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Pull requests that update a dependency file
This issue raised during a MISP training
help wanted
help wanted
This is an issue that community can help with
missing cluster
missing cluster
This issue involves a missing cluster
missing relationships
missing relationships
new galaxy
new galaxy
This issue involves the addition of a new galaxy
Pull requests that update python code
R: duplicate
R: duplicate
Resolution: duplicate. This issue duplicates an existing issue
R: invalid
R: invalid
Resolution: invalid. This is not a valid issue
R: not our bug
R: not our bug
Resolution: not our bug. We are not responsible for the issue reported
R: wontfix
R: wontfix
Resolution: wontfix. The developers have decided not to fix this
S: in progress
S: in progress
Status: in progress. Ticket is currently being worked on
S: needs review
S: needs review
Status: needs review. This issue needs a review before being closed
S: stale
S: stale
Status: stale. This issue has had no activity in a long time, it may not be relevant anymore
S: todo
S: todo
Status: todo. This issue will be addressed soon
T: bug
T: bug
Type: bug report.This issue describing unexpected behaviour
T: enhancement
T: enhancement
Type: enhancement. This issue is not a bug, it improves an existing feature
T: support
T: support
Type: support. This issue is seeking support on a problem or question
topic: att&ck
topic: att&ck
This issue involves the MITRE ATT&CK framework
topic: ransomware
topic: ransomware
This issue involves ransomware
topic: risp
topic: risp
This issue involves risp