GammaRay 2.2.0
Highlights of this Release:
- New translation inspector plug-in.
- New signal monitor and object lifetime plotter plug-in.
- Support displaying of QQmlListProperty contents.
- Expose signal/slot spy callback API to plug-ins.
- Improved state machine visualization using KDSME.
- Support for QQmlTimer in the timertop plug-in.
- Support exporting of QResource data.
- Improved QSGMaterial viewer.
- Various performance improvements for the QtQuick2 remote preview.
- Improved Qt 5.4 compatibility.
- Fix handling of large images in the resource browser.
- Support for manually emitting signals, and improved method display.
Prebuilt (against Qt4) packages for some popular Linux distributions can be found at:
For more information about GammaRay, please visit