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Releases: SAP/component-operator-runtime


28 Mar 09:35
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This is a bugfix release; see #260.


25 Mar 19:43
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This release is about revisiting/improving the timeout handling of components.

Improving the logic of the processing/timeout flow

It is well-known that every component has a processing timeout. Components can specify the timeout value by implementing the component.TimeoutConfiguration interface. Otherwise (or if a zero timeout is specified), it will be defaulted by the effective requeue interval, which defaults to 10 minutes.

Then, note that a component can be in a 'processing' or 'non-processing' state (which is not directly related to status.state being Processing). Here, 'processing' means that status.processingSince is non-initial. Now, if a component is reconciled, a certain component digest is calculated from the component's annotations, spec and references in the spec (see below for more details about references). Whenever this component digest differs from the current status.processingDigest, then status.processingSince is set to the current time, and status.processingDigest is set to the new component digest.
Roughly spoken, that means a new timeout countdown is started.

In addition to 'processing' a component can be in a 'timeout' state; this is the case if the status.processingSince timestamp lies more than the specified timeout duration in the past. If a component gets into the 'timeout' state

  • in non-error situations, then the component status (that is status.state) will be set to Error with condition reason Timeout
  • in error situations, then the component status, then the component status will be according to the error (that is, Error or Pending), and the condition reason is set to Timeout.

That means, a timeout can always be reliably detected by checking if the condition reason equals Timeout.

A 'processing' component will be set to 'non-processing' (that is, status.processingSince is cleared) if the component becomes ready (in that case, in addition, one immediate requeue is triggered).

Calculation of the component digest

At the beginning of the reconcilation of a component, a (component) digest is calculated that considers

  • the metadata.annotations of the component
  • the metadata.generation resp. the spec of the component
  • the loaded content of all spec fields having one of the following types:ConfigMapReference, ConfigMapKeyReference, SecretReference, SecretKeyReference, Reference.

Such references will be automatically loaded at the beginning of the reconcile iteration; for the builtinConfigMap and Secret reference types the logic is part of the framework, and for types implementing the

type Reference[T Component] interface {
	Load(ctx context.Context, clnt client.Client, component T) error
	Digest() string

interface, the loading and digest logic is to be provided by the implementation. Besides being used in the timeout handling as status.processingDigest, the component digest

  • is used when calculating event annotations
  • is passed to generators in their context
  • is used when calculating the object digest of dependent objects with an effective reconcile policy of OnObjectOrComponentChange.

Roughly speaking, the component digest should identify result of reconciling the component as exact as possible; that means: applying two components with identical digest should produce the same cluster state.

Incompatible changes

Besides the changes outlined above (which should not have a bad impact) this release contains the following incompatible changes:

  • so far, if a retriable error occurred, then status.state was set to Pending with reason Pending, respectively to DeletionPending with reason DeletionPending; the reason values are changed to Retrying and DeletionRetrying, respectively
  • a new reason Restarting was added, that will be used with status.state being Pending, if the processing state of a component is reset due to a component digest change.

v0.3.82: fix(deps): update non-minor dependencies (#257)

24 Mar 07:17
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Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>

v0.3.81: fix(deps): update node.js to v23.10.0 (#253)

17 Mar 07:17
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Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>

v0.3.80: chore(deps): update dependency autoprefixer to v10.4.21 (#249)

10 Mar 07:16
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Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>


28 Feb 17:57
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So far, the framework emitted really many component events, mostly if the component is in Processing state. That often exceeded the burst of the event broadcaster provided by controller-runtime (b=25, r=1/300, see

We change that now. If there are identical subsequent events produced for a component, only the first one will be emitted within 5 minutes; after 5 minutes, again one instance of the throttled event may be sent, and so on.


26 Feb 23:13
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Notable changes

  • It is now written in stone: hooks must not change the component's metadata or spec; this was actually always clear, but now it is really explicitly forbidden.
  • The component digest (which is for example passed to generators and influencing the status.ProcessingDigest) is now considering the metadata.generation of the component.


24 Feb 11:09
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  • New methods are added to cluster.Client:

    type Client interface {
        // ...
        // Return a rest config for this client.
        Config() *rest.Config
        // Return a http client for this client.
        HttpClient() *http.Client
  • In addition there is a new reconciler option

    type ReconcilerOptions struct {
        // ...
        // NewClient allows to modify or replace the default client used by the reconciler.
        // The returned client is used by the reconciler to manage the component instances, and passed to hooks.
        // Its scheme therefore must recognize the component type.
        NewClient NewClientFunc


    type NewClientFunc func(clnt cluster.Client) (cluster.Client, error)

    This allow to replace or modify the default component/hook client that would be used by the reconciler

    • to manage component instances
    • when calling hooks.

v0.3.76: chore(deps): update dependency postcss to v8.5.3 (#238)

24 Feb 07:16
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Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>


19 Feb 13:20
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Additional managed types

By its nature, component-operator-runtime tries to handle extension types (such as CRDs or API groups added through APIService federation), and instances of these types, in a smart way.

That is, if the component contains extension types, and also instances of these types, it tries to process things in the right order; that means, during apply the instances will be applied as late as possible (to ensure that controllers and webhooks are up); and during delete, the instances will be deleted as early as possible (to ensure that controllers and webhooks are still there). Furthermore, during deletion, foreign instances (that is, instances of these types that are not part of the component) block the deletion of the whole component.

Sometimes, components are implicitly adding extension types to the cluster; in the sense that the extension types are not explicitly part of the manifests, but added in the dark through controllers, once running. A typical example are crossplane providers.

This PR tries to add some relief in this situation. Components can now list 'additional managed types', by implementing the TypeConfiguration interface; these 'additional managed types' will be treated in the same way as extension types which are explicitly mentioned in the manifest.

Improved APIService handling

Up to now, APIService objects were deployed along with the other regular (that was: unmanaged) objects of the current apply wave. As a consequence, if the federated API server was not yet ready, stale group version errors were returned by the discovery API of the main API server. To overcome this problem, APIService objects receive a special handling now, in the sense that they are reconciled (in the apply wave) after all other regular objects, and before all managed instances. That means: within each apply order, objects are deployed to readiness in three sub stages

  • regular objects (all 'normal' objects)
  • late objects (currently, this is only APIService objects)
  • instances of managed types (that is instances of types which are added in this component as CRD or through an APIService)

Within each of these sub groups, the static ordering defined in sortObjectsForApply() is effective.

More robust handling of external recreations happening during deletion

Previously there was a rare race condition while deleting objects (either during component delete or component apply):

The old logic was:

  1. Delete objects that are are to be deleted (if they are in phase ScheduledForDeletion during apply or if the whole component is being deleted); if successful (that is API server responds with 2xx) then the inventory status of the dependent object is set to Deleting.
  2. Wait until object is gone.

Now, if the object was recreated by someone right between 1. and 2. then the reconciler went stuck.
Note that really does not happen usually (also because the critical period is very, very short).

To overcome, we are now checking the deletion timestamp of the dependent object (if still or again existing). If it has none, then we check the owner; if it is not us, then we give the object up (because apparently, someone else has just recreated it).