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@RoderickQiu RoderickQiu released this 12 Jan 02:12
· 40 commits to master since this release

中文部分 | English Things Below


  • 如果你是Windows 8/8.1/10用户且没有关闭Windows Defender Smartscreen,你有可能需要在打开应用后的Smartscreen拦截框中点击“更多信息”->“仍然允许”来运行wnr。原因很简单:取消这个拦截需要我们花费数百美刀购买证书。

  • 如果你是Windows 7用户,且你在使用时出现wnr黑屏的情况,请为wnr打开 “Vista兼容模式” (找到wnr的快捷方式,在右键菜单中找到“属性”,在“兼容性”->“兼容模式”的下拉菜单中选择“Windows Vista”)

  • 如果你是macOS用户,若出现“无法打开应用”警告,请遵照这个教程打开应用,原因同样是因为签名证书太贵,难以负担。此外,若出现 “已损坏,无法打开。 您应该将它移到废纸篓”报错,则请遵照另一个教程打开应用 。对于macOS 12 (Ventura)用户,还应在终端中设置 xattr -cr /Applications/


  • 新增了对窗口最大化的支持,这种介于全屏专心与普通计时之间的模式将带来更大的方便。
  • 新增了在设置中自定义工作、休息等的主题颜色的功能。
  • 修复了几个小问题。


  • 新增了每几轮计时进行一次长休息、在计时结束前几秒弹出通知提示的功能,可以在设置面板中打开。
  • 新增了第一轮工作计时缩短一定时间的功能,使计时更加灵活,可以在计时主界面“更多设置”菜单中打开。
  • 使用自制提示框替换系统提示框,减少看不到提示窗口的情况。
  • 修复了外置标题窗口中笔记无法同步、正计时时托盘菜单中计时信息显示错误的问题。


  1. 蓝奏云高速下载

  2. 百度网盘链接备用(密码:swh3)

  3. Scoop (Windows)

scoop bucket add sushi
scoop install sushi/wnr


如果有任何功能建议或者疑问,请发邮件到[email protected]

English Part

Tips for Windows Users:

  • Please note that if you've turned on Windows Defender Smartscreen, you may need to click [more info] and then [still allow] to run it, or to click [run anyway] for Windows 8. The situation is here because we cannot afford to buy a signing certificate which costs [hundreds of dollars].

  • If you are using Windows 7 and the application isn't working properly, please apply for the "Vista Compatibility Mode".

Tip for macOS Users:

  • Please note that the macOS version is unsigned, so you may need to follow this guide in order to use. This software is clean and safe, I promise.

  • If macOS reports wnr as "damaged", please follow this guide to get rid of this. If you are using macOS 12 (Ventura), it is reported that terminal script xattr -cr /Applications/ is also needed.

Updated For:

  • New feature: maximizable window.
  • New feature: new setting about customizing theme colors.
  • Several bugs fixed.

Recently Updated:

  • New features: 1. Optimized long break, 2. Notification before a time period will end in seconds, 3.First work period discount, 4. A new dialog box style that can prevent being hidden.
  • Bugs fixed about: 1. Note sync in eternal title window, 2. Tray message malfunction in stopwatch mode.


  1. GitHub Release

  2. Also available on Softpedia

  3. Scoop (Windows)

scoop bucket add sushi
scoop install sushi/wnr

Contact Me:

In case you have any suggestion or question, drop me a line at [email protected].

Roderick Qiu, @RoderickQiu