The Academic Calendar Assistant is a tool that helps students manage their academic and personal schedules. It can be used to track assignments, exams, class schedules, extracurricular activities, and personal appointments.
The objective is to create a user-friendly, feature-rich student calendar web application that helps students organize their schedules and increase productivity. This app will allow students to create and manage events, set reminders, and view their schedules in daily, weekly, or monthly views. It will also integrate with other calendar applications, such as Google or outlook Calendar, to allow for easy synchronization and access across devices.
The tool will include features for creation, management and customization. It will use an artificial intelligence NLP model to retrieve data related to active courses schedules from Brightspace and add them to the Outlook/Google calendars.
To be established
The tool will be hosted online with an easy-to-access URL
navigate to the assistant-calendar folder
run the following command to install npm
npm install
after the npm install is done, start the application by
npm start
navigate to
Ghazal Sadeghpour
Hedi Ben Abid
Jeremy Fang
Mahdi Chiboub
Sam Sunny
Youssef Jallouli
- 0.1
- Initial Release
Inspiration, code snippets, etc.
- Documentation for google calendar API:
- Outlook API (everything we can do with calendars) -
- Video on how to add events to google calendar (python):
- NER to find dates in PDFs -
- Video for Outlook calendar event integration -
- Syllabuddy: An application that instantly extracts due dates for assignments/exams/etc. from the downloaded Syllabus document and then imports the calendar into your Google/Apple calendar by emailing an ICS file. -> Source code :
- uSchedule: A tool to simplify building class schedules for the University of Ottawa. Core repos: root, Webapp, Scheduler, Data-Access, App-Router, Notifier & Auth. -> Source code: