Study: Intent, types of Intent, types of Intent Action, Intent.setData() method, Intent.setType() method, TextInputEditText, TextInputLayout, Button, ConstraintLayout, CoordinatorLayout, startActivity() method, ActivityResultContracts.StartActivityForResult() method, registerForActivityResult() method, Permission in manifest, ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(), ActivityCompat.requestPermissions() method, Uri.parse() method,
AIM: What is Intent? Write down types of Intent and types of Intent Action. Create an application which demonstrates implicit Intent for following features.
- Make call to specific number
- Open specific URL
- Open Call Log
- Open Gallery
- Set Alarm
- Open Camera
Click Event of Browse Button:
Click Event of Call Button:
Click Event of CallLog Button in Emulator:
Click Event of Gallery Button:
Click Event of Camera and Alarm Button: