A simple Web App, connecting to a MySQL Database. Fetching for data (users) present in the Database, and displaing it on the homepage. With a form allowing new registrations.
Using REGEX, for email validation.
- Back-end: Node/Express
- Database: ClearDB
You will need to:
- 1 - Create a MySQL Database
- 2 - Create a Table for: "users"
- 2.1 - Please check the SQL Query File -> init_setup.sql
- 3 - In root of the app -> Create a folder "config" and inside the file ".env"
- 4 - In ".env" create the Enviroment Variables needed to be used in "app.js"
- Example
- For "CLEARDB_URL" -> replace with "localhost"
- For "DB_USER" -> replace with your MySQL user
- For "DB_PASS" -> replace with you MYSQL pass
- For "DB_name" -> replace with the Database name
- Example
To start the App, on root run : "npm run start" For developing, on app root and run: "npm run dev"
Personal project following examples on a Udemy course. You can use it completely free.