This repository contains the source code for LambdaTest's Espresso Gradle plugin.
The functions of this plugin are:
- Uploads any
app (.apk) andEspresso
Test Suite app (.apk) file. - Execute Espresso tests on LambdaTest.
To use this plugin in your project, please do the following:
buildscript {
repositories {
maven {
url ""
dependencies {
classpath "io.github.lambdatest:lambdatest-gradle-plugin:1.0.0"
apply plugin: "io.github.lambdatest.gradle"
runLambdaTest {
username = 'yourLambdaTestUsername'
accessKey = 'yourLambdaTestAccessKey'
appFilePath = 'pathToYourAppFile'
testSuiteFilePath = 'pathToYourTestSuite'
device = 'desiredDeviceForTesting'
isFlutter = true //if you are running flutter dart tests
appId = "lt//1234343" //provide this only if you have already uploaded the app
testSuiteId = "lt//1223444" //provide this only if you have already uploaded the app
uploadApkToLambdaTest {
username = 'yourLambdaTestUsername'
accessKey = 'yourLambdaTestAccessKey'
appFilePath = 'pathToYourAppFile'
testSuiteFilePath = 'pathToYourTestSuite'
The following capabilities are supported:
: Enter the app id generated while uploading the app. Example:lt://APP123456789123456789 -
: Enter the test suite id generated while uploading the test suite. Example: lt://APP123456789123456789 -
: Enter the name and os version of the device in “DeviceName-OSVersion” format. Example: Pixel 3 XL-9 or Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G-11. -
: Generate video for all the tests that have run. Example: true. -
: Enter the time in seconds after which you want your build to timeout from queue. Example: 300. -
: Enter the time in seconds for maximum running time on a test in the build. Example: 120. -
: Boolean value to generate device logs. Example: true. -
: Set the name of the Espresso test build. Example: My Espresso Build. -
: Set the geolocation country code if you want to enable the same in your test. Example - FR. -
: Set tunnel as true and provide the tunnelName such as NewTunnel as needed if you are running a tunnel. -
: Path of your app file (this will be uploaded to LambdaTest) -
: Path of your test suite apk file (this will be uploaded to LambdaTest)
./gradlew runLambdaTest
./gradlew uploadApkToLambdaTest
LambdaTest is a cloud based selenium grid infrastructure that can help you run automated cross browser compatibility tests on 2000+ different browser and operating system environments. LambdaTest supports all programming languages and frameworks that are supported with Selenium, and have easy integrations with all popular CI/CD platforms. It's a perfect solution to bring your selenium automation testing to cloud based infrastructure that not only helps you increase your test coverage over multiple desktop and mobile browsers, but also allows you to cut down your test execution time by running tests on parallel.
Licensed under the APACHE license.