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Releases: MalloZup/doghub

0.3.0 organisation support

05 Aug 21:59
Choose a tag to compare

organisations monitoring recursive support [experimental]

05 Aug 21:57
Choose a tag to compare


An user can instead of a list of repos entry a list or organisations.
This will monitor staled issue or PR in recursive way to all repository..


  • given an org: foo, if foo contains 3 repository, doghub will search for staled isssue and PRs in all of this 3 repository.

In the same way:

  • if an user give a list of orgs like ["foo", "bar"], doghub will do the same first for foo repository and then for bar

Pull-requests stale monitor

31 Jul 17:32
Choose a tag to compare

dog dance

30 Jul 23:03
Choose a tag to compare


  • boostrap doghub skelton
  • [FEATURE ] check old issue of a list of repositories. USER can choose the maximum day tollerated