This is a Project Euler attempt. The catch is that every challenge will be completed in a different programming language.
Euler's Melting Pot is also being run as an educational YouTube series, where I talk about the code I've written here. See
Full details of the various solutions are listed below, but for the sake of easy reference, here is an alphabetized list of the languages that have been used in these challenges so far.
- *><>
- ///
- 05AB1E
- 1.1
- 11l
- 42
- ><>
- ><>\\.:.
- Actually
- Ada
- Agda
- ALGOL 68
- Alice
- Anti-Array
- Arc
- ArkScript
- AssemblyScript
- AutoHotkey
- Aya
- Batch
- bc
- BeanShell
- Beeswax
- Befalse
- Befreak
- Befunge
- Befunk
- Brachylog
- Brainf**k
- Brat
- Broccoli
- Burlesque
- Bussin
- C#
- Ceylon
- Chef
- ChoiceScript
- CJam
- Coconut
- Comefrom0x10
- 🆒
- Csh
- Cubix
- Cyclone
- D
- Dafny
- Dhall
- Dictu
- Dip
- Dogescript
- Dry
- Dylan
- Earl Grey
- ed
- Eiffel
- ELisp
- Elixir
- Emoji
- Emoticon
- Emotinomicon
- Enchilada
- Erlang
- 𝔼𝕊𝕄𝕚𝕟
- Factor
- Factorio
- Falcon
- Fennel
- FiM++
- Fish
- Folders
- Forth
- Fortran
- Fourier
- Funciton
- Game Builder Garage
- Genie
- Gibberish
- Glava
- Gleam
- GNU Octave
- Go
- Golfscript
- Grocery List
- Gwion
- Hanabi
- Hexagony
- Hy
- Hyperscript
- i
- Icon
- IntercalScript
- Io
- Ioke
- J
- Japt
- Jasmin
- Javagony
- Javagrid
- Jelly
- Joy
- JSF**k
- Julia
- K
- Kitten
- Labyrinth
- LaTeX
- Lean
- LilyPond
- m4
- Make
- MagiStack
- Math++
- Microsoft Excel
- Minecraft
- Minus
- MontiLang
- MoonScript
- Mouse-2002
- naz
- Nemerle
- Nial
- Nim
- Nit
- Oasis
- Oberon-07
- Objective-C
- OCaml
- Odin
- Oxide
- Pascal
- Parrot IR
- Perchance
- Picat
- Pickle
- Piet
- Pike
- Pikt
- Pip
- Pizza
- Pony
- Potassco
- Prolog
- Pyf**ck
- Pyth
- Pyramid Scheme
- Rebol
- Rockstar
- Roy
- Rust
- Scratch
- sed
- Seriously
- Shakespeare
- Skib-Lang
- Smalltalk
- Snowman
- Standard ML
- Stuck
- SuperCollider
- Swift
- Taxi
- Tcl
- Tome
- Tovie
- TypeScript
- V
- Vala
- Vale
- Verilog
- Visual Basic .NET
- WebAssembly
- Wenyan
- Whirl
- Whitespace
- Wren
- Wyvern
- X10
- Z
- Zig
- zkl
- Zsh
- File:
- Language: Golfscript
- Compiler / Interpreter:
- Notes: (None)
- File:
- Language: Brainf**k
- Compiler / Interpreter:
- Notes: This code was written with the help of a Lisp translator program.
- File: problem3.ijs
- Language: J
- Compiler / Interpreter: The de facto standard
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem4.bat
- Language: Batch
- Compiler / Interpreter: Windows CMD
- Notes: This one is really slow. Interestingly, it seems to be not the palindrome check but the multiplication that slows it down.
- File: problem5.jelly
- Language: Jelly
- Compiler / Interpreter: TIO Nexus
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem6.hxg
- Language: Hexagony
- Compiler / Interpreter: The reference implementation
- Notes: (None)
- File:
- Language: Whitespace
- Compiler / Interpreter: TIO Nexus
- Notes: This code was written with the help of a Lisp translator program.
- File:
- Language: Io
- Compiler / Interpreter: The official implementation
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem9.spl
- Language: Shakespeare
- Compiler / Interpreter: Lingua::Shakespeare
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem10.cjam
- Language: CJam
- Compiler / Interpreter: TIO Nexus
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem11.s
- Language: NASM
- Compiler / Interpreter: NASM + GCC Linker
- Notes: 64-bit architectures, only. Uses Windows calling convention; to run on Linux, call puts with RDI rather than RCX.
- File: problem12.ab
- Language: 05AB1E
- Compiler / Interpreter: TIO Nexus
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem13.sed
- Language: sed
- Compiler / Interpreter: GNU sed
- Notes: Other sed implementations may not work. Must supply
as input.
- File:
- Language: Smalltalk
- Compiler / Interpreter:
- Notes: The interpreter seems to run faster in Google Chrome.
- File:
- Language: Prolog
- Compiler / Interpreter: SWI Prolog
- Notes: Uses some SWI-specific database features; may not work in other Prolog implementations.
- File: problem16.lab
- Language: Labyrinth
- Compiler / Interpreter: TIO Nexus
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem17.slsh
- Language: ///
- Compiler / Interpreter: The included Perl script
- Notes: A surprisingly efficient solution, given the choice of language.
- File:
- Language: Make
- Compiler / Interpreter: GNU Make
- Notes: Other Make implementations may not work.
- File: problem19.bas
- Language: QBASIC
- Compiler / Interpreter:
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem20.pyth
- Language: Pyth
- Compiler / Interpreter: TIO Nexus
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem21.apl
- Language: APL
- Compiler / Interpreter:
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem22.exs
- Language: Elixir
- Compiler / Interpreter: The standard compiler
- Notes: Depends on
- File: problem23.go
- Language: Go
- Compiler / Interpreter: The standard compiler
- Notes: (None)
- File:
- Language: Csh
- Compiler / Interpreter: Tcsh
- Notes: Uses a rather unusual algorithm to manually generate each digit.
- File: problem25.png
- Language: Piet
- Compiler / Interpreter: rpiet
- Notes: Piet interpreter must have bignum integers, not fixed size.
- File:
- Language: Zsh
- Compiler / Interpreter: Zsh
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem27.ik
- Language: Ioke
- Compiler / Interpreter: Ioke for the JVM
- Notes: A somewhat slow solution.
- File:
- Language: Befunge
- Compiler / Interpreter:
- Notes: The immediate shift on the first row is necessary; the first row is used for storage in this program.
- File: problem29.srs
- Language: Seriously
- Compiler / Interpreter: TIO Nexus
- Notes: The seemingly pointless union with the empty list at the end serves to remove duplicates.
- File: problem30.stk
- Language: Stuck
- Compiler / Interpreter: The official interpreter
- Notes: The interpreter seems to require some minor modification to work with Unicode on some systems, a somewhat slow solution.
- File: problem31.sml
- Language: Standard ML
- Compiler / Interpreter: TIO Nexus
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem32.cbl
- Language: COBOL
- Compiler / Interpreter:
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem33.xsl
- Language: XSLT
- Compiler / Interpreter: Mozilla Firefox
- Notes: Load
to run the XSLT code; requires disablingsecurity.fileuri.strict_origin_policy
on Firefox due to local system security constraints.
- File: problem34.f95
- Language: Fortran
- Compiler / Interpreter:
- Notes: (None)
- File:
- Language OCaml
- Compiler / Interpreter: OCaml on Windows
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem36.fth
- Language: Forth
- Compiler / Interpreter:
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem37.jsf
- Language: JSF**k
- Compiler / Interpreter: The provided runner
- Notes: Code was generated with the help of the official website's translator.
- File: problem38.bas
- Language: JustBASIC
- Compiler / Interpreter: The provided IDE
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem39.adb
- Language: Ada
- Compiler / Interpreter:
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem40.tex
- Language: LaTeX
- Compiler / Interpreter: MiKTeX
- Notes: May have to increase the memory limit, depending on OS.
- File: problem41.asm
- Language: MASM
- Compiler / Interpreter: MASM32
- Notes: A somewhat slow solution.
- File: problem42.j
- Language: Jasmin
- Compiler / Interpreter: The standard assembler
- Notes: Depends on
- File: problem43.tcl
- Language: Tcl
- Compiler / Interpreter: The standard interpreter
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem44.xlsm
- Language: VBA
- Compiler / Interpreter: Microsoft Excel 2013
- Notes: Run the macro
; code is available at etc/problem44.bas.
- File:
- Language: ><>
- Compiler / Interpreter:
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem46.matl
- Language: MATL
- Compiler / Interpreter: The official interpreter
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem47.sno
- Language: SNOBOL
- Compiler / Interpreter: CSNOBOL4
- Notes: A very slow solution.
- File: problem48.sb2
- Language: Scratch
- Compiler / Interpreter: The project editor
- Notes: Screenshot is available at etc/Scratch/problem48.png.
- File:
- Language: CIL
- Compiler / Interpreter: Mono
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem50.alg
- Language: ALGOL 68
- Compiler / Interpreter:
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem51.d
- Language: D
- Compiler / Interpreter: DMD
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem52.wren
- Language: Wren
- Compiler / Interpreter: The reference implementation
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem53.sfish
- Language: *><>
- Compiler / Interpreter: The official interpreter
- Notes: (None)
- File:
- Language: Rust
- Compiler / Interpreter: The standard compiler
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem55.pas
- Language: Pascal
- Compiler / Interpreter:
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem56.bc
- Language: bc
- Compiler / Interpreter: GNU bc
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem57.factor
- Language: Factor
- Compiler / Interpreter: The official interpreter
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem58.el
- Language: ELisp
- Compiler / Interpreter: GNU Emacs
- Notes: A somewhat slow solution.
- File: problem59.pike
- Language: Pike
- Compiler / Interpreter: The official interpreter
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem60.gml
- Language: Game Maker Language
- Compiler / Interpreter: GMLive
- Notes: The interpreter seems to run faster in Google Chrome.
- File: problem61.ily
- Language: LilyPond
- Compiler / Interpreter: The official interpreter
- Notes: Outputs result to PDF.
- File: problem62.roy
- Language: Roy
- Compiler / Interpreter: The provided compiler
- Notes: May have to increase maximum stack size to run.
- File: problem63.ench
- Language: Enchilada
- Compiler / Interpreter: The official interpreter
- Notes: This code was compiled with the help of a Perl translator program.
- File: problem64.m4
- Language: m4
- Compiler / Interpreter: GNU m4
- Notes: Other m4 implementations may not work.
- File: problem65.fnc
- Language: Funciton
- Compiler / Interpreter: The official interpreter
- Notes: A somewhat slow solution.
- File: problem66.bean
- Language: BeanShell
- Compiler / Interpreter: TIO Nexus
- Notes: (None)
- File:
- Language: Grocery List
- Compiler / Interpreter: Archived interpreter
- Notes: Code was written with the help of a Lisp translator program. Pipe
as standard input. File must have Unix line endings.
- File: problem68.ll
- Language: LLVM IR
- Compiler / Interpreter: The official compiler
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem69.m
- Language: Objective-C
- Compiler / Interpreter: GCC
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem70.Mod
- Language: Oberon-07
- Compiler / Interpreter: OBNC
- Notes: A somewhat slow solution.
- File:
- Language: Taxi
- Compiler / Interpreter: The provided interpreter
- Notes: A very slow solution.
- File: problem72.nim
- Language: Nim
- Compiler / Interpreter: The official compiler
- Notes: (None)
- File:
- Language: 🆒
- Compiler / Interpreter: The official interpreter
- Notes: A very slow solution. Screenshot is available at etc/problem73_screenshot.png.
- File: problem74.pasm
- Language: PASM
- Compiler / Interpreter: The Parrot VM
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem75.mou
- Language: Mouse-2002
- Compiler / Interpreter: The provided interpreter
- Notes: Interpreter requires a bit of tweaking to work with modern compilers. Will need to increase the
to run.
- File: problem76.befalse
- Language: Befalse
- Compiler / Interpreter:
- Notes: Scroll down; the first 202 lines are used for storage.
- File: problem77.false
- Language: FALSE
- Compiler / Interpreter:
- Notes: Lightly commented code is available at etc/problem77_commented.false.
- File: problem78.vala
- Language: Vala
- Compiler / Interpreter: valac
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem79.ed
- Language: ed
- Compiler / Interpreter: GNU ed 1.18
- Notes: Supply
as argument andproblem79.ed
as piped standard input.
- File: problem80.wyv
- Language: Wyvern
- Compiler / Interpreter: The provided interpreter
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem81.v
- Language: V
- Compiler / Interpreter: The provided interpreter
- Notes: Supply
as input; the source file contains control characters that may or may not render correctly in various text editors. Screenshot is available at etc/problem81_screenshot.png.
- File: problem82.awk
- Language: AWK
- Compiler / Interpreter: mawk
- Notes: Pass
as input.
- File: problem83.djs
- Language: Dogescript
- Compiler / Interpreter: The provided compiler
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem84.e
- Language: Eiffel
- Compiler / Interpreter: The provided compiler
- Notes:
may be helpful in compiling the source.
- File: problem85.cub
- Language: Cubix
- Compiler / Interpreter: The provided interpreter
- Notes: A somewhat slow solution.
- File: problem86.aya
- Language: Aya
- Compiler / Interpreter: The provided interpreter
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem87.brat
- Language: Brat
- Compiler / Interpreter: The provided interpreter
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem88.esmin
- Language: 𝔼𝕊𝕄𝕚𝕟
- Compiler / Interpreter: The provided interpreter
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem89.11
- Language: 1.1
- Compiler / Interpreter: The provided Perl script
- Notes: Pass
as input.
- File: problem90.1+1j
- Language: COMPLEX
- Compiler / Interpreter: The provided interpreter
- Notes: Code was written with the help of a Lisp translator program.
- File: problem91.aarr
- Language: Anti-Array
- Compiler / Interpreter: The provided interpreter
- Notes: A somewhat slow solution; the interpreter crashes at the end for unknown reasons, but the answer printed is still correct.
- File:
- Language: SuperCollider
- Compiler / Interpreter: The official interpreter
- Notes: A somewhat slow solution.
- File:
- Language: Genie
- Compiler / Interpreter: valac
- Notes: Ignore the lengthy list of pointer cast warnings when compiling.
- File: problem94.fact
- Language: Factorio
- Compiler / Interpreter: Factorio
- Notes: Import the blueprint, then set the lower-left constant combinator to R=0 to run. Thanks to DaveMcW for his compact digit display design. Screenshot is available at etc/problem94_screenshot.png.
- File: problem95.pir
- Language: Parrot IR
- Compiler / Interpreter: The Parrot VM
- Notes: (None)
- File:
- Language: Javagony
- Compiler / Interpreter: openjdk
- Notes: An incredibly slow solution.
- File: problem97.mpp
- Language: Math++
- Compiler / Interpreter: The provided interpreter
- Notes: A very slow solution, outputs its answer in scientific notation but with sufficient precision.
- File:
- Language: Glava
- Compiler / Interpreter: The provided interpreter
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem99.hnb
- Language: Hanabi
- Compiler / Interpreter: The provided interpreter
- Notes: Pass
as input.
- File: problem100.snow
- Language: Snowman
- Compiler / Interpreter: The provided interpreter
- Notes: Code was written with the help of a Lisp translator program.
- File: problem101.gibb
- Language: Gibberish
- Compiler / Interpreter: The unofficial Python interpreter
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem102.magi
- Language: MagiStack
- Compiler / Interpreter: MagiStack 1.2 Interpreter
- Notes: Code was written with the help of a Lisp translator program; provide
as input.
- File: problem103.dylan
- Language: Dylan
- Compiler / Interpreter: Open Dylan
- Notes:
may be helpful in building the source.
- File: problem104.zkl
- Language: zkl
- Compiler / Interpreter: The official interpreter
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem105.fnl
- Language: Fennel
- Compiler / Interpreter: fennel-0.7.0.lua
- Notes: (None)
- File:
- Language: Joy
- Compiler / Interpreter: Archived interpreter
- Notes: The interpreter dumps some noisy debugging information, which can be safely ignored.
- File: problem107.pi
- Language: Picat
- Compiler / Interpreter: The official interpreter
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem108.agda
- Language: Agda
- Compiler / Interpreter: Agda
- Notes: Requires agda-stdlib 1.2.
- File: problem109.png
- Language: Befunk
- Compiler / Interpreter: The provided interpreter
- Notes: A very slow solution; code was written with the help of a Python translator program.
- File: problem110.pip
- Language: Pip
- Compiler / Interpreter: The provided interpreter
- Notes: A somewhat slow solution.
- File: problem111.n
- Language: Nemerle
- Compiler / Interpreter: The official compiler
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem112.fimpp
- Language: FiM++
- Compiler / Interpreter: TIO Nexus
- Notes: A somewhat slow solution.
- File: problem113.chef
- Language: Chef
- Compiler / Interpreter: TIO Nexus
- Notes: Code was written with the help of a Perl translator program.
- File: problem114.bees
- Language: Beeswax
- Compiler / Interpreter: TIO Nexus
- Notes: Code was written with the help of a Lisp translator program; a somewhat slow solution.
- File:
- Language: MontiLang
- Compiler / Interpreter: The provided interpreter
- Notes: A somewhat slow solution.
- File: problem116.ktn
- Language: Kitten
- Compiler / Interpreter: The provided interpreter
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem117.pony
- Language: Pony
- Compiler / Interpreter: Pony Playground
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem118.jl
- Language: Julia
- Compiler / Interpreter: Julia 1.2.0
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem119.gleam
- Language: Gleam
- Compiler / Interpreter: The official compiler
- Notes:
may be helpful in building the source.
- File: problem120.tome
- Language: Tome
- Compiler / Interpreter: The provided interpreter
- Notes: The interpreter seems to run faster in Google Chrome.
- File: problem121.emoji
- Language: Emoji
- Compiler / Interpreter: The provided interpreter
- Notes: Screenshot is available at etc/problem121_screenshot.png.
- File: problem122.vb
- Language: Visual Basic .NET
- Compiler / Interpreter: TIO Nexus
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem123.wen
- Language: Wenyan
- Compiler / Interpreter: The online IDE
- Notes: The answer is outputted in Classical Chinese.
- File: problem124.ics
- Language: IntercalScript
- Compiler / Interpreter: The provided compiler
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem125.icon
- Language: Icon
- Compiler / Interpreter: TIO Nexus
- Notes: A somewhat slow solution.
- File: problem126.i
- Language: i
- Compiler / Interpreter: The provided interpreter
- Notes:
may be helpful in building the source; a somewhat slow solution.
- File: problem127.nit
- Language: Nit
- Compiler / Interpreter: The provided compiler
- Notes: The Nit interpreter is prohibitively slow in running this problem; use the compiler
- File: problem128.alice
- Language: Alice
- Compiler / Interpreter: TIO Nexus
- Notes: A somewhat slow solution.
- File: problem129.befreak
- Language: Befreak
- Compiler / Interpreter: The provided interpreter
- Notes: Code was written with the help of a Scala translator program; a very slow solution.
- File: problem130.four
- Language: Fourier
- Compiler / Interpreter: Archived interpreter
- Notes: Code was written with the help of a Haskell translator program; an incredibly slow solution.
- File: problem131.perchance
- Language: Perchance
- Compiler / Interpreter: The online interpreter
- Notes: (None)
- File:
- Language: Gwion
- Compiler / Interpreter: The provided interpreter
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem133.ahk
- Language: AutoHotkey
- Compiler / Interpreter: AutoHotkey
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem134.dfy
- Language: Dafny
- Compiler / Interpreter: Dafny 3.2.0
- Notes:
may be helpful in building the source.
- File: problem135.tovie
- Language: Tovie
- Compiler / Interpreter: Tovie v_03
- Notes: A somewhat slow solution; must be run using the Python transpiler (
./tovie -f python ./problem135.tovie
), as the default compiler'smalloc
implementation is broken.
- File: problem136.v
- Language: Verilog
- Compiler / Interpreter: Verilator 4.224
- Notes:
may be helpful in building the source.
- File:
- Language: Minecraft
- Compiler / Interpreter: Minecraft Java Edition 1.18.2
- Notes: Zip contains a world save file; toggle the start lever to re-run the calculation. Answer is displayed in hexadecimal. A very slow solution. Screenshots are available at etc/Minecraft.
- File: problem138.pickle
- Language: Pickle
- Compiler / Interpreter: Python 3.7.9
- Notes:
may be helpful in running the source; code was written with the help of a Lisp translator program.
- File: problem139.vale
- Language: Vale
- Compiler / Interpreter: Vale 0.2 Kuma
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem140.dip
- Language: Dip
- Compiler / Interpreter: Try Dip
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem141.wat
- Language: WebAssembly
- Compiler / Interpreter: wasmer 2.3.0
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem142.ark
- Language: ArkScript
- Compiler / Interpreter: ArkScript 3.4.0
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem143.ts
- Language: TypeScript
- Compiler / Interpreter: tsc version 4.9.5
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem144.japt
- Language: Japt
- Compiler / Interpreter: Japt 1.4.6 interpreter
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem145.txt
- Language: Game Builder Garage
- Compiler / Interpreter: Game Builder Garage Ver 1.0.1
- Notes: Nintendo Switch required to run; screenshots are available at etc/GameBuilderGarage.
- File: problem146.x10
- Language: X10
- Compiler / Interpreter: X10 Release 2.6.2
- Notes: A somewhat slow solution.
- File: problem147.lean
- Language: Lean Theorem Prover
- Compiler / Interpreter: Lean (version 3.42.1, commit 68455b087d87, Release)
- Notes:
may be helpful in building the source.
- File: problem148.trn
- Language: TRANSCRIPT
- Compiler / Interpreter: The official interpreter
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem149.z
- Language: Z
- Compiler / Interpreter: @zlanguage/zcomp/0.4.5 linux-x64 node-v14.18.2
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem150.moon
- Language: MoonScript
- Compiler / Interpreter: MoonScript version 0.5.0
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem151.dry
- Language: Dry
- Compiler / Interpreter: The official interpreter (02e9cbf)
- Notes: Provided solution does not round the result off to six digits.
- File: problem152.erl
- Language: Erlang
- Compiler / Interpreter: Erlang/OTP 25
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem153.m
- Language: GNU Octave
- Compiler / Interpreter: GNU Octave, version 7.3.0
- Notes: A very slow solution.
- File:
- Language: Earl Grey
- Compiler / Interpreter: Earl Grey version 0.1.2
- Notes: An incredibly slow solution.
- File: problem155.cs
- Language: C#
- Compiler / Interpreter: Mono JIT compiler version
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem156.arc
- Language: Arc
- Compiler / Interpreter: Arcadia 0.25.1
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem157.blsq
- Language: Burlesque
- Compiler / Interpreter: Burlesque 1753bdf
- Notes: A somewhat slow solution; code was written with the help of a Racket translator program.
- File: problem158.cf0x10
- Language: Comefrom0x10
- Compiler / Interpreter: The official interpreter
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem159.png
- Language: Pikt
- Compiler / Interpreter: Pikt 64025d6
- Notes:
may be helpful in building the source.
- File: problem160.r
- Language: Rebol
- Compiler / Interpreter: REBOL/Core (23-Jan-2016)
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem161.swift
- Language: Swift
- Compiler / Interpreter: swift-5.8.1-RELEASE
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem162.xlsx
- Language: Microsoft Excel
- Compiler / Interpreter: Office 365 Excel 16.0.16704.42304
- Notes: Due to numerical precision limits, the answer is printed along two cells
- File: problem163.ts
- Language: AssemblyScript
- Compiler / Interpreter: assemblyscript 0.19.23
- Notes:
may be helpful in building the source.
- File: problem164.dhall
- Language: Dhall
- Compiler / Interpreter: Dhall 1.41.2
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem165.hy
- Language: Hy
- Compiler / Interpreter: hy 0.27.0+96.g902233d8
- Notes: An incredibly slow solution.
- File: problem166.rock
- Language: Rockstar
- Compiler / Interpreter: wolfgang42/rockstar-js 29a1476
- Notes: Indented version is available at etc/problem166_indented.rock.
- File: problem167.zig
- Language: Zig
- Compiler / Interpreter: 0.12.0-dev.1200+5f92b070b
- Notes: A very slow solution, recommended to be compiled with
- File: problem168.11l
- Language: 11l
- Compiler / Interpreter: 11l 2022.11
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem169.gspl
- Language: AGSPL
- Compiler / Interpreter: AGSPL (commit eb6afa05)
- Notes: (None)
- File:
- Language: Pizza
- Compiler / Interpreter: Pizza v1.0g, 1-October-2001
- Notes: Pizza compiler requires an old Java runtime to run; tested on Java 1.4.2_19
- File:
- Language: Fish
- Compiler / Interpreter: fish, version 3.6.1
- Notes: A very slow solution.
- File: problem172.bsx
- Language: Bussin
- Compiler / Interpreter: bussin c97bece
- Notes: The interpreter hangs after execution.
- File: problem173.folders
- Language: Folders
- Compiler / Interpreter: 0bec545
- Notes: Code was written with the help of a Haskell translator program; output of Linux
command is available atetc/problem173_tree.txt
- File: problem174.html
- Language: Hyperscript
- Compiler / Interpreter: HyperScript 0.9.12 on Firefox 120.0.1
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem175.emote
- Language: Emotinomicon
- Compiler / Interpreter: The online interpreter
- Notes: A somewhat slow solution; code was written with the help of a Lisp translator program; screenshot is available at etc/problem175_screenshot.png.
- File: problem176.naz
- Language: naz
- Compiler / Interpreter: naz 82960e5
- Notes: Code was written with the help of a Racket translator program; requires the
- File: problem177.coco
- Language: Coconut
- Compiler / Interpreter: Coconut: Version 3.0.4
- Notes: A somewhat slow solution.
- File: problem178.k
- Language: K
- Compiler / Interpreter: ngn/k on TIO Nexus
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem179.whirl
- Language: Whirl
- Compiler / Interpreter:
- Notes: An incredibly slow solution, code was written with the help of a Racket translator program.
- File: problem180.pyf
- Language: Pyf**ck
- Compiler / Interpreter: Python 3.11.6
- Notes: Code was generated with the help of the creator's translation tool.
- File: problem181.oa
- Language: Oasis
- Compiler / Interpreter: oasis @ 9c3bed49
- Notes: (None)
- File:
- Language: Broccoli
- Compiler / Interpreter:
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem183.pyra
- Language: Pyramid Scheme
- Compiler / Interpreter: Pyramid-Scheme @ fd183d29
- Notes: Code was written with the help of a Scala translator program.
- File: problem184.L42
- Language: 42
- Compiler / Interpreter:
- Notes:
may be helpful in building the source.
- File: problem185.lp
- Language: Potassco
- Compiler / Interpreter: clingo
- Notes: The answer outputs
correct(N, X)
, whereX
is theN
th digit in the result.
- File: problem186.odin
- Language: Odin
- Compiler / Interpreter: Odin dev-2024-07
- Notes: Compiler may require a patch on some Linux systems.
- File:
- Language: Minus
- Compiler / Interpreter: iminus.c
- Notes: A very slow solution, will need to increase the
constant to compile (#define mem_size 300000000
is sufficient), code was written with the help of a Racket translator program.
- File: problem188.jgrid
- Language: Javagrid
- Compiler / Interpreter: The online interpreter
- Notes: An incredibly slow solution, this Python script can be useful for automating insertion into the web UI.
- File: problem189.ox
- Language: Oxide
- Compiler / Interpreter: oxide-lang at 5088a2d
- Notes: A very slow solution.
- File: problem190.act
- Language: Actually
- Compiler / Interpreter: TIO Nexus
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem191.emot
- Language: Emoticon
- Compiler / Interpreter:
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem192.du
- Language: Dictu
- Compiler / Interpreter: dictu-lang @ e43580d2
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem193.ndf
- Language: Nial
- Compiler / Interpreter: Q'Nial V7.0 Aug 29 2019
- Notes: A very slow solution, load the source file with
then runmain
in the interactive REPL.
- File: problem194.fishchips
- Language: * ><>\\.:.
- Compiler / Interpreter: FishChipsAndMushyPeas @ 52ca7307
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem195.cyc
- Language: Cyclone
- Compiler / Interpreter: TIO Nexus
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem196.skib
- Language: Skib-Lang
- Compiler / Interpreter: alexandermeade/Skib-Lang @ abc4d401
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem197.brachylog
- Language: Brachylog
- Compiler / Interpreter: TIO Nexus
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem198.ceylon
- Language: Ceylon
- Compiler / Interpreter: TIO Nexus
- Notes: (None)
- File: problem199.txt
- Language: ChoiceScript
- Compiler / Interpreter: dfabulich/choicescript @ 2fdd1d3
- Notes: An incredibly slow solution,
may be helpful in building the source.
- File: problem200.fal
- Language: Falcon
- Compiler / Interpreter: falcon (Chimera) @ fc403c6
- Notes: (None)
Mostly, I am just using common sense to determine what constitutes a "language". In particular, a language does not have to be Turing-complete in order for me to consider using it for this challenge. Here are just a few of the guidelines I am following. These are in no way permanent or binding and will change as I progress.
- BF-derivatives and BF-clones are considered identical to Brainf**k and will not be used.
- Lisp derivatives are considered distinct. That is, there will be a Racket, a Common Lisp, and an ELisp, which are all distinct languages.
- Sufficiently different BASIC dialects will be considered distinct. That is, Visual BASIC, Liberty BASIC, and QBASIC are distinct languages, but Liberty BASIC and JustBASIC are one and the same.
- The result should be in a normal, human readable form. For example, in BF it is insufficient to print the ASCII character associated with the integer result; it is required to print the result as a number. There is no specific required format, as some languages may include some garbage around the answer, so long as the answer as outputted is clear and readable. If the language is incapable of outputting a human readable value, whatever is considered acceptable output within the language will be acceptable.
- I have written a few programming languages. At least one of them is in a usable state right now. For fairness, I will not be using any language that I myself wrote.
- Generally speaking, interpreters and compilers are to be taken "as-is". That means that, while it is perfectly permissible to use compiler-specific extensions to a language, it is also necessary to treat any bugs in the chosen compiler as intended behavior. One minor exception to this is in the case of historical code, where minor modifications are necessary to get a language interpreter written long ago to work on a modern computer, as there are several historical languages I aim to use for this challenge.
Some solutions are marked as "slow". Generally speaking, the following rough guidelines can be used to estimate how long it takes to run the code on a reasonably modern computer. These are, of course, very rough estimates, so take them with a grain of salt.
- 30s or less: I will generally not denote these at all.
- 30s to 2min: "A somewhat slow solution"
- 2min to 10min: "A very slow solution"
- More than 10min: "An incredibly slow solution"
Currently, the slowest solutions in this repository are:
- Problem 179 (Whirl) in ~34 minutes
- Problem 130 (Fourier) in ~26 minutes
- Problem 199 (ChoiceScript) in ~25 minutes
- Problem 96 (Javagony) in ~20 minutes
- Problem 188 (Javagrid) in ~18 minutes
Currently, the slowest solution in this repository is Problem 130 (Fourier), which takes roughly 26 minutes. The second slowest is Problem 96 (Javagony), at roughly 20 minutes.
I do not have an explicit upper bound on the runtime of a correct algorithm. I will not leave code unattended overnight or for days on end, and the code written must actually terminate on a machine I have access to, not just theoretically produce correct results.
You'll notice that I'm not using many of the mainstream languages so far. This is not because I'm trying to make this challenge harder than it is; this is a purely strategic decision. The later Project Euler problems are more difficult, so I am saving the powerful and easy-to-use languages for them and using obscure, esoteric languages for the easier problems.