage from 400 to 500
- Upgraded: decreased headshot multiplier from 10 to 8
- Upgraded: decreased stock ammo from 120 to 100
- Upgraded: increased amount of primary camo
- Upgraded: added proper fire sound
- Upgraded: fixed first raise anim
- Replaces Barrett M82A1
- Increased penetration
- Changed weapon cost from 900 or 1500 to 1200 on all maps
- Unupgraded: increased stock ammo from 30 to 40
- Upgraded: increased stock ammo from 50 to 60
- Unupgraded: increased stock ammo from 18 to 24
- Unupgraded: grenades explode on impact
- Added model and anims from Black Ops 2 Multiplayer
- Added sounds on all maps
- Increased melee time from 0.5 seconds to 0.7 seconds
- Held with Galvaknuckles
- Projectiles are no longer destroyed when other players walk over them
- Projectiles are no longer destroyed when purchasing a melee wallbuy
- Projectiles get destroyed by lava
- Projectiles can be picked up while the weapon is not reloaded
- Projectiles can be picked up while the player is not on the ground
- Added on Origins
- No longer spins up by pressing aim button
- No longer spins up while not idle
- Added on Tranzit
- Kills on any round fully charged
- Infinite penetration
- Added on Nuketown
- Kills on any round in 1-2 bursts
- Buckshot: kills on any round in 1-2 shots
- Added model from Buried to all maps
- Added first raise and empty fire sound from Mob of the Dead to all maps
- Increased move speed from 100% to 105%
- Increased move speed while aiming from 100% to 157.5% (move speed multiplied by 1.5)
- Ammo gets added to the clip at the same time that it gets added in the reload anim
- No longer limited to 4 players
- Unupgraded: increased impact damage from 1000 to 1500 (same as max splash damage)
- Upgraded: increased impact damage from 1000 to 2000 (same as max splash damage)
- Same probability to obtain as other weapons
- Can be obtained if player has Ray Gun
- Increased move speed from 100% to 105%
- Increased move speed while aiming from 100% to 157.5% (move speed multiplied by 1.5)
- Ammo gets added to the clip at the same time that it gets added in the reload anim
- Limited to 1 player on all maps
- Decreased last stand ammo from 3 clips to 1 clip
- Unupgraded: increased stock ammo from 162 to 168
- Upgraded: increased stock ammo from 201 to 210
- Upgraded: added secondary camo
- Pulls in zombies from far away
- Kills all zombies that are close by immediately
- Kills zombies that are in the ground, traversing, or behind barriers
- Awards points for kills
- Cools down twice as fast
- Cools down while not holding weapon
- No longer spins up while not idle
- No longer kills while not firing
- No longer changes player vertical velocity while firing
- No longer automatically switched to weapon when picked up
- No longer disassembles when overheated
- Weapon is taken when overheated and continuing to fire for 1.5 seconds
- Weapon plays an alarm sound when overheated and continuing to fire
- Pulls in powerups more frequently
- Pulls in powerups twice as fast
- Buildable table model no longer shows while player has weapon
- Added heat percentage on HUD
- Changed weapon name from "Thrustodyne Aeronautics Model 23" to "Jet Gun"
- Fixed spin dial, spin anim, and spin sounds being inaccurate
- Fixed HUD icon fading after firing
- Added upgraded version
- Kills on any round (normally stops killing after round 100)
- Decreased stock ammo from 40 to 20
- Removed additional goo created by chain kills
- Continues to chain while not holding weapon
- Removed player damage
- Upgraded: increases slippery spot duration by 50%
- Upgraded: increases chain explosion radius by 50%
- Added teddy bear to buildable table after weapon is taken from it
- Teddy bear standing up means weapon is not available from Mystery Box
- Teddy bear lying down means weapon is available from Mystery Box
- Kills on any round
- Players fall to the ground faster after reaching max fly height
- Added heat percentage on HUD
- Fixed zombie spawn delay after zombie being killed
- Kills on any round in 1-2 shots
- Infinite penetration
- Decreased pellet count from 7 to 4
- Increased pellet size
- Unupgraded: increased pellet damage from 500-250 to 1000-500
- Unupgraded: decreased stock ammo from 60 to 30
- Upgraded: increased pellet damage from 1000-500 to 2000-1000
- Upgraded: decreased stock ammo from 120 to 60
- Upgraded: added camo
- Kills on any round in 1-2 bursts
- Increased player damage from 10 to 15
- Increased move speed while aiming from 100% to 200% (same as Blundergat)
- Decreased explosion radius by 50%
- Increased projectile count from 3 to 4
- Projectiles fire all at once
- Projectiles fire in a straight line
- Projectiles no longer seek toward zombies
- Added projectile indicator
- Removed projectile upward speed
- Deadshot improves accuracy
- Stuck zombie counts as a kill
- Unupgraded: decreased stock ammo from 30 bursts to 15 bursts
- Unupgraded: changed weapon name from "Acid Gat" to "Acidgat"
- Upgraded: increased clip ammo from 1 burst to 2 bursts
- Upgraded: decreased stock ammo from 50 bursts to 30 bursts
- Upgraded: increased max splash damage from 1000 to 2000
- Upgraded: increased min splash damage from 500 to 1000
- Upgraded: added camo
- Upgraded: added proper fire sound
- Upgrade only requires collecting souls in The Crazy Place
- Can collect souls in The Crazy Place after upgrading to recharge (fills 5% of max ammo per soul)
- Can no longer collect souls in The Crazy Place from staff kills
- Picking up a staff in The Crazy Place while holding a staff places the other staff in The Crazy Place
- Insterting a staff in The Crazy Place requires player's current weapon to be the staff
- Fixed triggers for inserting and picking up staffs in The Crazy Place
- Fixed being able to carry multiple staffs by picking up a staff with staff revive weapon out
- Get full ammo when initially picked up after upgrading (normally missing one clip)
- Max ammo no longer fills clip ammo
- Upgraded: kill on any round
- Upgraded: no longer charges up while not idle
- Upgraded: fire button no longer has to be re-pressed to start charging if fire button was pressed before charging was ready
- Upgraded: weapon is switched when attempting to fire while having no ammo
- Upgraded: charged shots damage Panzersoldat
- Upgraded: decreased alt weapon fire time from 3 seconds to 0.5 seconds
- Upgraded: changed alt weapon fire type from full auto to single shot
- Upgraded: charge loop sound stops playing immediately after firing
- Upgraded: fixed charge sounds not playing after firing a charge level 1 shot
- Fire: projectiles fire all at once
- Fire: projectiles fire in a straight line
- Fire: decreased spread between projectiles by 50%
- Fire: awards points for damage
- Fire: decreased kill points from 60 to 50
- Fire upgraded: increased charge level 2 projectile count from 2 to 3
- Fire upgraded: increased charge level 3 lava duration from 5 seconds to 7.5 seconds
- Fire upgraded: decreased charge level 3 lava damage radius by 20% (same as charge level 2)
- Fire upgraded: plays smaller explosion fx at end of lava
- Fire upgraded: charged shots no longer deal additional damage to Panzersoldat
- Fire upgraded: fixed lava not being created if the player fired the charged shot on a wall or too close to themselves
- Ice upgraded: fixed melee sound
- Lightning upgraded: decreased clip ammo from 18 to 15
- Lightning upgraded: decreased stock ammo from 180 to 150
- Lightning upgraded: decreased kill points from 100 to 50
- Wind: awards points for damage
- Wind unupgraded: decreased stock ammo from 40 to 30
- Wind upgraded: whirlwind pulls in multiple zombies significantly faster
- Wind upgraded: whirlwind stops pulling in zombies when the whirlwind fx starts to end instead of when the whirlwind fx completely ends
- Wind upgraded: fixed whirlwind not being created and impact blast radius being incorrect if the player started reloading or throwing a grenade in between the time that the charged shot was fired and impacted a surface
- Added model and HUD icon from Buried to all maps
- Zombies killed can drop powerups
- Fixed an issue where a Monkey Bomb wouldn't activate if the previously thrown Monkey Bomb hadn't activated yet
- Added bounce sounds and shellshock from Black Ops 2 Multiplayer
- No longer disables HUD
- Disables player's perks for 12 seconds
- Increased ammo from 2 to 3
- Decreased raise time from 0.5 seconds to 0.15 seconds
- Decreased projectile speed by 30% (same as Black Ops 2 Multiplayer)
- Decreased zombie EMP radius by 17% (same as Black Ops 2 Multiplayer)
- Increased perk machine EMP radius by 22% (same as Black Ops 2 Multiplayer)
- Decreased perk machine EMP time from 90 seconds to 60 seconds
- Can be cancelled while holding
- Added fx to EMP'd players
- Can destroy deployed Zombie Shields
- Sprinting no longer wakes up EMP'd zombies
- Zombies that are in the ground can no longer get EMP'd
- Fixed an issue where zombies would sometimes not wake up from firing projectile weapons
- Added on Mob of the Dead
- Kills on any round
- No longer ricochets to other zombies when not charged
- Each charge exponentially increases total zombies attacked (3 -> 6 -> 10)
- Unupgraded: changed damage to 2000 (normally does 1000-2000 damage based on number of charges)
- Upgraded: kills on any round when not charged
- Kills on any round
- Increased ammo from 2 to 3
- Increased move speed from 100% to 110%
- Added model from Black Ops 2 Multiplayer
- Flipped HUD icon
- Decreased damage from 1100 to 1000
- Decreased damage from 10000 to 5000
- Deals same damage at any range
- Decreased range by 4% (exactly 50% more range than normal melee)
- Upgraded: elemental punch changes based on which staff the player currently has
- Upgraded: uses melee lunge anim as normal melee anim
- Wind: knocks down zombies that are damaged
- Wind: no longer increases range
- Fixed occasionally not killing zombies that were in range
- Fixed players gaining damage score multiple times
- Fixed zombies not being flung when Insta Kill powerup is active
- Fixed an issue where a player's melee weapon wouldn't reset if the player bled out in the Giant Robots
- Replaces Semtex on Origins
- Replaces Frag Grenade on Mob of the Dead
- Added plant and alert sounds to all maps
- Can be repurchased
- Can be placed while in the air
- Increased explosion radius by 28% (same as Black Ops 2 Multiplayer)
- Increased max amount that can be placed from 12 to 20
- Added weapon name on HUD
- Removed initial weapon raise anim
- Replaces Claymore on Origins
- Added to all game modes
- No longer sends players back in time
- Kills all zombies
- Revives all downed players
- Can have with Monkey Bombs
- Switches to detonator at correct time after throwing
- Fixed detonator raise and drop anims
- Added weapon name on HUD
- Fixed being able to see view model at end of anim
- Purchasing ammo refills clip ammo
- Increased trigger radius
- Decreased upgraded ammo cost from 4500 to 2500
- Ammo can be purchased if only alt weapon ammo has been used
- Purchasing no longer shows the weapon model at other wallbuys of the same weapon
- Changed all hint strings from "to buy" to "for"
- Lethal grenade hint string no longer displays "ammo" after purchasing
- Downing while purchasing a melee weapon gives the melee weapon
- Increased brightness of wallbuy chalks
- Added melee wallbuy HUD icons to all maps
- Players get every weapon they can before getting duplicates
- Players only see weapons rising up that they can currently obtain
- Decreased weapon pick up time from 12 seconds to 9 seconds
- Moves to new location instantly
- Special sound no longer plays when obtaining the Ray Gun
- Special sound plays when obtaining the wonder weapon
- Teddy bear model shows at correct angles when it first appears
- Added high qualty perk icons to all maps
- Removed perk limit
- Removed blur after drinking
- No longer deactivated if the perk machine is powered off
- Perk order on HUD is restored whenever perks are restored to the player
- Perk order on HUD is shown correctly when spectating
- Increases current health by 100 upon purchase (normally sets current health to max)
- No longer automatically powered on in solo
- Increased cost in solo from 500 to 1500
- Decreases revive time by 33.33%
- Decreases health regeneration delay by 25%
- Changed hint string from "Revive" to "Quick Revive"
- Aim twice as fast
- Switch weapons twice as fast
- Throw grenades twice as fast
- Removed shooting 2 bullets for every shot
- Increases bullet damage by 50%
- Increased cost from 2000 to 2500
- Move 10% faster (normally only sprint 10% faster)
- Added perk bottle model from Origins to all maps
- Deals same damage on all maps
- Damages all zombies at once on all maps
- Players no longer take 1 fall damage when not diving
- Fixed player hit audio playing from explosive damage
- Added perk bottle model from Origins to all maps
- Increases bullet headshot damage by 100%
- Move faster while aiming
- Decreases sprint recovery time
- Added additional weapon indicator
- Additional weapon is given back when perk is reacquired
- Stowed weapons automatically reload over time
- Removed bottom part of perk machine model
- Added in solo and Grief
- Powerup no longer removed when revived
- Powerup removed when downed again after being revived or respawning
- Unlimited time to pick up powerup
- Changed perk machine light fx from Speed Cola's fx to Quick Revive's fx
- Changed powerup fx color to blue
- Powerup gets destroyed by EMP Grenades
- Powerup can be pulled in by Jet Gun
- Restores all weapons properly
- Disabled suicide option when player is down
- Added powerup waypoint
- Flipped perk icon
- Changed hint string from "Tombstone" to "Tombstone Soda"
- Keep weapons when entering Who's Who mode
- Keep any perks obtained in Who's Who mode when exiting Who's Who mode
- Self revives in solo always activate when downing during Who's Who mode
- Decreased Who's Who mode duration from 45 seconds to 30 seconds
- Ignored by zombies for 1 second after entering Who's Who mode
- Invulnerable for 2 seconds after entering and exiting Who's Who mode
- Controls are frozen for 0.5 seconds after entering and exiting Who's Who mode
- Clone spawns facing the same angles as the player downed
- Player spawns facing towards the clone when entering Who's Who mode
- Purchasing Who's Who in Who's Who mode no longer destroys the clone
- Downing with Who's Who in Who's Who mode destroys the clone
- Added Who's Who mode duration bar on HUD
- Changed revive waypoint icon to Who's Who perk icon
- Revive waypoint shows offscreen
- Fixed an error that would crash the game when entering Who's Who mode
- Removed cooldown after being used multiple times in a row
- Last stand activation kills on any round
- Decreased radius of last stand activation by 48.8%
- No longer awards points when player is down
- Fixed last stand activation fx playing incorrectly
- Added ability to see players and zombies through walls
- Removed ability to see perks, wallbuys, and Mystery Box through walls
- Stink areas no longer activate while the player is moving
- Changed default weapon camo to dragon camo from Black Ops 2 Multiplayer (modified to be darker on primary camo and not animated on secondary camo)
- Attachments on weapons can no longer be changed
- Reticles on optical attachments are no longer random
- Decreased weapon pick up time from 15 seconds to 12 seconds
- Added sound when attempting to purchase without enough points
- Decreased chance to drop from 3% to 2%
- Increased time on the ground from 26.5 seconds to 30 seconds
- Grabbing time based powerups that are already active add to timer instead of resetting timer
- Fx plays when a powerup drops if it is the last powerup of a cycle
- Sets heat weapons to 0% heat
- Kills all zombies instantly
- Removed
- Added on Tranzit and Die Rise
- No longer makes zombies ignore the player
- Makes the player invulnerable to zombie melee swipes
- No longer changes FOV
- All zombies go after player holding the meat
- 75% move speed while holding the meat
- Take 50 damage per second if stationary while holding the meat
- Decreased throw speed by 25%
- Player who threw the meat can meat themself
- Attracts zombies more consistently on ground
- Decreased attract radius on ground by 50%
- Decreased time on ground from 16 seconds to 10 seconds
- Decreased time on players from 30 seconds to 15 seconds
- Bounces off walls when thrown
- Added weapon name on HUD
- Added weapon glow fx
- Changed powerup fx color to blue
- Able to drop when players are down
- No longer able to drop when another meat powerup is already dropped
- Can be picked up while reviving
- Meleeing while the meat is moving no longer grabs the meat
- Gets destroyed when thrown on lava
- Removed unused pick up trigger that is visible when the meat is in the air
- Message shows when the meat is grabbed, dropped, and landed on a player
- Replaced with Head on Mob of the Dead and Origins locations
- Removed
- Added purchase cost
- Parts automatically picked up
- Can be built at any buildable table on all maps
- Zombies no longer attack (except Zombie Shield)
- Can no longer be destroyed by 2 grenades
- Can be destroyed by taking 1500 damage
- Can no longer be picked up after being destroyed
- Added weapon name on HUD to all buildables
- Increased move speed while holding from 100% to 110% (except Zombie Shield)
- Can no longer melee while holding (except Zombie Shield)
- Removed dive anim
- Added held world model
- Changed crafting hint string from "Building..." to "Crafting..."
- Changed purchase hint string from "for" to "to take" on all maps
- Changed pick up hint string from "for" to "to pick up" on all maps
- Fixed being able to see view model while holding (except Zombie Shield)
- Fixed not being destroyed correctly when placed at a bad spot
- Rotated held model 90 degrees
- Added shield health bar on HUD
- Awards points for kills and damage
- Can be repaired at buildable table (same cost as purchase cost)
- Zombies that are on fire no longer explode on death
- Can be destroyed by player damage when deployed
- Destroyed sound plays when player is holding
- Deployed damage sound plays on shield instead of player
- Switches back to correct weapon after deploying
- No longer needs to be powered by a Turbine
- Gets destroyed after firing for 30 seconds
- Kills on any round in 1-4 shots (normally does 1200 damage max)
- Improved targeting
- No longer arcs downward
- No longer damages players
- Fixed an issue where the Turret would take damage from fire zombie death explosions
- Fixed an issue where the Turret sounds would continue playing after being picked up
- No longer needs to be powered by a Turbine
- Gets destroyed after being deployed for 30 seconds
- Kills on any round (normally stops killing after round 50)
- Kills zombies instantly
- Zombies that are on fire no longer explode on death
- No longer kills players without Jugger-Nog instantly
- Decreased player damage from 75 to 25
- Decreased player shellshock time from 2.5 seconds to 1.25 seconds
- Decreased startup time from 2 seconds to 0.5 seconds
- No longer needs to be powered by a Turbine
- No longer gets destroyed from kills
- Gets destroyed after being deployed for 30 seconds
- Fires every 2 seconds (normally has a longer delay depending on the amount of kills from the previous fire)
- No longer gets destroyed from kills
- Gets destroyed after activating 15 times
- Does fast cooldown when player activates
- Fixed an issue where players were not flung correctly when activating the Trample Steam while in the air
- No longer gets destroyed from kills
- Gets destroyed after activating 10 times
- Does multiple swings when player activates
- Kills zombies when placed on a ceiling
- Increased damage trigger width by 100%
- No longer deals damage during retract anims
- Changed head chop player damage to 50 (normally instantly kills without Jugger-Nog or deals 15 damage with Jugger-Nog)
- Changed body chop player damage to 25 (normally deals 75 damage to torso or 37 damage to feet)
- Fixed an issue where each chop would only damage entities that were touching the damage trigger during the previous chop
- Player does knuckle crack anim during conversion
- Requires player's current weapon to be the Blundergat to convert
- Requires player to be looking at the buildable table to convert
- Changed craft hint string from "Blundergat Upgrade" to "Acidgat Kit"
- Changed pick up hint string from "take your converted weapon" to "take Acidgat"
- Fixed buildable table not showing locked hint string
- Kills on any round in 1-4 shots (normally does 12000 damage max)
- Decreased active time from 90 seconds to 60 seconds
- Decreased cooldown time from 60 seconds to 30 seconds
- Added hint strings for purchased, can only be one, and cooling down
- Added HUD message for how to activate
- Buildable table model sits on top of the stand
- Rotated buildable table model 90 degrees
- Can no longer switch weapons or sprint while deploying
- Switches back to correct weapon after deploying
- Deposited points resets each game
- Gain 10% interest on deposited points at the end of each round
- No longer costs 100 points to withdraw
- Players can deposit and withdraw less than 1000 points
- Account balance displayed on HUD
- Disabled trading points
- Placed weapon resets each game
- Placed weapon gains max ammo at the end of each round
- Placed weapon displayed on HUD
- Automatically crafted
- Costs 100,000 points
- Ends the game
- All locations can be played on all game modes
- All quests can be completed with any amount of players
- All quests give players all perks on completion
- All quests play a song on completion after ending the current round
- Hellhounds spawn mid round starting at round 25 (4% chance to spawn)
- Initial perk is no longer always Quick Revive in solo
- Initial perk no longer always spawns in the starting area in solo
- Initial perk spawns at round 1 in coop
- Perks spawn every 5 rounds
- Increased intermission time from 7.5 seconds to 15 seconds
- Fixed Mystery Box floating in the sky at the start of the game
- Added AN-94 wallbuy at Town
- Added PDW-57 wallbuy at Bus Depot
- Added SVU-AS wallbuy at Cornfield
- Added PHD Flopper machine at Tunnel
- Added Deadshot Daiquiri machine at Cabin
- Added Mule Kick machine at Cornfield
- Added Who's Who machine at Power Station
- Added Mystery Box at Tunnel
- Added Mystery Box at Cornfield
- Power switch, Pack-a-Punch, and Diner hatch automatically crafted
- Any door that requires a Turbine to open is automatically open whenever the power is on
- Increased bus speed by 100%
- Added bus depart timer on HUD when player is on bus
- Added visor and hanging straps to the bus
- Players can sprint and go prone on the bus
- Powerups dropped within the bus are linked to the bus
- Bus wallbuy trigger functions the same as other wallbuy triggers
- Bus hatch starts off open but broken
- Zombie Shield and Jet Gun correctly kill zombies on the bus
- Lava in starting area activates after the power is on
- Lava destroys grenades instantly
- Lava damage no longer changes based on player's health
- Decreased light lava damage from 6 to 5
- Decreased fire zombie death explosion max damage from 30 to 15
- Player burning fx no longer shows to yourself
- Players can be revived in the fog easier
- Lamp post portals stay active until the lamp post is powered off
- Each lamp post portal teleports players to a set destination lamp post (randomizes each game)
- Decreased brightness at Power Station
- Changed spectator cycle color from grey to black
- Zombies killed by the bus no longer respawn
- Zombies no longer spawn in the Cornfield Building zone when in the Cornfield zone
- Zombies no longer spawn in the Cornfield zone when in the Cornfield Building zone
- Zombies spawn in the Warehouse zone when in the Outside Power Station zone before the Warehouse door is opened
- Zombies spawn in the Outside Power Station zone when in the Fog After Power Station zone
- Zombies spawn in the Warehouse zone when in the Fog After Power Station zone
- Added "Avenged Sevenfold - Carry On" song (activated by triggering the teddy bear at Farm last)
- Added "Skrillex - Try It Out" song (activated by triggering the teddy bear at Bus Depot last)
- Quest: added "Benn - Just Like You" song
- Quest: increased pylon powerup drop rate from 4-12 minutes to 2-6 minutes
- Quest (Maxis): Avogadro step only requires 1 Turbine under the pylon
- Quest (Maxis): Turbine can get destroyed by the EMP during the Avogadro step and it will still count as completed
- Quest (Maxis): lamp posts step requires all 8 lamp posts to get powered on by a Turbine
- Quest (Maxis): lamp posts step no longer requires all Turbines to be placed at the same time
- Quest (Maxis): fixed lamp post power on check being inaccurate
- Quest (Richtofen): lamp posts step requires all 8 lamp posts to get powered off by an EMP
- Quest (Richtofen): lamp posts step no longer requires all lamp posts to be powered off at the same time
- Survival & Grief: power doors are buyable doors
- Grief: added Ballistic Knife, Ray Gun, and Ray Gun Mark 2 to the Mystery Box
- Added missing fog fx to all game modes
- Added collision to area at Cornfield that was considered out of the map
- Fixed bus wheels moving around while the bus wasn't moving
- Fixed T.E.D.D. moving around while the bus was moving
- Fixed zombie riser spawn points that were too high above ground
- Fixed zombie pathing at Cornfield behind the pylon
- Fixed zombie pathing at Town in Bookstore
- Lava in starting area activates immediately
- Lava pit is accessible
- Wallbuys: SMR, MSMC, Remington 870 MCS, Galvaknuckles
- Perks: Jugger-Nog, Quick Revive, Speed Cola, Double Tap
- No Pack-a-Punch
- Zombies spawn in the Farm zone when in the Barn zone
- Replaced Galvaknuckles wallbuy with Claymore wallbuy (also added to Grief)
- Wallbuys: SMR, Ballista, MSMC, Vector K10, Remington 870 MCS, Bowie Knife
- Perks: Jugger-Nog, Quick Revive, Speed Cola, Double Tap, Tombstone Soda
- Pack-a-Punch
- Moved Quick Revive to Stamin-Up's location on Town
- Moved Stamin-Up to its location on Tranzit
- Moved Tombstone Soda to the laundry room front door
- Wallbuys: SMR, Ballista, Vector K10, SWAT-556 Semtex, Bowie Knife
- Perks: Jugger-Nog, Quick Revive, Speed Cola, Double Tap, Stamin-Up
- Pack-a-Punch
- Wallbuys: SMR, Ballista, B23R, MSMC, Vector K10, SWAT-556 Remington 870 MCS, Semtex, Claymore
- No perks
- Pack-a-Punch
- Added Stamin-Up machine at Orange Highrise Level 1A
- Added PHD Flopper machine at Escape Pod Ground
- Added Mystery Box at Blue Highrise area
- Added Mystery Box at Orange Highrise area
- Moved Mystery Box at Green Rooftop area from Green Rooftop Behind Restaurant zone to Green Rooftop Restaurant zone
- Removed key
- Elevators and escape pod can be called without key
- Added purchase cost to call elevators and escape pod
- Elevators can be locked at their current floor
- Escape pod can be used with any amount of players
- Escape pod can be called up or down
- Moved weapon locker to the downstairs fridge
- Quick Revive elevator randomizes with Speed Cola and Who's Who elevators
- Pack-a-Punch can be used while elevator is moving
- Doors that open the same zone in the Blue Highrise area open together
- Players no longer fall off the map when using the slide
- Zombies killed by an elevator no longer respawn
- Zombies are no longer killed while spawning in a stationary elevator
- Zombies no longer spawn in the Blue Rooftop area when in the Green Rooftop area
- Zombies no longer spawn across from the debris in the Orange Highrise area when the debris is closed
- Zombies no longer fall off the map when traversing down to the Green Rooftop Level 1A zone
- Leapers no longer fall off the map when traversing up to the Escape Pod Ground zone
- Fixed weapon model angle on upside down Mystery Box
- Fixed height of the elevators in the Blue Rooftop Level 1A zone
- Fixed position of an elevator perk in the Blue Highrise area and Blue Rooftop area
- Fixed zombies spawning in the elevator below the Green Rooftop Level 3B zone when in the Green Rooftop Level 3B zone
- Fixed zombies not bleeding out in the Green Rooftop Level 1B zone when the debris is closed and there are no players in the zone
- Fixed Who's Who vision filter showing momentarily when the game ended
- Quest: added "Benn - High Risers" song
- Quest: elevator symbols can be activated without players on every symbol
- Quest: elevator symbols stay active after activating once
- Quest: floor symbols can be activated in any order
- Quest: Trample Steam step only requires one Trample Steam to be placed in the correct position
- Quest: tower legs can be punched in any order
- Quest (Maxis): no longer have to shoot the upgraded Ballistic Knife after collecting the corpses
- Quest (Maxis): ball no longer requires a Trample Steam on the other side
- Quest (Richtofen): decreased number of Sliquifier shots required for each ball from 20 to 10
- Added Frag Grenade wallbuy at Candy Store Upstairs
- Added PHD Flopper machine at Lower Processing
- Added Deadshot Daiquiri machine at Mansion Backyard
- Added Tombstone Soda machine at General Store
- Removed Turbine, key, booze, and candy
- Power automatically on
- Noose and Guillotine parts automatically picked up
- Remington 870 MCS wallbuy chalk automatically drawn in the Center Tunnels zone
- Moved MSMC wallbuy to its location on Borough
- Moved buildable wallbuy in Courthouse to AN-94 wallbuy location on Borough
- Adjusted buildable wallbuy positions
- Drawing weapons no longer gives points
- Arthur barricades are buyable debris
- Arthur can be purchased to feed him candy and make him run around and kill zombies for 30 seconds
- Ghosts no longer spawn and go after players not in the Mansion during a ghost round
- Ghosts no longer drop free perk powerup if any player gets damaged by the ghosts
- Added controller aim assist to ghosts
- Fountain portal automatically active
- Players no longer take fall damage after using the fountain teleporter
- Players can no longer get into the corner next to Jugger-Nog
- Removed buildable table hint icons
- Added buildable table hint strings on buildable purchase
- Quest: added "Benn - Bury Me" song
- Quest: all 5 signs must be meleed for wisp to spawn
- Quest: changed number of targets that need to be hit to 20 multiplied by the amount of players
- Quest: perks given on completion are no longer permament
- Quest: completion button always activatable after completing the quest
- Quest (Maxis): no longer need to activate the Time Bomb to be able to spawn the 2nd wisp
- Quest (Maxis): no longer need to activate the lever in the Mansion before activating the bells
- Quest (Maxis): bells can be activated in any order
- Quest (Maxis): Richtofen zombie completion button reward can only drop powerup if killed by a player
- Quest (Maxis): Richtofen zombie completion button reward no longer gives player 500 points when killed
- Quest (Richtofen): can enter round infinity without having all players next to the Guillotine
- Quest (Richtofen): Maze levers can be activated in an order
- Quest (Richtofen): completion button reward increases weapon limit from 2 to 3
- Upper tunnels and bank area disabled
- Players spawn at Stables
- Mystery Box initially spawns at a random location
- Added B23R, SWAT-556, Claymore, and Bowie Knife wallbuys at their locations on Buried
- Added Remington 870 MCS wallbuy at Stables
- Added PDW-57 wallbuy at Morgue
- Added Vector K10 wallbuy at Saloon
- Added SVU-AS wallbuy at Church
- Added Galvaknuckles wallbuy behind the top of General Store & Bank
- Moved Quick Revive to Speed Cola's location on Borough
- Moved Speed Cola to its location on Buried
- Moved Stamin-Up to Vulture Aid's location on Buried
- Added Head Chopper buildable
- Buildables can spawn at Church buildable table
- Added better randomization for buildables
- Wallbuys: SMR, Ballista, B23R, PDW-57, AN-94, LSAT
- Perks: Jugger-Nog, Quick Revive, Speed Cola, Double Tap, Stamin-Up, Mule Kick
- Pack-a-Punch
- Perks and wallbuys within the maze are randomized each game
- Added custom loading screen
- Replaced Remington 870 MCS wallbuy at Citadel with Semtex wallbuy
- Added PHD Flopper machine at Showers
- Added Mule Kick machine at China Alley
- Added one-way teleporter at Docks
- 1 afterlife max in solo
- Entering afterlife from a shock box no longer takes away afterlife
- Entering afterlife no longer takes 2 additional seconds if the player had Electric Cherry
- Spawn facing towards the afterlife player model when entering afterlife
- Doors can no longer be purchased when entering afterlife
- Can no longer see other player's waypoints when in afterlife
- Afterlife player model has collision
- Moved afterlife icon to the left side of screen above health bar and zone name
- Afterlife icon fades when player has no afterlife lives
- Removed afterlife lives counter
- Key on HUD fades out
- Plane parts are shared in coop
- Plane parts must be all acquired to craft
- Plane no longer has to be refueled
- Plane reappears immediately after coming back from the Golden Gate Bridge
- Electric chairs appear immediately after crashing at the Golden Gate Bridge
- Zombies spawn sooner after crashing at the Golden Gate Bridge
- Decreased starting room doors cost from 1000 to 750
- Opening one of the starting room doors no longer opens the other
- Brutus no longer spawns if no doors have been opened
- Activating the laundry machine always spawns zombies instead of Brutus
- Docks gate no longer closes when shock box is shocked in afterlife
- Decreased brightness of perk machines
- Improved perk machine flicker
- Players no longer respawn in the Acid Trap
- Added falling hands anim from Origins
- Added crafting sound and item pick up sound
- Acid Trap: kills on any round (normally stops killing after round 158 on PC)
- Acid Trap: kills zombies instantly
- Acid Trap: decreased player damage from 75% of max health to 50% of max health
- Acid Trap: increased time between player damage from 1 second to 1.5 seconds
- Tower Trap: kills on any round in 1 shot
- Tower Trap (upgraded): kills on any round in 1-2 shots
- Tower Trap (upgraded): stays upgraded until the end of the round
- Tower Trap (upgraded): can be upgraded while the trap is not active
- Tower Trap (upgraded): upgrading no longer resets the duration of the trap
- Zombies spawn in the Docks zone when in the Docks Gates zone
- Zombies spawn in the Docks Gates zone when in the Docks zone
- Removed background color from plane parts on HUD
- Changed name of Zombie Shield recipe on HUD from "Shield" to "Zombie Shield"
- Changed background color of Zombie Shield parts on HUD from green to grey
- Changed background color of Acidgat Kit parts on HUD from blue to green
- Quest: added "Benn - Alcatraz" song
- Quest: Blundergat gets full ammo when picked up (normally missing one clip)
- Quest: number pad only needs each number to be shocked once in order to complete
- Quest: can enter the plane in afterlife with any amount of players
- Quest: can enter the plane in afterlife without Weasel
- Quest: if Weasel is the only player in the game, the cycle breaks immediately after being revived from the electric chairs
- Quest: if Weasel is not in the game, the cycle continues immediately after all players are revived from the electric chairs
- Quest: fixed revive triggers behaving incorrectly when reviving players from the electric chairs
- Quest: players no longer get moved to different positions after all players are revived from the electric chairs
- Quest: added player health regeneration during showdown
- Quest: showdown target waypoint shows immediately after all players are revived from the electric chairs
- Quest: showdown target waypoint shows offscreen
- Fixed afterlife icon showing when initially in afterlife at the start of the game
- Fixed initial weapon raise anim happening after exiting afterlife
- Fixed being able to hit a death barrier when jumping off the Docks Bridge zone
- Zombies spawn in the Cell Block 3rd Floor zone
- Fixed players taking damage from the key spawn positions
- Fixed the electric fence in the Warden's Office making noise when bumping into it
- Wallbuys: SMR, Ballista, MSMC, Uzi, M1927
- Perks: Jugger-Nog, Electric Cherry
- Pack-a-Punch
- Grief: Tower Trap targets and stuns players
- Added Double Tap machine at Church
- Added PHD Flopper machine at The Crazy Place Fire Chamber
- Added Deadshot Daiquiri machine at Generator 2
- Added Electric Cherry machine at The Crazy Place Ice Chamber
- Door prices in solo cost the same as in coop
- Shovels automatically picked up
- Records automatically picked up
- Gramophone initially spawns at Excavation Site gramophone table
- Swapped spawn positions of certain staff parts to match the area where they are picked up at
- Musical parts on HUD change record color to show which table the gramophone is currently placed at
- Musical parts on HUD fade out
- Changed order of staff parts on HUD to match order of staff holders
- Staff parts on HUD correctly show that a player has a staff and a gem
- Staff parts on HUD no longer show that a player has a staff when it is crafted
- Changed order of Zombie Shield and Maxis Drone recipes on HUD
- Changed background color of Maxis Drone parts on HUD from green to orange
- Golden helmet shows at the same spot as golden shovel
- Moved challenge medals and tablet icon above health bar and zone name
- Added attachment name on HUD for upgraded attachment weapons
- Increased volume of crafting sound and item pick up sound
- Generators: changed cost from 200-800 depending on how many players to 500
- Generators: increased capture reward points from 100 to 500
- Generators: changed capture time from 10-40 seconds depending on how many players to 20 seconds
- Generators: increased decay time from 20 seconds to 40 seconds
- Generators: always give back refund points if player was on the generator when captured
- Generators: can no longer start capturing if another generator is being captured by zombies
- Generators: no longer lose capture progress if any players are on the generator when zombies are capturing
- Generators: no longer gain capture progress if no players are on the generator when recapturing
- Generators: capture round zombies only drop Max Ammo if killed before taking first generator
- Generators: capture round zombie waypoint no longer shows offscreen
- Generators: added capture round zombie waypoint to all capture round zombies
- Generators: fixed capture round zombies not dropping Max Ammo when killed by a staff
- Generators: fixed an issue where recapture sound and fx would play twice
- Giant Robots: each robot has an openable foot when 3 robots are active
- Giant Robots: zombie limit no longer decreased to 22 when 3 robots are active
- Tank: players can go prone on the tank
- Tank: powerups dropped within the tank are linked to the tank
- Tank: standing on the tread pushes the player forward instead of backward if the tank is moving
- Tank: changed cooldown to 30 seconds (normally 2-120 seconds depending on how long players were on the tank)
- Tank: no longer free to activate if called
- Teleporters: stay active after picking up gramophone
- Teleporters: placing gramophone activates The Crazy Place teleporters
- Teleporters: players face away from the teleporters when returning from The Crazy Place
- Teleporters: players can teleport while prone
- Mystery Box: added STG-44 Quickdraw Handle
- Mystery Box: removed B23R Extended Clip
- Mystery Box: Five-seven Dual Wield can no longer be obtained if player has Five-seven
- Mystery Box: Five-seven Dual Wield ammo can be purchased from Five-seven wallbuys
- Mystery Box: rotated weapon model angle 180 degrees
- Mystery Box: uses the same trade weapon hint string as other maps
- Der Wunderfizz: increased cost from 1500 to 2500
- Der Wunderfizz: all perks have an equal chance of being obtained
- Der Wunderfizz: moves to new location instantly
- Der Wunderfizz: players only see perk bottles cycling that they can currently obtain
- Der Wunderfizz: perk bottle model shows at correct position when it first appears
- Rituals of the Ancients: spend points challenge reward changed from Double Tap perk to a random perk that the player does not have (perk does not change if reward is reopened)
- Rituals of the Ancients: fixed not being able to pick up One Inch Punch from reward chest after disconnecting and reconnecting to a match
- Soul boxes: decreased number of souls to close from 30 to 20
- Dig spots: decreased number of digs to obtain golden shovel from 30 to 20
- Dig spots: changed number of digs to obtain golden helmet to 40 (normally 5% chance to obtain after obtaining golden shovel)
- Dig spots: dug up weapons get full ammo when picked up (normally missing one clip)
- Perk bottle dig spots: give random perk
- Perk bottle dig spots: visible and diggable without Zombie Blood
- Perk bottle dig spots: increased number of rounds for next dig spot to spawn from 1 to 4
- Quest: added "Benn - The Divider" song
- Quest (ascend from darkness step): 3 robots are always active during this step
- Quest (ascend from darkness step): staffs can be placed at any staff holder
- Quest (ascend from darkness step): fixed an issue where staffs were able to be picked up at their build location when placed in the staff holders
- Quest (rain fire step): button no longer deactivates after activating
- Quest (unleash the horde step): decreased amount of Panzersoldats that spawn from 8 to 4
- Quest (unleash the horde step): Panzersoldat round and this step can no longer happen at the same time
- Quest (raise hell step): all staffs must be fully charged for souls to be collected
- Quest (raise hell step): zombies in The Crazy Place get knocked down during the screen flash after collecting all of the souls
- Quest (freedom step): teleport trigger can be triggered without looking at it
- Fixed being able to hit a death barrier when jumping off the Above Generator 3 Bunker zone
- Fixed front part of tank model spawning in the Excavation Site Level 2 zone
- Group of competitive game modes
- Unlimited zombies
- 2500 health zombies (25000 health boss zombies)
- 0.5 second zombie spawn rate
- Only sprinting zombies
- Crawlers bleed out if they have not dealt or taken damage within 30 seconds
- Boss zombies spawn every 4-6 minutes (on maps that have them)
- Unlimited powerups
- Unlimited barrier rebuild points
- Unupgraded weapons stun enemy players for 0.5 seconds
- Upgraded weapons stun enemy players for 0.75 seconds
- Melee weapons stun enemy players for 0.75 seconds
- Meleeing enemy players with an upgraded melee weapon pushes 33% more
- Meleeing enemy players that are in the air pushes 100% more
- Meleeing enemy players that are crouched pushes 33% less
- Meleeing enemy players that are prone pushes 66% less
- Meleeing enemy players that are reviving pushes 50% less
- Meleeing enemy players that are already stunned from weapons will push and restun them
- Ballistic knife projectile pushes enemy players
- Claymores are no longer triggered by enemy players
- Stun fx is linked to the player
- Stun fx shows in the correct position for projectiles
- Stunning enemy players steals 100 points from them
- Downing enemy players awards 500 points
- Landing on top of an enemy player that is prone downs them
- Increased max radius for landing on top of an enemy player by 16.66%
- Decreased max height for landing on top of an enemy player by 50%
- Starting weapon (upgraded): decreased stock ammo by half
- Max Ammo: decreased amount of ammo given from max stock to one clip
- Max Ammo: unloads clip of all enemy players' weapons and takes away their grenades and claymores
- Double Points: decreased duration from 30 seconds to 15 seconds
- Double Points: enemy players gain half points
- Insta Kill: decreased duration from 30 seconds to 15 seconds
- Insta Kill: enemy players deal half damage
- Nuke: enemy players lose 400 points
- Nuke: deals 75 damage to all alive enemy players
- Nuke: makes all downed enemy players bleed out
- Added new CDC and CIA revive waypoint icons
- Added kill feed (includes downs, revives, and bleed outs)
- Added player kills on scoreboard (replaces headshots)
- Scoreboard always shows your team on top
- Spawn points are assigned to a team
- Added limited weapon check for saved weapons on bleed out
- Properly restores dual wield weapon left clip ammo, alt weapon ammo, and equipment on respawn
- Player offscreen waypoint arrow only shows for your team
- Can only spectate your team
- Added option to change teams in game
- Gain score by making enemy players bleed out
- Make 10 enemy players bleed out to win the game
- Bleeding out enemy players awards 1000 points to all teammates
- Players respawn after being down for 10 seconds
- Players retain perks
- Win a round by getting all enemy players down
- Win 3 rounds to win the game
- Tie round if both teams die within 5 seconds of eachother
- Players start each round with at least 10000 points
- Bleeding out enemy players awards 1000 points to all teammates
- Amount of players alive on each team shown on HUD
- Enemies remaining audio and text displays when enemy players down instead of when enemy players bleed out
- Last player alive audio only plays for the player who is alive instead of every player on the team
- Audio plays when enemy players bleed out
- Teams switch spawn points each round
- Players respawn at initial spawn points
- Gain score by getting zombie kills or getting enemy players down
- Gain 500 score to win the game
- Killing a zombie awards 1 score
- Killing a boss zombie awards 10 score
- Getting an enemy player down awards 10 score
- Reviving an ally player awards 5 score
- Grabbing a Nuke powerup awards 10 score
- Players respawn after being down for 10 seconds
- Players retain perks
- Gain score by being the team with the most players alive in the containment zone
- Gain 250 score to win the game
- Contested if both teams have the same amount of players alive in the containment zone
- Both teams gain score at half rate when contested
- Zombies only go after players in the containment zone
- Zombies in the containment zone die when it moves
- Players in the containment zone gain 50 points when their team gains score
- Containment zone moves every 60 seconds
- Next containment zone waypoint shown when there is 10 seconds left on current containment zone
- Amount of players alive in the containment zone on each team shown on HUD
- Players respawn after being down for 10 seconds
- Players retain perks
- Gain score by being the team holding the meat
- Gain 200 score to win the game
- Meat powerup always drops from the first zombie killed
- Player holding the meat gains 100 points when their team gains score
- Downing while holding the meat drops it as a powerup
- Throwing the meat on the ground drops it as a powerup
- Throwing the meat onto another player makes them grab the meat
- Decreased meat powerup time on the ground by half
- Team holding the meat shown on HUD
- Players respawn after being down for 10 seconds
- Players retain perks
- No Mystery Box
- No Pack-a-Punch
- No held melee weapons
- Limited sprint