This is a Symfony project set up to run with Docker and Apache. The project includes a game service where users can log in and win prizes.
Clone the repository
git clone cd promotions_game
Install PHP dependences
composer install
Set up environment variables
Create .env file
Set up the database
Create a new database and update your .env file with the database credentials.
Run the database migrations and seeds:
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate php bin/console app:import-data --partners=public/csv/partners_en.csv --prizes=public/csv/prizes_en.csv php bin/console app:import-data --partners=public/csv/partners_de.csv --prizes=public/csv/prizes_de.csv php bin/console app:seed-users
Start the server
symfony server:start
Import the postman collection and test the endpoints
/api/login - login endopint /api/status - Game Status: (GET) - Checks if the user has already played today and returns the prize if they have. /api/play - Play Game: (GET) - Allows the user to play the game and win a prize.