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Konrad Abicht edited this page Mar 5, 2015 · 11 revisions

Setup Virtuoso as SPARQL endpoint for HTTP requests


To be able to execute both SPARQL SELECT and UPDATE queries, you have to do the following steps.

1. Virtuoso 6.1.8+

Only Virtuoso 6.1.8 and higher supports SPARQL UPDATE queries via HTTP. Have no Ubuntu package? Have a look here

2. User account for WebDAV

Create a new user via Conductor with the following configuration:

  • Set username and password (remember it and set it in the config.ini of the test environment!)
  • Check by User Enabled
  • User Type: SQL/ODBC and WebDAV
  • Primary Role: SPARQL_SELECT
  • Account Roles Selected: SPARQL_SELECT

This user will be used for Digest Authentication.

3. Role adaption for SPARQL user

Edit the existing SPARQL user and add SPARQL_UPDATE under Account Roles Selected.


  • If you get Virtuoso 42000 Error SR186: No permission to execute procedure DB.DBA.SPARUL_DROP with user ID 106, group ID 106 you probably missed 3. Role adaption for SPARQL user, didn't you?

  • If you get HTTP status code 406 in a response, try using GET instead of POST. Furthermore, check value of Accept header, maybe it could not be understand by the Virtuoso server.

  • If you send a query via HTTP such as select ?s ?p ?o (DATATYPE(?o)) as ?otype (LANG(?o)) as ?olang WHERE {<". $resourceUri ."> ?p ?o.} to add datatype and language information, with Virtuoso 6.1.8, you will run into the following error: Virtuoso 22023 Error SR544: Function __xsd_type() can not find XML Schema datatype that matches SQL datatype UNAME (217) It seems they fixed that bug for Virtuoso 7.1+. For more information look into this issue.