Raspberry Pi Project on “Learning & Creating Art with Sound.
"Immerse yourself with the possibilities of learning through sound"
Problem: According to Kaspersky’s report on digital habits in 2021, 70% of children aged 7-12 spend at least 3 hours a day across 19 countries around the world. We realised that children in this generation would rather spend time using electronic gadgets such as mobile phone to entertain themselves.
Obejctive: We want to encourage children from the age of 5-12 years to expand their knowledge about the different type of sounds from an early age rather than spending time on electronic gadgets.
Music Maker: It piques their interest in music and encourages them to be more creative by creating their own scale while teaching them about different kinds of sounds other than the usual musical instruments they see or hear.
Record: The Record function allows users to make a 4-second recording, which will be converted into a picture of an audio waveform and spectrogram. The converted image will then be uploaded automatically to a Twitter account, where it is displayed with other converted images.
Beat Maker: Users can choose either the Drums or Piano mode in the Beat Maker function. In the Drums mode, clicking the push buttons will produce different sounds based on an drum set. Likewise for the Piano mode, clicking on the buttons will produce different sounds based on a piano.
Translator: The Translator function allows users to translate any text in English to other languages. This function also enables users to hear the translated text. The supported languages include Chinese, Malay, Korean, Japanese, Tamil, French, Spanish, and Vietnamese.
No. | Component |
1 | Raspberry Pi 4 (Recommended) |
2 | Keyboard & Mouse |
3 | USB Audio Adapter (USB - 3.5mm Mic Input) |
4 | Mic (3.5mm) |
5 | Breadboard |
6 | 8 Push Buttons |
7 | Some Jumper Cables / Dupont Cable (Male-Male) & (Male-Female) |
8 | Speakers / Earphones |
Connecting the USB Audio Adapter, Mic, and Speakers to the Raspberry Pi
- Connect the Mic to the mic input of the USB Audio Adapter.
- Connect the USB Audio Adapter to the USB-A port of the Raspberry pi.
- Connect the Speakers/Earphones to the 3.5mm jack of the Raspberry Pi.
Connecting the Buttons, Breadboard and Dupont Cables to the Raspberry Pi
- Connect all 8 Push Buttons to the Breadboard.
- One end of the Push Button must be connected to Ground, and the other end connected to a GPIO pin on the Raspberry Pi.
To start off, we will need to install a list of modules/libraries on our Raspberry Pi. We will install all these modules using the terminal.
First, lets type in sudo apt update
followed by sudo apt upgrade
sox library
sudo apt install sox
pip3 install pygame
PIL a.k.a pillow
sudo apt-get install python3-pil python3-pil.imagetk
pip3 install gTTS
pip3 install SpeechRecognition
pip3 install translate
sudo apt-get install python3-pyaudio
sudo apt-get install portaudio19-dev
pip3 install gpiozero
pip3 install twython
pip3 install pydub
sudo apt-get install python3-matplotlib
sudo apt-get install python3-scipy
sudo apt-get install python3-numpy
sudo apt-get install flac
After installing the relevant modules, you can clone the repositiory into your Raspberry Pi.
git clone https://github.com/MuhammadZihni/sorpiart-teamEfyp
Follow these steps if you want to use the Twitter Bot.
If not using the Twitter Bot, remove lines 102-126 from displayingSpectrogram.py
and skip this portion.
In order for the Twitter Bot to work, here are a few things that you need:
- twython module
- Twitter developer account
- Twitter application
Apply for a Twitter developer account
- Create a Twitter account (if you don't already have one) at twitter.com.
- Apply for a Twitter developer account at developer.twitter.com (Twitter Developer Portal).
- To complete the developer application, follow the steps at projects.raspberrypi.org/twitter.
Create a Twitter application
- Go to developer.twitter.com, select Project & Apps from the menu, click on Overview and select +Create App.
- Create an App name and click Next.
- Jot down the Keys & Tokens which will be needed for authentication later, and click App settings.
- Under User authentication settings, click on Set up.
- Turn on OAuth 1.0a and set App permissions to Read and write. Give a random Callback URL / Redirect URL and Website URL, and click Save.
- Modify the
file with your Keys & Tokens from step 3.
If you forgot to save the Keys & Tokens earlier, you can regenerate it again at the Twitter Developer Portal.
A[project.py] ----> B(pix2music.py)
A[project.py] ----> C(recording_4_seconds.py)
C ----> D(displayingSpectrogram.py)
D ----> E(auth_twitter.py)
A[project.py] ----> F(beatmaker.py)
Open the terminal and type in python3 /home/pi/sorpiart-teamEfyp/project.py
In order to run your tkinter gui script (e.g. main.py) everytime the Raspberry Pi boots up, we can utilise on autostart.
- open terminal
- change directory to .config
cd .config/
- Create an autostart folder
mkdir autostart
- copy tkinterautostart.desktop into the folder
cp ~/sorpiart/tkinterautostart.desktop ~/.config/autostart/
- edit tkinterautostart.desktop
nano ~/.config/autostart/tkinterautostart.desktop