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This repository was archived by the owner on Aug 23, 2018. It is now read-only.
Martin Gill edited this page Nov 3, 2017 · 1 revision

Welcome to the SubnauticaWatcher wiki!


  1. Clone the repository
  2. Open solution in Visual Studio 2017
  3. Edit the project settings to put the output location to your subnautica directory
  4. Compile the project/solution.
  5. Download dnSpy, unzip it somewhere and start it.
  6. Browse to "Managed" folder in Subnautica (Steam\steamapps\common\Subnautica\Subnautica_Data\Managed)
  7. Make a backup copy of Assembly-CSharp.dll
  8. Verify that the SubnauticaWatcherMod.dll is in that folder. (If not, go back to step 2.)
  9. Open Assembly-CSharp.dll from (Steam\steamapps\common\Subnautica\Subnautica_Data\Managed)
  10. Expand the assembly structure.
  11. Find GameInput class
  12. Find Awake() method
  13. Right-Click and select Edit Method...
  14. At the bottom left of the new window click on "Add Assembly" icon.
  15. Select the SubnauticaWatcherMod.dll and click "Open".
  16. In the last line of the method (after the "for" loop) add: SubnauticaWatcherMod.Patching.Patcher.Patch();
  17. Click "Compile"
  18. Select menu "File" -> "Save All", then click ok.
  19. Close dnSpy
  20. Run Subnautica, start/load a game
  21. Start a browser (I've only tested with Chrome) and go to http\:localhost:63030

Notes about the map

  • The data comes from the Wiki and is not entirely accurate.
  • If you want to just see the plain map, or different maps, use the "layers" menu at the top right.
  • Bottom Left ("P") is the player position
  • Bottom Right ("M") is the cursor position
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