A flexible and powerful HTML transformation library that allows you to apply rules to HTML content using CSS selectors.
- Transform HTML content from various input types (string, Buffer, Readable stream, or Cheerio API)
- Apply multiple transformation rules in sequence
- Use any valid CSS selector supported by Cheerio (including complex pseudo-selectors)
- Support for asynchronous transformation rules
- Modify content, attributes, structure, and more
- Transform elements in both
npm install @packt/html-transformer
import { Transformer, TranformationRule } from '@packt/html-transformer';
// Define transformation rules
const rules: TranformationRule[] = [
selector: ['h1'], // Target all h1 elements
rule: async (node, $) => {
node.text(`Modified: ${node.text()}`);
selector: ['a'], // Target all links
rule: async (node, $) => {
const href = node.attr('href');
if (href && !href.startsWith('https://')) {
node.attr('href', `https://example.com${href}`);
// Create transformer
const transformer = new Transformer(rules);
// Transform HTML string
const html = '<html><body><h1>Original Title</h1><a href="/link">Link</a></body></html>';
const result = await transformer.transform(html);
// Outputs: HTML with modified title and link
The transformer accepts various input types:
// String input
const htmlString = '<div>Hello world</div>';
const result1 = await transformer.transform(htmlString);
// Buffer input
const buffer = Buffer.from('<div>Hello world</div>');
const result2 = await transformer.transform(buffer);
// Stream input
const stream = Readable.from(['<div>Hello', ' world</div>']);
const result3 = await transformer.transform(stream);
// Cheerio API input
const $ = cheerio.load('<div>Hello world</div>');
await transformer.transform($);
const result4 = $.html();
The library supports all CSS selectors available in Cheerio:
const rules: TranformationRule[] = [
// Target divs that contain spans
selector: ['div:has(span)'],
rule: async (node, $) => {
// Target the second item in lists
selector: ['li:nth-child(2)'],
rule: async (node, $) => {
// Target paragraphs that don't have a specific class
selector: ['p:not(.exclude)'],
rule: async (node, $) => {
// Target multiple selectors in one rule
selector: ['h1', 'h2', 'h3'],
rule: async (node, $) => {
You can also target and modify elements in the <head>
const rules: TranformationRule[] = [
selector: ['title'],
rule: async (node, $) => {
node.text('New Page Title');
selector: ['meta[name="description"]'],
rule: async (node, $) => {
node.attr('content', 'Updated description for SEO');
selector: ['head'],
rule: async (node, $) => {
// Add a new meta tag
node.append('<meta name="robots" content="noindex">');
selector: ['.target'],
rule: async (node, $) => {
selector: ['img'],
rule: async (node, $) => {
node.attr('alt', 'Descriptive alt text');
node.attr('loading', 'lazy');
selector: ['table'],
rule: async (node, $) => {
node.wrap('<div class="table-responsive"></div>');
selector: ['p'],
rule: async (node, $) => {
const text = node.text();
The rule function provides access to the Cheerio API, allowing for more complex manipulations:
selector: ['article'],
rule: async (node, $) => {
// Find all images without alt text within this article
const images = node.find('img:not([alt])');
images.each((i, img) => {
$(img).attr('alt', 'Article image');
// Add a class to all paragraphs within this article
The main class for transforming HTML.
constructor(rules: TranformationRule[])
Creates a new Transformer instance with the specified rules.
async transform($: CheerioAPI): Promise<void>;
async transform(html: string): Promise<string>;
async transform(html: Buffer): Promise<string>;
async transform(html: Readable): Promise<string>;
Transforms the input HTML according to the rules.
interface TranformationRule {
selector: string[]; // Array of CSS selectors
rule: (node: Cheerio<AnyNode>, $: CheerioAPI) => Promise<void>;
: An array of CSS selectors that determine which elements the rule will be applied torule
: An async function that receives the matched element and the Cheerio API instance