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Listen2Help API

NodeJS API for Listen2Help App that help therapists connect with their patients.

Contribution Guidelines

  • One commit per subtask
  • Title in English, beginning with a verb in the present
  • The title must not reach 50 characters

Comments for the commits

  • Completed subtask: taskCode + title
  • Unfinished subtask: taskCode + WIP + title

Getting Started

First time cloning the repo?

Make sure you have NodeJS installed.
Then clone the Repo and run npm install or npm i to install node modules.

Development server

Run npm start to run the server in http://localhost:8080/.
Of course, you can change the port in the .env file.

Coding Guidelines

Every file that is created, must follow the following standard: file_name.{sorter}.js.

  • Where {sorter} means the name of the source file we are creating. Example: name.controller.js, name.middleware.js or name.route.js.

Variables should be named with CamelCase and must represent the action for which they were created.

Controller's functions

The name must represent the action for which they were developed. Example: GetTherapistById or PostTherapist.

Endpoint's routes

These endpoints are defined in its own route file. And every route file is instantiated in the endpoints.js file.

Endpoint routes names must follow the following standards:

  • Get multiple resources or post a new one: /controller_name.
  • Get, edit and delete single resource: /controller_name/resource_id.

Endpoint's response messages

In the project you'll find the constants.shared.js file, where you can declare every message that is sent as a response to the client.

Endpoint's response status

  • 200 OK: When is a successful request.
  • 201 Created: When is a successful PUT request.
  • 400 Bad Request: When something is wrong in the request, as a bad data type, or a field not entered, etc.
  • 404 Not found: When there are not found resources in the request.
  • 500 Internal Server Error: Used when you catch problems on the server.


Listen2Help API built with Node.js






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