Installation Guide
- Locate the directory where you want to install the project. Clone the repository by typing 'git clone'
- Navigate into the project by typing cd ./project_chitchat_api
- Ensure you have both Python Installation and the poetry package manager Installation.
- Type 'poetry install' to install all neccesary dependencies.
- Type 'poetry run python src/myApp/' Please note a .env file will need to be provided in order to get the project to work as intended.
Development Guide Yo, I have no clue why but poetry and Visual Studio Code DO NOT play nice on either of my computers by default. If you're having issues, try this.
- 'poetry cache clear --all pypoetry'
- 'poetry env use python3.13' -> will print a long path: smthin like .\pypoetry\Cache\virtualenvs\project-chitchat-api-oin7xhOD-py3.13
- 'poetry install'
- 'poetry env activate'
- Ctrl + Shift + P -> 'Python:Select Interpreter' -> use the path from step 2
- Close and reopen VS Code