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OpenEquivariance: a fast, open-source GPU JIT kernel generator for the Clebsch-Gordon Tensor Product.


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[Examples] [Installation] [Supported Tensor Products] [Citation and Acknowledgements]

OpenEquivariance is a kernel generator for the Clebsch-Gordon tensor product, a key kernel in rotation-equivariant deep neural networks. It implements some of the tensor products that e3nn supports that are commonly found in graph neural networks (e.g. Nequip or MACE). To get started, install our package via

pip install git+

We provide up to an order of magnitude acceleration over e3nn and up to ~2x speedup over NVIDIA cuEquivariance, which has a closed-source kernel package. We also offer fused equivariant graph convolutions that can reduce computation and memory consumption significantly.

We currently support NVIDIA GPUs and offer a PyTorch frontend.

Warning: This is an early release, bug reports are welcome.

Show me some examples

Here's a CG tensor product implemented by e3nn:

import torch
import e3nn.o3 as o3

gen = torch.Generator(device='cuda')

batch_size = 1000
X_ir, Y_ir, Z_ir = o3.Irreps("1x2e"), o3.Irreps("1x3e"), o3.Irreps("1x2e") 
X = torch.rand(batch_size, X_ir.dim, device='cuda', generator=gen)
Y = torch.rand(batch_size, Y_ir.dim, device='cuda', generator=gen)

instructions=[(0, 0, 0, "uvu", True)]

tp_e3nn = o3.TensorProduct(X_ir, Y_ir, Z_ir, instructions,
        shared_weights=False, internal_weights=False).to('cuda')
W = torch.rand(batch_size, tp_e3nn.weight_numel, device='cuda', generator=gen)

Z = tp_e3nn(X, Y, W)

And here's the same tensor product using openequivariance. We require that your tensors are stored on a CUDA device for this to work:

import openequivariance as oeq

problem = oeq.TPProblem(X_ir, Y_ir, Z_ir, instructions, shared_weights=False, internal_weights=False)
tp_fast = oeq.TensorProduct(problem, torch_op=True)

Z = tp_fast(X, Y, W) # Reuse X, Y, W from earlier

Our interface for oeq.TPProblem is almost a strict superset of o3.TensorProduct (two key differences: we impose internal_weights=False and add support for multiple datatypes). You can pass e3nn Irreps instances directly or use oeq.Irreps, which is identical.

We recommend reading the e3nn documentation and API reference first, then using our kernels as drop-in replacements. We support most "uvu" and "uvw" tensor products; see this section for an up-to-date list of supported configurations.

Important: For many configurations, our kernels return results identical to e3nn up to floating point roundoff (this includes all "uvu" problems with multiplicity 1 for all irreps in the second input). For other configurations (e.g. any "uvw" connection modes), we return identical results up to a well-defined reordering of the weights relative to e3nn.

If you're executing tensor products as part of a message passing graph neural network, we offer fused kernels that save both memory and compute time (only supported for "uvu" at the moment, "uvw" support coming soon):

from torch_geometric import EdgeIndex

node_ct, nonzero_ct = 3, 4

# Receiver, sender indices for message passing GNN
edge_index = EdgeIndex(
                [[0, 1, 1, 2],  # Receiver 
                 [1, 0, 2, 1]], # Sender 

X = torch.rand(node_ct, X_ir.dim, device='cuda', generator=gen)
Y = torch.rand(nonzero_ct, Y_ir.dim, device='cuda', generator=gen)
W = torch.rand(nonzero_ct, problem.weight_numel, device='cuda', generator=gen)

tp_conv = oeq.TensorProductConv(problem, torch_op=True, deterministic=False) # Reuse problem from earlier
Z = tp_conv.forward(X, Y, W, edge_index[0], edge_index[1]) # Z has shape [node_ct, z_ir.dim]

If you can guarantee EdgeIndex is sorted by receiver index and supply the transpose permutation, we can provide even greater speedup (and deterministic results) by avoiding atomics:

_, sender_perm = edge_index.sort_by("col")            # Sort by sender index 
edge_index, receiver_perm = edge_index.sort_by("row") # Sort by receiver index

# Now we can use the faster deterministic algorithm
tp_conv = oeq.TensorProductConv(problem, torch_op=True, deterministic=True) 
Z = tp_conv.forward(X, Y[receiver_perm], W[receiver_perm], edge_index[0], edge_index[1], sender_perm) 

Note: you don't need Pytorch geometric to use our kernels. When deterministic=False, the sender and receiver indices can have arbitrary order.


We currently support Linux systems only. We highly recommend that you use conda or mamba to set up a Python environment for installation.

Install via pip

After activating an environment of your choice, run

pip install git+

After installation, the very first library import will trigger a build of a C++ extension we use. All subsequent imports will not retrigger compilation.

If you encounter problems with installation, let us know by filing a bug and try a development build (see below). After installation, you should be able to run the example above.

Build to replicate our benchmarks

To run our benchmark suite, you'll also need the following packages:

  • e3nn,
  • cuEquivariance
  • cuEquivariance-torch
  • cuEquivariance-ops-torch-cu11 OR cuEquivariance-ops-torch-cu12
  • matplotlib (to reproduce our figures)

You can get all the necessary dependencies via our optional dependencies [bench]

pip install "git+[bench]"

We conducted our benchmarks on an NVIDIA A100-SXM-80GB GPU at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Your results may differ a different GPU.

The file test/ can reproduce the figures in our paper an A100-SXM4-80GB GPU. Run it with the following invocations:

python test/ -o outputs/uvu uvu --plot
python test/ -o outputs/uvu uvw --plot
python test/ -o outputs/roofline roofline --plot
python test/ -o outputs/conv conv --plot --data data/molecular_structures

If your GPU has limited memory, you might want to try the --limited-memory flag to disable some expensive tests and / or reduce the batch size with -b. Run python test/ --help for a full list of flags.

Here's a set of invocations for an A5000 GPU:

python test/ -o outputs/uvu uvu --limited-memory --plot
python test/ -o outputs/uvw uvw -b 25000 --plot
python test/ -o outputs/roofline roofline --plot
python test/ -o outputs/conv conv --data data/molecular_structures --limited-memory

Note that for GPUs besides the one we used in our testing, the roofline slope / peak will be incorrect, and your results may differ from the ones we've reported. The plots for the convolution fusion experiments also require a GPU with a minimum of 40GB of memory.

Running MACE

We have modified MACE to use our accelerated kernels instead of the standard e3nn backend. Here are the steps to replicate our MACE benchmark:

  1. Install oeq and our modified version of MACE:
pip uninstall mace-torch
pip install git+
pip install git+
  1. Download the data file, available at This graph has 158K edges. With the original e3nn backend, you would need a GPU with 80GB of memory to run the experiments. oeq provides a memory-efficient equivariant convolution, so we expect the test to succeed.

  2. Benchmark OpenEquivariance:

python test/ -o outputs/mace_tests -i oeq
  1. If you have a GPU with 80GB of memory OR supply a smaller molecular graph as the input file, you can run the full benchmark that includes e3nn and cue:
python test/ -o outputs/mace_tests -i e3nn cue oeq

Tensor products we accelerate

e3nn supports a variety of connection modes for CG tensor products. We support two that are commonly used in equivariant graph neural networks: "uvu" and "uvw". Our JIT compiled kernels should handle:

  1. Pure "uvu" tensor products, which are most efficient when the input with higher multiplicities is the first argument. Our results are identical to e3nn when irreps in the second input have multiplicity 1, and otherwise identical up to a reordering of the input weights.

  2. Pure "uvw" tensor products, which are currently more efficient when the input with higher multiplicities is the first argument. Our results are identical to e3nn up to a reordering of the input weights.

Our code includes correctness checks, but the configuration space is large. If you notice a bug, let us know in a Github issue. We'll try our best to correct it or document the problem here.

We do not (yet) support:

  • Mixing different instruction types in the same tensor product.
  • Instruction types besides "uvu" and "uvw".
  • Non-trainable instructions: all of your instructions must have weights associated.

If you have a use case for any of the unsupported features above, let us know.

Citation and Acknowledgements

If you find this code useful, please cite our paper:

      title={An Efficient Sparse Kernel Generator for O(3)-Equivariant Deep Networks}, 
      author={Vivek Bharadwaj and Austin Glover and Aydin Buluc and James Demmel},

Our codebase includes a lightweight clone of e3nn's frontend interface (in particular, the TensorProduct and Irreps classes). We removed references to Pytorch and separated the implementation from the problem description (for future frontend support outside of torch). Thank you to the current developers and maintainers!


Copyright (c) 2025, The Regents of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (subject to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Dept. of Energy). All rights reserved.

If you have questions about your rights to use or distribute this software, please contact Berkeley Lab's Intellectual Property Office at [email protected].

NOTICE. This Software was developed under funding from the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Government consequently retains certain rights. As such, the U.S. Government has been granted for itself and others acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable, worldwide license in the Software to reproduce, distribute copies to the public, prepare derivative works, and perform publicly and display publicly, and to permit others to do so.