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Releases: Sberm/

1.3.6 Release

17 Mar 20:13
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  • Add support for older bash versions ('function' keyword)
  • Fix UTF-8 search text shivering, by adding an alignment sign '>'
  • Delete dead code
  • Add some documentation
  • Update libc
  • Give --dest tmp file more random characters
  • Filter special character inputs in search text
  • Add new theme 'Catppuccin'
  • Read all the command line options in the ts() shell script

Enjoy trans 1.3.6, this will likely be the last 1.3.* release :)

1.3.5 Release

05 Mar 03:57
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1.3.5 Release

Now, trans supports search history -- try it with up and down keys; It also allows you to navigate the search query text using left and right arrow keys.

It also supports autocompletion on directories in zsh now. Just type ts and press TAB to autocomplete. :)


1.3.4 Release

06 Jan 07:11
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Bug fixes and refinements, enjoy!

1.3.3 Release

16 Dec 18:23
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  • Supports ts <path> such as
ts /usr/lib/
ts ..
ts /root
  • Add bash auto completion to ts <path> for completion of a path

  • Add Ctrl + U for half page up, Ctrl + D for half page down.

The executable attached is of x86-64, Linux.

1.3.2: Bug fixes and refinements

19 Nov 05:54
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No major changes. Enjoy!

Quick start using prebuilt binaries:

# download the tarball file corresponding to your architecture and OS
# extract the tarball
tar -zxvf <transgender*.gz>
sudo mv ./transgender /usr/local/bin

# add this function your preferred shell's config file, eg. .bashrc, .zshrc
printf "ts() {\n  cd \"\$(transgender 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&- | tail -n 1)\"\n}\n" >> ~/.bashrc

# delete the tarball file
rm -rf <transgender*.gz>

Special thanks to @Leaf-Oct

1.3.1: Easier addition to themes and migration to regex_lite

14 Nov 03:49
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What's new

  • Make the addition of themes easier
  • Highlight a directory even when the cursor is not on it.
  • Use regex_lite instead, to reduce the executable size and make it use less memory.
  • Change the images, hopefully it won't scare people away anymore.
  • Clean git repo binary files (mostly big images), and run BFG, reduce .git size.
  • Set the default theme to lucius

Stable 1.3.0

20 Oct 16:17
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>> Introducing Regex!

What's new

  • Regex searching
  • Search on key pressed (change of behavior)

Author's Note:

πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ After 8 months of development, we have finally reached a milestone: this is a fully-featured version of It can now be used as a productivity software.

Stable 1.2.3

18 Oct 02:23
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What's new

  • Fix UTF8 display error
  • Allow UTF8 search input

Author's Note:

πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ After 8 months of development, we have finally reached a milestone: this is a fully-featured version of It can now be used as productivity software.


04 Jun 02:22
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What's new

  • Support opening files with text editors (o or ENTER)
  • Specify desired text editor in config file ~/.tsrc

To use the executable:

  1. Put the executable transgender to any binary search path, such as /usr/local/bin
  2. The executable below should be used together with
function ts() {
  cd $(transgender 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&- | tail -n 1)

put in your shell config file.
The executable is for X86_64 Linux.

Stable 1.2

03 Apr 08:17
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To use the executable:

  1. Put the executable transgender to any binary search path, such as /usr/local/bin
  2. The executable below should be used together with
function ts() {
  cd $(transgender 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&- | tail -n 1)

put in your shell config file.
The executable is for X86_64 Linux.