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Go Hexagonal Architecture: Enterprise-grade Hexagonal Architectur Framework


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Go Hexagonal Architecture

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Hexagonal Architecture

Project Overview

This project is a Go microservice framework based on Hexagonal Architecture and Domain-Driven Design. It provides a clear project structure and design patterns to help developers build maintainable, testable, and scalable applications.

Hexagonal Architecture (also known as Ports and Adapters Architecture) divides the application into internal and external parts, implementing Separation of Concerns and Dependency Inversion Principle through well-defined interfaces (ports) and implementations (adapters). This architecture decouples business logic from technical implementation details, facilitating unit testing and feature extension.

Core Features

Architecture Design

Technical Implementation

  • RESTful API - Implement HTTP API using the Gin framework
  • Database Support - Integrate GORM with support for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and other databases
  • Cache Support - Integrate Redis caching
  • Logging System - Use Zap for high-performance logging
  • Configuration Management - Use Viper for flexible configuration management
  • Graceful Shutdown - Support graceful service startup and shutdown
  • Unit Testing - Use go-sqlmock and redismock for database and cache mocking
  • NoopTransaction - Provide no-operation transaction implementation, simplifying service layer interaction with repository layer

Development Toolchain

  • Code Quality - Integrate Golangci-lint for code quality checks
  • Commit Standards - Use Commitlint to ensure Git commit messages follow conventions
  • Pre-commit Hooks - Use Pre-commit for code checking and formatting
  • CI/CD - Integrate GitHub Actions for continuous integration and deployment

Project Structure

├── adapter/                # Adapter Layer - Interaction with external systems
│   ├── amqp/               # Message queue adapters
│   ├── dependency/         # Dependency injection configuration
│   ├── job/                # Scheduled task adapters
│   └── repository/         # Data repository adapters
│       ├── mysql/          # MySQL implementation
│       │   └── entity/     # Database entities
│       ├── postgre/        # PostgreSQL implementation
│       └── redis/          # Redis implementation
├── api/                    # API Layer - Handle HTTP requests and responses
│   ├── dto/                # Data Transfer Objects
│   ├── error_code/         # Error code definitions
│   ├── grpc/               # gRPC API
│   └── http/               # HTTP API
│       ├── handle/         # Request handlers
│       ├── middleware/     # Middleware
│       ├── paginate/       # Pagination handling
│       └── validator/      # Request validation
├── application/            # Application Layer - Coordinate domain objects for use cases
│   ├── core/               # Core interfaces and error definitions
│   └── example/            # Example use case implementations
├── cmd/                    # Command-line entry points
│   └── http_server/        # HTTP server startup
├── config/                 # Configuration files and management
├── domain/                 # Domain Layer - Core business logic
│   ├── aggregate/          # Aggregates
│   ├── event/              # Domain events
│   ├── model/              # Domain models
│   ├── repo/               # Repository interfaces
│   ├── service/            # Domain services
│   └── vo/                 # Value objects
├── tests/                  # Integration tests
└── util/                   # Utility functions
    ├── clean_arch/         # Architecture checking tools
    └── log/                # Logging utilities

Architecture Layers

Domain Layer

The domain layer is the core of the application, containing business logic and rules. It is independent of other layers and does not depend on any external components.

  • Models: Domain entities and value objects

    • Example: Example entity, containing basic properties like ID, name, alias, etc.
  • Repository Interfaces: Define data access interfaces

    • IExampleRepo: Example repository interface, defining operations like create, read, update, delete, etc.
    • IExampleCacheRepo: Example cache interface, defining health check methods
    • Transaction: Transaction interface, supporting transaction begin, commit, and rollback
  • Domain Services: Handle business logic across entities

    • ExampleService: Example service, handling business logic for example entities, interacting with repositories and event bus
  • Domain Events: Define events within the domain

    • ExampleCreatedEvent: Example creation event
    • ExampleUpdatedEvent: Example update event
    • ExampleDeletedEvent: Example deletion event

Application Layer

The application layer coordinates domain objects to complete specific application tasks. It depends on the domain layer but does not contain business rules.

  • Use Cases: Define application functionality

    • CreateExampleUseCase: Create example use case
    • GetExampleUseCase: Get example use case
    • UpdateExampleUseCase: Update example use case
    • DeleteExampleUseCase: Delete example use case
    • FindExampleByNameUseCase: Find example by name use case
  • Commands and Queries: Implement CQRS pattern

    • Each use case defines Input and Output structures, representing command/query inputs and results
  • Event Handlers: Process domain events

    • LoggingEventHandler: Logging event handler, recording all events
    • ExampleEventHandler: Example event handler, processing events related to examples

Adapter Layer

The adapter layer implements interaction with external systems, such as databases and message queues.

  • Repository Implementation: Implement data access interfaces

    • EntityExample: MySQL implementation of example repository
    • NoopTransaction: No-operation transaction implementation, simplifying testing
    • MySQL: MySQL connection and transaction management
    • Redis: Redis connection and basic operations
  • Message Queue Adapters: Implement message publishing and subscription

    • Support for Kafka and other message queue integrations
  • Scheduled Tasks: Implement scheduled tasks

    • Cron-based task scheduling system

API Layer

The API layer handles HTTP requests and responses, serving as the entry point to the application.

  • Controllers: Handle HTTP requests

    • CreateExample: Create example API
    • GetExample: Get example API
    • UpdateExample: Update example API
    • DeleteExample: Delete example API
    • FindExampleByName: Find example by name API
  • Middleware: Implement cross-cutting concerns

    • Internationalization support
    • CORS support
    • Request ID tracking
    • Request logging
  • Data Transfer Objects (DTOs): Define request and response data structures

    • CreateExampleReq: Create example request
    • UpdateExampleReq: Update example request
    • DeleteExampleReq: Delete example request
    • GetExampleReq: Get example request

Dependency Injection

This project uses Google Wire for dependency injection, organizing dependencies as follows:

// Initialize services
func InitializeServices(ctx context.Context) (*service.Services, error) {
        // Repository dependencies
        wire.Bind(new(repo.IExampleRepo), new(*entity.EntityExample)),

        // Event bus dependencies
        wire.Bind(new(event.EventBus), new(*event.InMemoryEventBus)),

        // Service dependencies
    return nil, nil

// Provide event bus
func provideEventBus() *event.InMemoryEventBus {
    eventBus := event.NewInMemoryEventBus()

    // Register event handlers
    loggingHandler := event.NewLoggingEventHandler()
    exampleHandler := event.NewExampleEventHandler()

    return eventBus

// Provide example service
func provideExampleService(repo repo.IExampleRepo, eventBus event.EventBus) *service.ExampleService {
    exampleService := service.NewExampleService(repo)
    exampleService.EventBus = eventBus
    return exampleService

// Provide services container
func provideServices(exampleService *service.ExampleService, eventBus event.EventBus) *service.Services {
    return service.NewServices(exampleService, eventBus)

Domain Events

Domain events are used for communication between system components, implementing a loosely coupled event-driven architecture:

// Publish event
evt := event.NewExampleCreatedEvent(example.Id, example.Name, example.Alias)
e.EventBus.Publish(ctx, evt)

// Handle event
func (h *ExampleEventHandler) HandleEvent(ctx context.Context, event Event) error {
    switch event.EventName() {
    case ExampleCreatedEventName:
        return h.handleExampleCreated(ctx, event)
    // ...
    return nil

Application Layer Use Cases

Application layer use cases implement the Command and Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) pattern:

// Create example use case
func (h *CreateExampleHandler) Handle(ctx context.Context, input interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
    createInput, ok := input.(CreateExampleInput)
    if !ok {
        return nil, core.ErrInvalidInput

    example := &model.Example{
        Name:  createInput.Name,
        Alias: createInput.Alias,

    createdExample, err := h.ExampleService.Create(ctx, example)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return CreateExampleOutput{
        ID:    createdExample.Id,
        Name:  createdExample.Name,
        Alias: createdExample.Alias,
    }, nil

Coding Standards

This project follows unified coding standards to ensure code quality and consistency. For detailed guidelines, please refer to

Key standards include:

  • Code format and style (using go fmt and golangci-lint)
  • Naming conventions (package names, variable names, interfaces and structs)
  • Import package ordering
  • Comment standards
  • Error handling standards (using util/errors package)
  • Testing standards
  • CI/CD standards

Developers should ensure compliance with these standards before submitting code. Use the following commands for verification:

# Format code
make fmt

# Code quality check
make lint

# Run tests
make test

Transaction Management

This project implements transaction interfaces and no-operation transactions, supporting different transaction management strategies:

// Transaction interface
type Transaction interface {
    Begin() error
    Commit() error
    Rollback() error
    Conn(ctx context.Context) interface{}

// No-operation transaction implementation
type NoopTransaction struct {
    conn interface{}

// Using transactions in services
func (s *ExampleService) Create(ctx context.Context, example *model.Example) (*model.Example, error) {
    // Create a no-operation transaction
    tr := repo.NewNoopTransaction(s.Repository)

    createdExample, err := s.Repository.Create(ctx, tr, example)
    // ...

Data Mapping and Transformation

This project implements clear data mapping and transformation between different layers:

// Entity to model conversion
func (e EntityExample) ToModel() *model.Example {
    return &model.Example{
        Id:        e.ID,
        Name:      e.Name,
        Alias:     e.Alias,
        CreatedAt: e.CreatedAt,
        UpdatedAt: e.UpdatedAt,

// Model to entity conversion
func (e *EntityExample) FromModel(m *model.Example) {
    e.ID = m.Id
    e.Name = m.Name
    e.Alias = m.Alias
    e.CreatedAt = m.CreatedAt
    e.UpdatedAt = m.UpdatedAt

Project Improvements

The project has recently undergone the following improvements:

1. Unified API Versions

  • Problem: The project had both v1 and v2 API versions, causing code duplication and maintenance difficulties
  • Solution:
    • Unified API routes, placing all APIs under the /api path
    • Retained the /v2 path for backward compatibility
    • Used application layer use cases to handle all requests, phasing out direct domain service calls

2. Enhanced Dependency Injection

  • Problem: Wire dependency injection configuration had duplicate binding issues, causing generation failures
  • Solution:
    • Refactored the wire.go file, removing duplicate binding definitions
    • Used provider functions instead of direct bindings
    • Added event handler registration logic

3. Eliminated Global Variables

  • Problem: The project used global variables to store service instances, violating dependency injection principles
  • Solution:
    • Removed the use of global variables service.ExampleSvc and service.EventBus
    • Passed service instances through dependency injection
    • Initialized services using dependency injection when starting the HTTP server

4. Improved Application Layer Integration

  • Problem: Application layer use cases were not fully utilized, with the HTTP server not enabling the application layer by default
  • Solution:
    • Enabled application layer use cases by default
    • Used the use case factory to create and manage use cases
    • Implemented clearer error handling and response mapping

Recent Optimizations

The project has recently undergone the following optimizations:

  1. Environment Variable Support:

    • Added functionality for environment variable overrides for configuration files, making the application more flexible in containerized deployments
    • Used a unified prefix (APP_) and hierarchical structure (e.g., APP_MYSQL_HOST) to organize environment variables
  2. Unified Error Handling:

    • Implemented an application-level error type system, supporting different types of errors (validation, not found, unauthorized, etc.)
    • Added unified error response handling, mapping internal errors to appropriate HTTP status codes
    • Improved error logging to ensure all unexpected errors are properly recorded
  3. Request Logging Middleware:

    • Added detailed request logging middleware to record request methods, paths, status codes, latency, and other information
    • In debug mode, request and response bodies can be logged to help developers troubleshoot issues
    • Intelligently identifies content types to avoid logging binary content
  4. Request ID Tracking:

    • Generated unique request IDs for each request, facilitating tracking in distributed systems
    • Returned request IDs in response headers for client reference
    • Included request IDs in logs to correlate multiple log entries for the same request
  5. Graceful Shutdown:

    • Implemented a graceful shutdown mechanism for the server, ensuring all in-flight requests are completed before shutting down
    • Added shutdown timeout settings to prevent the shutdown process from hanging indefinitely
    • Improved signal handling, supporting SIGINT and SIGTERM signals
  6. Internationalization Support:

    • Added translation middleware for multi-language validation error messages
    • Automatically selected appropriate language based on the Accept-Language header
  7. CORS Support:

    • Added CORS middleware to handle cross-origin requests
    • Configured allowed origins, methods, headers, and credentials
  8. Debugging Tools:

    • Integrated pprof performance analysis tools for diagnosing performance issues in production environments
    • Can be enabled or disabled via configuration file

These optimizations make the project more robust, maintainable, and provide a better development experience.

Usage Guide

Environment Preparation

Start MySQL using Docker:

docker run --name mysql-local \
  -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mysqlroot \
  -e MYSQL_DATABASE=go-hexagonal \
  -e MYSQL_USER=user \
  -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=mysqlroot \
  -p 3306:3306 \
  -d mysql:latest

Development Tool Installation

# Install development tools
make init && make precommit.rehook

Or install manually:

# Install pre-commit
brew install pre-commit
# Install golangci-lint
brew install golangci-lint
# Install commitlint
npm install -g @commitlint/cli @commitlint/config-conventional
# Add commitlint configuration
echo "module.exports = {extends: ['@commitlint/config-conventional']}" > commitlint.config.js
# Add pre-commit hook
make precommit.rehook

Running the Project

# Run the project
go run cmd/main.go


# Run tests
go test ./...

Extension Plans

  • Dependency Injection Improvements - Enhance Wire dependency injection configuration
  • HTTP Handling Improvements - Optimize HTTP request handling implementation
  • Domain Event Enhancements - Improve domain event mechanisms
  • gRPC Support - Add gRPC service implementation
  • Hot Reload Configuration - Implement configuration hot reloading
  • Monitoring Integration - Integrate Prometheus monitoring
  • Message Queue Integration - Integrate Kafka and other message queues
