Reveal of Domain Effect: Xingyu Chen, Yue Lu, Zhengxing Wu, Junzhi Yu, Li Wen.
"Reveal of Domain Effect: How Visual Restoration Contributes to Object Detection in Aquatic Scenes."
ArXiv (2020). [paper] Very Interesting Insights on Image Restoration and Object Detection!!🌟 -
RoIMix: Wei-Hong Lin, Jia-Xing Zhong, Shan Liu, Thomas Li, Ge Li.
"RoIMix: Proposal-Fusion among Multiple Images for Underwater Object Detection."
ArXiv (2019). [paper] [知乎] -
Hongbo Yang, Ping Liu, YuZhen Hu, JingNan Fu.
"Research on Underwater Object Recognition Based on YOLOv3."
Microsystem Technologies (2020). [paper] -
UWCNN: Chongyi Li, Saeed Anwar, Fatih Porikli.
"Underwater Scene Prior Inspired Deep Underwater Image and Video Enhancement."
Pattern Recognition (2020). [paper] [code] -
Yuan Zhou, Kangming Yan.
"Domain Adaptive Adversarial Learning Based on Physics Model Feedback for Underwater Image Enhancement."
ArXiv (2020). [paper] -
UWGAN: Nan Wang, Yabin Zhou, Fenglei Han, Haitao Zhu, Yaojing Zheng.
"UWGAN: Underwater GAN for Real-world Underwater Color Restoration and Dehazing."
ArXiv (2019). [paper] [code] -
AIO: Pritish Uplavikar, Zhenyu Wu, Zhangyang Wang.
"All-In-One Underwater Image Enhancement using Domain-Adversarial Learning."
CVPRW (2019). [paper] [code] -
UWStereoNet: Katherine A. Skinner, Junming Zhang, Elizabeth A. Olson, Matthew Johnson-Roberson.
"UWStereoNet: Unsupervised Learning for Depth Estimation and Color Correction of Underwater Stereo Imagery."
ICRA (2019). [paper] [code]Only for Disparity
Water-Net: Chongyi Li, Chunle Guo, Wenqi Ren, Runmin Cong, Junhui Hou, Sam Kwong, Dacheng Tao.
"An Underwater Image Enhancement Benchmark Dataset and Beyond."
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (2019) [paper] [project] -
WaterGAN: Jie Li, Katherine A. Skinner, Ryan Eustice, M. Johnson-Roberson.
"WaterGAN: Unsupervised Generative Network to Enable Real-time Color Correction of Monocular Underwater Images."
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (2017). [paper] [code]
RUIE: Risheng Liu, Xin Fan, Ming Zhu, Minjun Hou, Zhongxuan Luog.
"Real-world Underwater Enhancement: Challenges, Benchmarks, and Solution."
ArXiv (2019). [paper] [project] -
UDD: Zhihui Wang, Chongwei Liu, Shijie Wang, Tao Tang, Yulong Tao, Caifei Yang, Haojie Li, Xing Liu, Xin Fan.
"An Underwater Open-sea Farm Object Detection Dataset for Underwater Robot Picking."
[paper] -
UIEB: Chongyi Li, Chunle Guo, Wenqi Ren, Runmin Cong, Junhui Hou, Sam Kwong, Dacheng Tao.
"An Underwater Image Enhancement Benchmark Dataset and Beyond."
IEEE TIP (2019) [paper] [project] -
Yan Wang, Wei Song, Giancarlo Fortino, Li-Zhe Qi, Wenqiang Zhang, Antonio Liotta.
"An Experimental-Based Review of Image Enhancement and Image Restoration Methods for Underwater Imaging."
IEEE Access (2019). [paper] [code] -
Saeed Anwar, Chongyi Li, Fatih Porikli.
"Deep Underwater Image Enhancement."
ArXiv (2018). [paper] -
Min Han, Zhiyu Lyu, Tie Qiu, Meiling Xu.
"A Review on Intelligence Dehazing and Color Restoration for Underwater Images."
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems (2018). [paper] -
URPC2018: [download from Google Drive] [download from DUT Pan]
This dataset is for the URPC2018 challenge (http://2018.cnurpc.org/) and is for research purpose only.
南京师大学报(自然科学版) (2020) [论文] -
北京航空航天大学学报 (2019) [论文] -
计算机工程与应用 (2019) [论文]
水下目标检测竞赛介绍(光学)202003 [Slides]
some underwater datasets: https://github.com/xahidbuffon/underwater_datasets
detectron2: https://github.com/facebookresearch/detectron2
[model zoo] [detectron] [maskrcnn-benchmark] -
mmdetection: https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmdetection
[model zoo] -
tensorflow detection model zoo: https://github.com/tensorflow/models/blob/master/research/object_detection/g3doc/detection_model_zoo.md
simpledet: https://github.com/TuSimple/simpledet
[model zoo] -
darknet/yolo: https://pjreddie.com/darknet/
awesome-object-detection: https://github.com/amusi/awesome-object-detection
Zhengxia Zou, Zhenwei Shi, Yuhong Guo, Jieping Ye.
"Object Detection in 20 Years: A Survey."
ArXiv (2019). [paper]:star2: -
Li Liu, Wanli Ouyang, Xiaogang Wang, Paul Fieguth, Jie Chen, Xinwang Liu, Matti Pietikäinen.
"Deep Learning for Generic Object Detection: A Survey."
IJCV (2019). [paper]:star2: -
Zhi Zhang, Tong He, Hang Zhang, Zhongyue Zhang, Junyuan Xie, Mu Li.
"Bag of Freebies for Training Object Detection Neural Networks."
ArXiv (2019). [paper]:star2: -
About Anchor-free Object Detection:
[物体检测的轮回: anchor-based 与 anchor-free] -
TensorRT: https://developer.nvidia.com/tensorrt