Special thanks go to to:
and many others.
plugin name | plugin description | plugin address | plugin author | author github | second author name | verify author | notes |
adsbsniffer.py | A plugin that captures ADS-B data from aircraft using RTL-SDR and logs it. | https://github.com/AlienMajik/pwnagotchi_plugins/blob/main/adsbsniffer.py | AlienMajik | 4li3nMaJ1k | |||
age.py | A plugin that will add age and strength stats based on epochs and trained epochs | https://github.com/hannadiamond/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/main/plugins/age.py | hannadiamond | ||||
agev2.py | A plugin that will add age and strength stats based on epochs and trained epochs | https://github.com/Kaska89/pwnagotchi-EXPv2-plugin/blob/main/agev2.py | Kaska89 | ||||
aircrackonly.py | confirm pcap contains handshake/PMKID or delete it | https://github.com/evilsocket/pwnagotchi-plugins-contrib/blob/master/aircrackonly.py | rossmarks.uk | * | |||
apfaker.py | Creates fake aps. | https://github.com/dadav/pwnagotchi-custom-plugins/blob/master/apfaker.py | dadav | ||||
apprise-notify.py | An Apprise plugin for pwnagotchi that implements all the available callbacks. | https://github.com/itsdarklikehell/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/master/apprise-notify.py | itsdarklikehell | * removed | |||
auto_backup.py | This plugin backups files when internet is available. | https://github.com/evilsocket/pwnagotchi-plugins-contrib/blob/master/auto_backup.py | evilsocket | ||||
auto-hotspot.py | A plugin to automatically create a wifi hotspot when in manual mode. | https://github.com/itsdarklikehell/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/master/auto-hotspot.py | tjbishop | https://github.com/tjbishop | plugin remove from og repo | ||
auto-update | This plugin checks when updates are available and applies them when internet is available. | https://github.com/evilsocket/pwnagotchi/blob/master/pwnagotchi/plugins/default/auto-update.py | evilsocket | ||||
away_base.py | Watches for known networks, connects for a while, then returns to recon | https://github.com/troystauffer/home_base/blob/master/away_base.py | nope | https://github.com/nope | * | link not from the original author | |
banthex-de.py | This plugin automatically uploads handshakes to https://banthex.de/wpa/ | https://github.com/itsdarklikehell/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/master/banthex-de.py | adi1708 | https://github.com/adi1708 | * | link not from the original author | |
banthex.py | This plugin automatically uploads handshakes to https://banthex.de/wpa | https://github.com/V0r-T3x/pwnagotchi_plugins/blob/main/plugins/banthex.py | V0r-T3x | ||||
basiclight.py | GPIO traffic-light signals. | https://github.com/itsdarklikehell/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/master/basiclight.py | shir0tetsuo | https://github.com/shir0tetsuo?tab=repositories | * | plugin remove from og repo | |
beaconify.py | A plugin to send beacon frames more often and restarts pwngrid when it stops listening for other units' beacons. | https://github.com/arturandre/pwnagotchi-beacon-plugins/blob/main/beaconify.py | Artur Oliveira | arturandre | |||
beacons.py | A plugin that advertises pwnagotchi state via valid WiFi beacons. | https://github.com/kripthor/pwnagotchi-beacons/blob/master/plugin/beacons.py | kripthor | ||||
better_apfaker.py | Creates fake aps. | https://github.com/SilenTree12th/pwnagotchi_plugins/blob/main/better_apfaker.py | SilenTree12th | ||||
better_onlinehashcrack.py | This plugin automatically uploads handshakes to https://onlinehashcrack.com | https://github.com/SilenTree12th/pwnagotchi_plugins/blob/main/better_onlinehashcrack.py | silentree12th | ||||
better_quickdic.py | Run a quick dictionary scan against captured handshakes. Optionally send found passwords as qrcode and plain text over to telegram bot. | https://github.com/SilenTree12th/pwnagotchi_plugins/blob/main/better_quickdic.py | silentree12th | ||||
birthday.py | A plugin that shows the age and birthday of your Pwnagotchi. | https://github.com/nullm0ose/pwnagotchi-plugin-birthday/blob/main/birthday.py | nullm0ose | ||||
bitcoin.py | A plugin that will display the bitcoin price. | https://github.com/itsdarklikehell/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/master/bitcoin.py | jfrader | https://github.com/jfrader | * | plugin remove from og repo | |
blemon_plugin.py | https://github.com/Sniffleupagus/pwnagotchi_plugins/blob/main/blemon_plugin.py | Sniffleupagus | Nursejackass | ||||
bluetooth_scanner.py | https://github.com/Deus73/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/main/bluetooth_scanner.py | Deus73 | Deus Dust | ||||
bluetoothsniffer.py | A plugin that sniffs Bluetooth devices and saves their MAC addresses, name and counts to a JSON file | https://github.com/diytechtinker/pwnagotchi_plugins/blob/main/bluetoothsniffer.py | diytechtinker | ||||
bluetoothsniffer.py (fix) | A plugin that sniffs Bluetooth devices and saves their MAC addresses, name and counts to a JSON file | https://github.com/jayofelony/pwnagotchi-torch-plugins/blob/main/bluetoothsniffer.py | diytechtinker + jayofelony | xbits | |||
bshim.py | Pimoroni Button Shim GPIO Button control | https://github.com/unagisan69/better-button-shim-pwnagotchi/blob/main/bshim.py | unagisan69 | ||||
bt-tether.py | This makes the display reachable over bluetooth | https://github.com/evilsocket/pwnagotchi/blob/master/pwnagotchi/plugins/default/bt-tether.py | dadav | ||||
buttonshim.py | Pimoroni Button Shim GPIO Button and RGB LED support plugin based on the pimoroni-buttonshim-lib and the pwnagotchi-gpio-buttons-plugin | https://github.com/hmax42/pwnagotchi-plugins-contrib/blob/master/buttonshim.py | hmax42 | ||||
christmas.py | Christmas Countdown timer for pwnagotchi | https://github.com/evilsocket/pwnagotchi-plugins-contrib/blob/master/christmas.py | LoganMD | ||||
clock_wav_v3.py | Clock/Calendar for pwnagotchi | https://github.com/vanshksingh/Pwnagotchi_Plugins/blob/main/clock_wav_v3.py | vanshksingh | ||||
clock.py | Clock/Calendar for pwnagotchi | https://github.com/evilsocket/pwnagotchi-plugins-contrib/blob/master/clock.py | LoganMD | ||||
counter.py | This will add some UI stuff to your Pwnagotchi to count assocs and deauths! | https://github.com/Terminatoror/plugins/blob/main/counter.py | dadav + Terminatoror | Terminator | |||
crack_house.py | A plugin to display closest cracked network & it password | https://github.com/V0r-T3x/pwnagotchi_plugins/blob/main/plugins/crack_house.py | V0r-T3x | V0rt3x | |||
cuffs.py | Restricts the pwnagotchi to only attack specified ap's | https://github.com/IdolonInMachina/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/master/cuffs.py | IdolonInMachina | ||||
darkmode.py | Darkmode plugin. | https://github.com/Sliim/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/master/darkmode.py | Sliim | ||||
dashboard.py | Dashboard plugin is a consolidation of the clock, deauth counter, memtemp, pivoyager and added few features such as cracked handshake counter and internet status. | https://github.com/do-ki/custom-plugins/blob/main/dashboard.py | doki | ||||
dashboard2.py | Dashboard plugin is a consolidation of the clock, deauth counter, memtemp, pivoyager and added few features such as cracked handshake counter and internet status. | https://github.com/do-ki/custom-plugins/blob/main/dashboard2.py | doki | ||||
deauth.py | counts the successful deauth attacks of this session | https://github.com/scorpion3013/pwnagotchi-custom-plugins/blob/master/deauth.py | scorp | scorpion3013 | |||
deauthenticator.py | A plugin that will add the Pwnagotchi version to the left of the current mode. | https://github.com/Deus73/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/main/deauthenticator.py | Deus73 | Deus Dust | |||
discohash.py | DiscoHash extracts hashes from pcaps (hashcat mode 22000) using hcxpcapngtool, analyses the hash using hcxhashtool and posts the output to Discord along with any obtained GPS coordinates. | https://github.com/flamebarke/DiscoHash/blob/main/discohash.py | v0yager | flamebarke | |||
discord.py | Post recent activity to a Discord channel using webhooks. Requires discord.py module. | https://github.com/evilsocket/pwnagotchi-plugins-contrib/blob/master/discord.py | [email protected] | ||||
display_settings.py | Control backlight, and maybe other settings for displays. (but only pimoroni displayhatmini for now) | https://github.com/Sniffleupagus/pwnagotchi_plugins/blob/main/display_settings.py | Sniffleupagus | ||||
display_version.py | https://github.com/traidento/pwnagotchi-plugins-contrib/blob/master/display_version.py | traidento | |||||
display-aircrack.py | A plugin to display if aircrack is runing or not | https://github.com/7h30th3r0n3/Pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/main/display-aircrack.py | 7h30th3r0n3 | ||||
display-password-qr.py | A plugin to display recently cracked passwords | https://github.com/itsdarklikehell/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/master/display-password-qr.py | c-nagy | nagy_craig | * | remove from the og | |
display-password.py | A plugin to display recently cracked passwords | https://github.com/c-nagy/pwnagotchi-display-password-plugin/blob/master/display-password.py | c-nagy | nagy_craig | |||
display-text.py | A plugin that displays text on the waveshare144lcd screen. | https://github.com/itsdarklikehell/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/master/display-text.py | adi1708 | https://github.com/adi1708 | |||
dns_spoof_detector.py | https://github.com/Deus73/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/main/dns_spoof_detector.py | Deus73 | Deus Dust | ||||
dropbox_ul.py | This plugin automatically uploads handshakes to a dropbox app | https://github.com/markenglish/pwnplugins/blob/master/dropbox_ul.py | markenglish | [email protected] | |||
educational-purposes-exclusively.py | A plugin to automatically authenticate to known networks and perform internal network recon | https://github.com/MaliosDark/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/main/educational-purposes-exclusively.py | MaliosDark | Andryu Schittone | |||
educational-purposes-only.py | A plugin to automatically authenticate to known networks and perform internal network recon | https://github.com/MaliosDark/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/main/educational-purposes-only.py | MaliosDark | Andryu Schittone | |||
enable_assoc.py | Enable and disable ASSOC on the fly. Enabled when plugin loads, disabled when plugin unloads. | https://github.com/Sniffleupagus/pwnagotchi_plugins/blob/main/enable_assoc.py | Sniffleupagus | Nursejackass | |||
enable_deauth.py | Enable and disable DEAUTH on the fly. Enabled when plugin loads, disabled when plugin unloads. | https://github.com/Sniffleupagus/pwnagotchi_plugins/blob/main/enable_deauth.py | Sniffleupagus | Nursejackass | |||
enterprise.py | This plugin will attempt to obtain credentials from enterprise networks when bored and networks are available. | https://github.com/BradlySharpe/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/main/enterprise.py | BradlySharpe | ||||
example.py | An example plugin for pwnagotchi that implements all the available callbacks. | https://github.com/evilsocket/pwnagotchi/blob/master/pwnagotchi/plugins/default/example.py | evilsocket | ||||
exp.py | Get exp every time a handshake get captured. | https://github.com/GaelicThunder/Experience-Plugin-Pwnagotchi/blob/master/exp.py | GaelicThunder | ||||
expv2.py | Get exp every time a handshake get captured. | https://github.com/Passarb/pwnagotchi_plugins/blob/main/expv2.py | GaelicThunder, Kaska89, Rai, JayofElony, & Terminator | ||||
ext_wifi.py | Activates external wifi adapter | https://github.com/unagisan69/pwnagotchi-external-wifi-plugin/blob/main/ext_wifi.py | [email protected] | ||||
f0xtr0t.py | a plugin for pwnagotchi that shows a openstreetmap with positions of ap-handshakes in your webbrowser. Based on the origional webgpsmaps | https://github.com/sixt0o/f0xtr0t/blob/main/f0xtr0t.py | sixt0o | ||||
fake.py | gpsfake.py -- classes for creating a controlled test environment around gpsd. | https://github.com/xfox64x/pwnagotchi_plugins/blob/master/gsmfake/fake.py | xfox64x | kasha? | * | ||
fancygotchi.py | A theme manager for the Pwnagotchi [cannot be disabled, need to be uninstalled from inside the plugin] | https://github.com/V0r-T3x/fancygotchi/blob/main/fancygotchi.py | V0r-T3x | Vort3x | |||
fancyserver.py | Fancygotchi and additional debug/dev tools | https://github.com/V0r-T3x/Fancytools/blob/main/fancytools.py | V0r-T3x | Vort3x | |||
fancytools.py | A server to receive extra commands to control your Pwnagotchi | https://github.com/V0r-T3x/Fancytools/blob/main/fancyserver.py | V0r-T3x | Vort3x | |||
fireworks.py | Uses Pimoroni shim to put on a light show | https://github.com/iggdawg/pwnagotchi_plugins/blob/master/fireworks.py | iggdawg | ||||
fix_brcmf_plugin.py | Reload brcmfmac module when blindbug is detected, instead of rebooting. Adapted from WATCHDOG | https://github.com/Sniffleupagus/pwnagotchi_plugins/blob/main/fix_brcmf_plugin.py | Sniffleupagus | ||||
fix_region.py | Let you change the iw region to unlock channel | https://github.com/V0r-T3x/pwnagotchi_plugins/blob/main/plugins/fix_region.py | V0r-T3x | Vort3x | |||
fix_services.py | Fix blindness, firmware crashes and brain not being loaded | https://github.com/jayofelony/pwnagotchi/blob/master/pwnagotchi/plugins/default/fix_services.py | jayofelony | xbits | |||
flipperLink.py | A plugin that will add functionality for pwnagotchi to connect to the Flipper Zero | https://github.com/allordacia/FlipperLink/blob/main/flipperLink.py | Allordacia | ||||
fortune_cookie.py | A plugin to display fortune cookie messages | https://github.com/vanshksingh/Pwnagotchi_Plugins/blob/main/fortune_cookie.py | vanshksingh | ||||
gdrivesync.py | A plugin to backup various pwnagotchi files and folders to Google Drive. Once every hour from loading plugin. | https://github.com/jayofelony/pwnagotchi/blob/master/pwnagotchi/plugins/default/gdrivesync.py | jayofelony | xbits | Cant be used independently | ||
gpio_buttons.py | GPIO Button support plugin | https://github.com/dadav/pwnagotchi-custom-plugins/blob/master/gpio_buttons.py | ratmandu | https://github.com/ratmandu | |||
gpio_shutdown.py | GPIO Shutdown plugin | https://github.com/evilsocket/pwnagotchi-plugins-contrib/blob/master/gpio_shutdown.py | tomellericcardo | ||||
gps_error.py | Display error when GPS is not running. Requires gps plugin enabled. | https://github.com/Sliim/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/master/gps_error.py | Sliim | ||||
gps_fix.py | Display GPS fix quality. Requires gps plugin enabled. | https://github.com/Sliim/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/master/gps_fix.py | Sliim | ||||
gps_grid.py | Share GPS coordinates with grid. Requires gps plugin enabled. | https://github.com/Sliim/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/master/gps_grid.py | Sliim | ||||
gps_live.py | Update GPS coordinates on each epoch. Requires gps plugin enabled. | https://github.com/Sliim/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/master/gps_live.py | Sliim | ||||
gps_more.py | Save GPS coordinates whenever it seems reasonable. on epoch to get starting point, handshake to update. | https://github.com/Sniffleupagus/pwnagotchi_plugins/blob/main/gps_more.py | Sniffleupagus | Nursejackass | |||
gps_sat.py | Display number of satellites. Requires gps plugin enabled. | https://github.com/Sliim/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/master/gps_sat.py | Sliim | ||||
gps-plus.py | Save GPS coordinates whenever an handshake is captured. | https://github.com/crahan/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/main/gps-plus.py | crahan | ||||
gps.py | Save GPS coordinates whenever an handshake is captured. | https://github.com/evilsocket/pwnagotchi/blob/master/pwnagotchi/plugins/default/gps.py | evilsocket | ||||
gpsd.py | Talk to GPSD and save coordinates whenever a handshake is captured. | https://github.com/kellertk/pwnagotchi-plugin-gpsd/blob/main/gpsd.py | kellertk | [email protected] | |||
gpsdeasy.py | uses gpsd to report lat/long on the screen and setup bettercap pcap gps logging | https://github.com/rai68/gpsd-easy/blob/main/gpsdeasy.py | rai68 | rai68 | |||
gsmfake.py | https://github.com/xfox64x/pwnagotchi_plugins/blob/master/gsmfake/gsmfake.py | xfox64x | kasha? | ||||
handshaker.py | A plugin to help access important pwnagotchi information when the device cannot be accessed via SSH | https://github.com/allordacia/Pwnagotchi-Handshaker/blob/main/handshaker.py | Allordacia | ||||
handshakes-dl-hashie.py | Download handshake captures from web-ui. | https://github.com/PwnPeter/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/master/handshakes-dl-hashie.py | PwnPeter | ||||
handshakes-dl.py | Download handshake captures from web-ui. | https://github.com/sayak-brm/pwnagotchi-plugins-contrib/blob/master/handshakes-dl.py | sayak-brm | [email protected] | |||
hashbot.py | This bot will return the hashes obtained using discohash for a specified number of access points as a txt file. Message the bot with !dumphash [NUMBER]. | https://github.com/flamebarke/DiscoHash/blob/main/bots/hashbot.py | V0yager | flamebarke? | |||
hashespwnagotchi.py | uploads handshakes to https://hashes.pw | https://github.com/jjensn/hashespwnagotchi/blob/master/hashespwnagotchi.py | jjensn | ||||
hashie-hcxpcapngtool.py | Attempt to automatically convert pcaps to a crackable format. If successful, the files containing the hashes will be saved in the same folder as the handshakes. The files are saved in their respective Hashcat format: - EAPOL hashes are saved as .22000 - PMKID hashes are saved as.16800 All PCAP files without enough information to create a hash are stored in a file that can be read by the webgpsmap plugin. Why use it?: - Automatically convert handshakes to crackable formats! We dont all upload our hashes online ; ) - Repair PMKID handshakes that hcxpcapngtool misses - If running at time of handshake capture, on_handshake can be used to improve the chance of the repair succeeding - Be a completionist! Not enough packets captured to crack a network? This generates an output file for the webgpsmap plugin, use the location data to revisit networks you need more packets for! Additional information: - Currently requires hcxpcapngtool compiled and installed - Attempts to repair PMKID hashes when hcxpcapngtool cant find the SSID - hcxpcapngtool sometimes has trouble extracting the SSID, so we use the raw 16800 output and attempt to retrieve the SSID via tcpdump - When access_point data is available (on_handshake), we leverage the reported AP name and MAC to complete the hash - The repair is very basic and could certainly be improved! Todo: Make it so users dont need hcxpcapngtool (unless it gets added to the base image) Phase 1: Extract/construct 22000/16800 hashes through tcpdump commands Phase 2: Extract/construct 22000/16800 hashes entirely in python Improve the code, a lot | https://github.com/PwnPeter/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/master/hashie-hcxpcapngtool.py | [email protected] | pwnpeter? | |||
hashie.py | Attempt to automatically convert pcaps to a crackable format. If successful, the files containing the hashes will be saved in the same folder as the handshakes. The files are saved in their respective Hashcat format: - EAPOL hashes are saved as .2500 - PMKID hashes are saved as.16800 All PCAP files without enough information to create a hash are stored in a file that can be read by the webgpsmap plugin. Why use it?: - Automatically convert handshakes to crackable formats! We dont all upload our hashes online ; ) - Repair PMKID handshakes that hcxpcaptool misses - If running at time of handshake capture, on_handshake can be used to improve the chance of the repair succeeding - Be a completionist! Not enough packets captured to crack a network? This generates an output file for the webgpsmap plugin, use the location data to revisit networks you need more packets for! Additional information: - Currently requires hcxpcaptool compiled and installed - Attempts to repair PMKID hashes when hcxpcaptool cant find the SSID - hcxpcaptool sometimes has trouble extracting the SSID, so we use the raw 16800 output and attempt to retrieve the SSID via tcpdump - When access_point data is available (on_handshake), we leverage the reported AP name and MAC to complete the hash - The repair is very basic and could certainly be improved! Todo: Make it so users dont need hcxpcaptool (unless it gets added to the base image) Phase 1: Extract/construct 2500/16800 hashes through tcpdump commands Phase 2: Extract/construct 2500/16800 hashes entirely in python Improve the code, a lot | https://github.com/evilsocket/pwnagotchi-plugins-contrib/blob/master/hashie.py | [email protected] | pwnpeter? | |||
hashieclean.py | This version removes "lonely pcaps", those can't be converted either to the formats .22000 (EAPOL) or .16800 (PMKID). As the number of lonely pcaps increase the loading time increases too. Besides that, the checking for completed handshakes is done more efficiently, thus reducing even further the loading time of the plugin. Based on hashi by [email protected]: Attempt to automatically convert pcaps to a crackable format. If successful, the files containing the hashes will be saved in the same folder as the handshakes. The files are saved in their respective Hashcat format: - EAPOL hashes are saved as .22000 - PMKID hashes are saved as.16800 All PCAP files without enough information to create a hash are stored in a file that can be read by the webgpsmap plugin. Why use it?: - Automatically convert handshakes to crackable formats! We dont all upload our hashes online ; ) - Repair PMKID handshakes that hcxpcapngtool misses - If running at time of handshake capture, on_handshake can be used to improve the chance of the repair succeeding - Be a completionist! Not enough packets captured to crack a network? This generates an output file for the webgpsmap plugin, use the location data to revisit networks you need more packets for! Additional information: - Currently requires hcxpcapngtool compiled and installed - Attempts to repair PMKID hashes when hcxpcapngtool cant find the SSID - hcxpcapngtool sometimes has trouble extracting the SSID, so we use the raw 16800 output and attempt to retrieve the SSID via tcpdump - When access_point data is available (on_handshake), we leverage the reported AP name and MAC to complete the hash - The repair is very basic and could certainly be improved! Todo: Make it so users dont need hcxpcapngtool (unless it gets added to the base image) Phase 1: Extract/construct 22000/16800 hashes through tcpdump commands Phase 2: Extract/construct 22000/16800 hashes entirely in python Improve the code, a lot | https://github.com/arturandre/pwnagotchi-beacon-plugins/blob/main/hashieclean.py | Artur Oliveira | arturandre | |||
home_base.py | Connects to home network for internet when available | https://github.com/troystauffer/home_base/blob/master/home_base.py | troystauffer | ||||
hp+educational-purposes.py | A combined Pwnagotchi plugin for setting up a honey pot and performing network authentication. | https://github.com/MaliosDark/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/main/hp%2Beducational-purposes.py | MaliosDark | Andryu Schittone | |||
httpserver.py | HTTP Server Plugin | https://github.com/qLJB/pwnagotchi-http-module/blob/main/httpserver.py | Hades | qLJB | |||
hulk.py | This will put pwnagotchi in hulk mode. Hulk is always angry! | https://github.com/dadav/pwnagotchi-custom-plugins/blob/master/hulk.py | dadav | ||||
instattack.py | Pwn more aggressively. Launch immediate associate or deauth attack when bettercap spots a device. | https://github.com/Sniffleupagus/pwnagotchi_plugins/blob/main/instattack.py | Sniffleupagus | Nursejackass | |||
internet-conection.py | A plugin that displays the Internet connection status on the pwnagotchi display. | https://github.com/NeonLightning/pwny/blob/main/internet-conection.py | NeonLightning | ||||
internet-connection.py | A plugin that displays the Internet connection status on the pwnagotchi display. | https://github.com/jayofelony/pwnagotchi-torch-plugins/blob/main/internet-connection.py | jayofelony | ||||
IPDisplay.py | Display IP addresses on the Pwnagotchi UI | https://github.com/NeonLightning/pwny/blob/main/IPDisplay.py | NeonLightning | ||||
lcdhatcontrols.py | lcdhat controls | https://github.com/NeonLightning/pwny/blob/main/lcdhatcontrols.py | NeonLightning | ||||
led.py | This plugin blinks the PWR led with different patterns depending on the event. | https://github.com/evilsocket/pwnagotchi/blob/master/pwnagotchi/plugins/default/led.py | evilsocket | ||||
logtail.py | This plugin tails the logfile. | https://github.com/dadav/pwnagotchi/blob/master/pwnagotchi/plugins/default/logtail.py | dadav | ||||
mac_adress_logger.py | https://github.com/Deus73/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/main/mac_adress_logger.py | Deus73 | Deus Dust | ||||
mac_randomizer.py | https://github.com/Deus73/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/main/mac_randomizer.py | Deus73 | Deus Dust | ||||
mastodon.py | Periodically post status updates. Based on twitter plugin by evilsocket | https://github.com/evilsocket/pwnagotchi-plugins-contrib/blob/master/mastodon.py | [email protected] | ||||
memtemp_adv.py | A plugin that will display memory/cpu/disk usage and temperature | https://github.com/mavotronik/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/main/memtemp_adv/memtemp_adv.py | mavotronik | ||||
memtemp-plus.py | A plugin that will display memory/cpu usage and temperature | https://github.com/crahan/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/main/memtemp-plus.py | crahan | ||||
memtemp-plus.py (jayofelony) | A plugin that will display memory/cpu usage and temperature | https://github.com/jayofelony/pwnagotchi-torch-plugins/blob/main/memtemp-plus.py | jayofelony | xbits | |||
memtemp.py | A plugin that will display memory/cpu usage and temperature | https://github.com/dadav/pwnagotchi-custom-plugins/blob/master/memtemp.py | xenDE | removed from the original repo | |||
miyagi.py | Manage AI training. Pwn on. Pwn off. (just kidding. always b pwn'in'!) | https://github.com/Sniffleupagus/pwnagotchi_plugins/blob/main/miyagi.py | Sniffleupagus | Nursejackass | |||
more_uptime.py | Enable and disable ASSOC on the fly. Enabled when plugin loads, disabled when plugin unloads. | https://github.com/Sniffleupagus/pwnagotchi_plugins/blob/main/more_uptime.py | evilsocket + Sniffleupagus | Nursejackass | |||
morse_code.py | An example plugin for pwnagotchi that implements all the available callbacks. | https://github.com/Sniffleupagus/pwnagotchi_plugins/blob/main/morse_code.py | Sniffleupagus | Nursejackass | |||
mqtt_plugin.py | A plugin that sends info about your pwnagotchi to MQTT | https://github.com/mavotronik/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/main/mqtt_plugin/mqtt_plugin.py | mavotronik | ||||
mycracked_pw.py | A plugin to grab all cracked passwords and creates wifi qrcodes and a wordlist which can be used for the quickdic plugin. It stores them in the home directory. Read with cat | https://github.com/SilenTree12th/pwnagotchi_plugins/blob/main/mycracked_pw.py | silentree12th | ||||
mygps.py | This plugin allows the user to receive GPS information from a connected phone using GPSLogger App. | https://github.com/itsdarklikehell/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/master/mygps.py | [email protected] | ||||
net-pos.py | Saves a json file with the access points with more signal whenever a handshake is captured. When internet is available the files are converted in geo locations using Mozilla LocationService | https://github.com/dadav/pwnagotchi-custom-plugins/blob/master/net-pos.py | zenzen666 | Zenzen San | original repo out-dated | ||
network_intrusion_detector.py | https://github.com/Deus73/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/main/network_intrusion_detector.py | Deus73 | Deus Dust | ||||
network_mapper.py | https://github.com/Deus73/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/main/network_mapper.py | Deus73 | Deus Dust | ||||
network_packet_sniffer.py | https://github.com/Deus73/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/main/network_packet_sniffer.py | Deus73 | Deus Dust | ||||
nextcloud.py | This plugin automatically uploads handshakes to a nextcloud webdav endpoint | https://github.com/nobbs/pwnagotchi-nextcloud/blob/master/nextcloud.py | [email protected] | nobbs? | |||
ntfy_msg.py | Send notifications to any device with a ntfy call to your ntfy instance | https://github.com/itsdarklikehell/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/master/ntfy_msg.py | Lehni | ||||
onlinehashcrack.py | This plugin automatically uploads handshakes to https://onlinehashcrack.com | https://github.com/dadav/pwnagotchi-custom-plugins/blob/master/onlinehashcrack.py | dadav | ||||
partymode.py | Partymode plugin. | https://github.com/itsdarklikehell/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/master/partymode.py | Sliim | ||||
paw-gps.py | Saves GPS coordinates whenever an handshake is captured. The GPS data is get from PAW on android | https://github.com/dadav/pwnagotchi-custom-plugins/blob/master/paw-gps.py | leont | https://github.com/Leont | * | not one og repo | |
phwn_hwm.py | Define hwms for your pwnagotchi | https://github.com/necrosato/phwn_hwm/blob/master/phwn_hwm.py | necrosato | ||||
pisugar2.py | A plugin that will add a voltage indicator for the PiSugar 2 | https://github.com/tisboyo/pwnagotchi-pisugar2-plugin/blob/master/pisugar2.py | tisboyo | ||||
pisugar3.py | A plugin that will add a percentage indicator for the PiSugar 3 | https://github.com/taiyonemo/pwnagotchi-plugin-pisugar3/blob/main/pisugar3.py | taiyonemo | ||||
pisugar3.py (nullm0ose) | A plugin that shows charging status and battery percentage for the PiSugar3 | https://github.com/nullm0ose/pwnagotchi-plugin-pisugar3/blob/main/pisugar3.py | nullm0ose | ||||
pivoyager.py | PiVoyager UPS plugin | https://github.com/do-ki/custom-plugins/blob/main/pivoyager.py | doki | ||||
potfilesorter.py | A plugin that will sort a potfile and output its to a usable wpa_supplicant.conf. | https://github.com/itsdarklikehell/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/master/potfilesorter.py | itsdarklikehell | ||||
powerutils.py | A server to shutdown or restart pwnagotchi hardware | https://gitlab.com/sn0wflake/pwnagotchi-powerutils-plugin/-/blob/main/powerutils.py | sn0wflake | Sam Allen | |||
powerutilscmd.py | https://gitlab.com/sn0wflake/pwnagotchi-powerutils-plugin/-/blob/main/powerutilscmd.py | sn0wflake | Sam Allen | ||||
prime_gsm_hat.py | https://github.com/xfox64x/pwnagotchi_plugins/blob/master/gsmfake/prime_gsm_hat.py | xfox64x | kasha? | * | |||
printp.py | Example plugin that simply prints to Pwnagotchi screen via labels and to the view area | https://github.com/itsdarklikehell/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/master/printp.py | HannaDiamond | ||||
privacy-nightmare.py | Private Nightmare. Eavesdropping metadata for fun and profit (well, education and awareness mostly). | https://github.com/itsdarklikehell/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/master/privacy-nightmare.py | [email protected] | ||||
pwn2crack.py | This Pwnagotchi plugin will evaluate captured handshakes from pcap files, clean and convert complete handshakes to Hashcat-compatible 22000 hashes, and then create a new hashlist within Hashtopolis. | https://github.com/Brets0150/pwnagotchi-to-hashtopolis-plugin/blob/main/pwn2crack.py | [email protected] | Brets0150 | |||
pwnagetty | Pwnagetty is a cli application written in NodeJS, to streamline the process of downloading handshakes from your Pwnagotchi | https://github.com/CyrisXD/Pwnagetty | CyrisXD | ||||
pwnagotchi.app | A Pwnagotchi app, written in Swift and built for iOS, iPadOS, watchOS and macOS. | https://github.com/silsha/pwnagotchi.app | silsha | ||||
pwna-template-testing.py | Plugin to activate/deactivate the egirl-pwnagotchi theme | https://github.com/MaliosDark/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/main/pwna-template-testing.py | MaliosDark | Andryu Schittone | DO NOT USE | ||
pwnaget.py | https://github.com/7h30th3r0n3/Pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/main/pwnaget.py | 7h30th3r0n3 | |||||
pwnassistant.py | https://github.com/itsdarklikehell/pwnspeaker/blob/master/pwnassistant.py | itsdarklikehell | |||||
pwnaware.py | display information from dump1090 about nearby airplanes | https://github.com/Sniffleupagus/pwnagotchi_plugins/blob/main/pwnaware.py | Sniffleupagus | Nursejackass | |||
pwnmenu.py | A simple popup menu to run scripts from | https://gitlab.com/sn0wflake/pwnagotchi-pwnmenu-plugin/-/blob/main/pwnmenu.py | sn0wflake | Sam Allen | |||
pwnmenu.py (doki) | A simple popup menu to run scripts from | https://github.com/do-ki/custom-plugins/blob/main/pwnmenu.py | doki | ||||
pwnmenucmd.py | https://gitlab.com/sn0wflake/pwnagotchi-pwnmenu-plugin/-/blob/main/pwnmenucmd.py | sn0wflake | Sam Allen | ||||
pwnmenucmd.py (doki) | https://github.com/do-ki/custom-plugins/blob/main/pwnmenucmd.py | doki | |||||
pwnmothership.py | Pushes JSON state data to pwnmothership host | https://github.com/ad/pwnmothership/blob/master/pwnmothership.py | ad | ||||
pwnspeaker.py | An Pwnspeak plugin for pwnagotchi that implements all the available callbacks. | https://github.com/itsdarklikehell/pwnspeaker/blob/master/pwnspeaker.py | itsdarklikehell | ||||
pwnwatch.py | This plugin allows the pwnagotchi to receive commands from the pwnagotchi-watch and respond them properly. parseSessionStats and parseSessionStatsFile borrowed from: https://github.com/GaelicThunder/Experience-Plugin-Pwnagotchi/blob/f456040de4951de1e6ab3fcb4453d42a7da362d1/exp.py#L215 | https://github.com/arturandre/pwnagotchi-beacon-plugins/blob/main/pwnwatch.py | Artur Oliveira | arturandre | |||
pwnZero.py | Plugin to display the Pwnagotchi on the Flipper Zero | https://github.com/Matt-London/pwnagotchi-flipper/blob/main/pwnzero/PwnZero.py | Matt-London | ||||
PwnZero.py | Plugin to display the Pwnagotchi on the Flipper Zero | https://github.com/Matt-London/pwnagotchi-flipper/blob/main/pwnzero/PwnZero.py | Matt-London | ||||
quick_rides_to_jail.py | Run a quick dictionary scan against captured handshakes, update wpa_supplicant for the supplied interface, and go straight to jail. | https://github.com/xfox64x/pwnagotchi_plugins/blob/master/quick_rides_to_jail/quick_rides_to_jail.py | forrest | ||||
quickdic.py | Run a quick dictionary scan against captured handshakes | https://github.com/evilsocket/pwnagotchi-plugins-contrib/blob/master/quickdic.py | rossmarks.uk | ||||
quickdic.py (7h30th3r0n3) | Run a small aircrack scan against captured handshakes and PMKID | https://github.com/7h30th3r0n3/Pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/main/quickdic.py | |||||
RaspiSyncedTime.py | calculates an offset after the time of the rasperry pi has been syncronized and can then correct times before the time of the syncronization | https://github.com/xenDE/pwnagotchi-plugin-timesync/blob/master/RaspiSyncedTime.py | xenDE | ||||
rgb.py | rgb | https://github.com/itsdarklikehell/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/master/rgb.py | kaska89 | kaska | removed from the og repo | ||
rogue_ap_detector.py | https://github.com/Deus73/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/main/rogue_ap_detector.py | Deus73 | Deus Dust | ||||
rss_voice.py | Use RSS Feeds to replace canned voice messages on various events | https://github.com/Sniffleupagus/pwnagotchi_plugins/blob/main/rss_voice.py | Sniffleupagus | Nursejackass | |||
rtc_grid.py | Share RTC clock with peers. Some part of this code is based from: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12081310 | https://github.com/Sliim/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/master/rtc_grid.py | Sliim | ||||
screen_refresh.py | Refresh he e-ink display after X amount of updates | https://github.com/evilsocket/pwnagotchi-plugins-contrib/blob/master/screen_refresh.py | rossmarks.uk | ||||
session-stats.py | This plugin displays stats of the current session. | https://github.com/dadav/pwnagotchi/blob/master/pwnagotchi/plugins/default/session-stats.py | dadav | ||||
show_password.py | A plugin to display recently cracked passwords | https://github.com/vanshksingh/Pwnagotchi_Plugins/blob/main/show_password.py | vanshksingh | ||||
show_pwd.py | A plugin to display recently cracked passwords | https://github.com/jayofelony/pwnagotchi-torch-plugins/blob/main/show_pwd.py | jayofelony | xbits | |||
slack.py | Post recent activity to a Slack using webhooks. Requires slackclient module. | https://github.com/Omodaka9375/pwnagotchi-slack-plugin/blob/main/slack.py | [email protected] | Omodaka9375? | |||
sound.py | An plugin for pwnagotchi that plays an wav file with aplay on events and uses a text2speech engine. tested with 1.0.0-RC4 | https://github.com/xenDE/pwnagotchi-plugin-sound/blob/master/sound.py | xenDE | ||||
spam_peer.py | Automatically send message to a new peers | https://github.com/Sniffleupagus/pwnagotchi_plugins/blob/main/spam_peers.py | Sniffleupagus | Nursejackass | |||
spotify_now_playing.py | https://github.com/vanshksingh/Pwnagotchi_Plugins/blob/main/spotify_now_playing.py | vanshksingh | |||||
state-api.py | Provides JSON state data or a default page | https://github.com/dipsylala/pwnagotchi-state-api/blob/master/state-api.py | dipsylala | ||||
switcher.py | This plugin is a generic task scheduler. | https://github.com/dadav/pwnagotchi-custom-plugins/blob/master/switcher.py | dadav | ||||
telegram.py | Periodically sent messages to Telegram about the recent activity of pwnagotchi | https://github.com/evilsocket/pwnagotchi-plugins-contrib/blob/master/telegram.py | [email protected] | ||||
telegram.py (alistar79) | Periodically sent messages to Telegram about the recent activity of pwnagotchi | https://github.com/alistar79/pwnagotchi_theme_script_kicker_plugin/blob/master/installed-plugins/telegram.py | alistar79 | ||||
telegram.py (wpa2) | Chats to telegram | https://github.com/wpa-2/telegram.py/blob/main/telegram.py | |||||
terminal2.py | WebSSH2 Access | https://github.com/NeonLightning/pwny/blob/main/terminal2.py | NeonLightning | ||||
test_security.py | LAN Security Monitor Plugin for Pwnagotchi | https://github.com/MaliosDark/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/main/test_security.py | MaliosDark | Andryu Schittone | |||
themes.py | Theme/script kicker plugin for pwnagotchi | https://github.com/alistar79/pwnagotchi_theme_script_kicker_plugin/blob/master/installed-plugins/themes.py | alistar79 | ||||
timer.py | Measure the amount of time taken by the pwnagotchi to capture a handshake | https://github.com/IdolonInMachina/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/master/timer.py | IdolonInMachina | ||||
Touch_UI.py | Use touchscreen input to toggle settings. | https://github.com/Sniffleupagus/pwnagotchi_plugins/blob/main/Touch_UI.py | Sniffleupagus | Nursejackass | |||
tracker.py | Track seen access points & clients. If gps plugin is enabled, position will be saved. | https://github.com/Sliim/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/master/tracker.py | Sliim | ||||
traffic_sniffer.py | https://github.com/Deus73/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/main/traffic_sniffer.py | Deus73 | Deus Dust | ||||
tweak_view.py | Edit the UI layout. Ugly interface, no guardrails. Be careful!!! | https://github.com/Sniffleupagus/pwnagotchi_plugins/blob/main/tweak_view.py | Sniffleupagus | Nursejackass | |||
twitter.py | This plugin creates tweets about the recent activity of pwnagotchi | https://github.com/evilsocket/pwnagotchi-plugins-contrib/blob/master/twitter.py | evilsocket | ||||
ups_hat_c.py | A plugin that will add a battery capacity and charging indicator for the UPS HAT C | https://github.com/hannadiamond/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/main/plugins/ups_hat_c.py | HannaDiamond | ||||
ups_lite_1_2.py | A plugin that will add a voltage indicator for the UPS Lite v1.2 | https://github.com/Sliim/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/master/ups_lite_1_2.py | Sliim | ||||
ups_lite_1_3.py | A plugin that will add a voltage indicator for the UPS Lite v1.3 | https://github.com/Sliim/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/master/ups_lite_1_3.py | Sliim | ||||
ups_lite.py | A plugin that will add a voltage indicator for the UPS Lite v1.1 | https://github.com/evilsocket/pwnagotchi/blob/master/pwnagotchi/plugins/default/ups_lite.py | evilsocket | ||||
upslite_plugin_1_3.py | A plugin that will add a voltage indicator for the UPS Lite v1.3 | https://github.com/marbasec/UPSLite_Plugin_1_3/blob/main/upslite_plugin_1_3.py | marbasec | marba$ | |||
viz.py | This plugin visualizes the surrounding APs | https://github.com/dadav/pwnagotchi-custom-plugins/blob/master/viz.py | dadav | ||||
voice_gamer.py | Plugin to download and replace voice.py with a custom version | https://github.com/MaliosDark/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/main/voice_gamer.py | MaliosDark | Andryu Schittone | |||
wanmon.py | This Pwnagotchi plugin will check the Internet connection and display the status of the Internet connection on the Pwnagotchi's display. | https://github.com/Brets0150/pwnagotchi-plugin-wanmon/blob/main/wanmon.py | [email protected] | Brets0150 | |||
wardrive.py | Wardriving plugin for pwnagotchi. | https://github.com/itsdarklikehell/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/master/wardrive.py | tjbishop | https://github.com/tjbishop | removed from the og repo | ||
wardriver.py | A wardriving plugin for pwnagotchi. Saves all networks seen and uploads data to WiGLE once internet is available | https://github.com/cyberartemio/wardriver-pwnagotchi-plugin/blob/main/wardriver.py | cyberartemio | ||||
watchdog.py | Restart pwnagotchi when blindbug is detected. | https://github.com/dadav/pwnagotchi-custom-plugins/blob/master/watchdog.py | dadav | ||||
waveshare_v3_touch.py | Experimental plugin for Waveshare V3 2.13inch Touch e-Paper HAT. | https://github.com/Sliim/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/master/waveshare_v3_touch.py | Sliim | ||||
wd_honey_Pot.py | A Pwnagotchi plugin for setting up a honey pot to detect other Pwnagotchis making deauths. | https://github.com/MaliosDark/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/main/wd_honey_Pot.py | MaliosDark | Andryu Schittone | |||
weather.py | A plugin that displays the weather forecast on the pwnagotchi screen. | https://github.com/NeonLightning/pwny/blob/main/weather.py | NeonLightning | ||||
Weather.py (WeatherForecast class) | A plugin that displays the weather forecast on the pwnagotchi screen. | https://github.com/itsdarklikehell/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/master/Weather.py | ? | ||||
webcfg.py | A plugin that displays the weather forecast on the pwnagotchi screen. | https://github.com/dadav/pwnagotchi/blob/master/pwnagotchi/plugins/default/webcfg.py | dadav | ||||
webgpsmap.py | a plugin for pwnagotchi that shows a openstreetmap with positions of ap-handshakes in your webbrowser | https://github.com/xenDE/pwnagotchi-plugin-webgpsmap/blob/master/webgpsmap.py | xenDE | ||||
wifi_adventures.py | Taking Pwnagotchi on WiFi adventures and collect fun achievements. | https://github.com/MaliosDark/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/main/wifi_adventures.py | MaliosDark | Andryu Schittone | |||
wifi_analyser.py | https://github.com/Deus73/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/main/wifi_analyser.py | Deus73 | Deus Dust | ||||
wifi_jammer.py | https://github.com/Deus73/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/main/wifi_jammer.py | Deus73 | Deus Dust | ||||
wifi_password_cracker.py | https://github.com/Deus73/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/main/wifi_password_cracker.py | Deus73 | Deus Dust | ||||
wigle.py | This plugin automatically uploads collected wifis to wigle.net | https://github.com/dadav/pwnagotchi-custom-plugins/blob/master/wigle.py | dadav | ||||
wigle.py (jay) | This plugin automatically uploads collected WiFi to wigle.net | https://github.com/jayofelony/pwnagotchi/blob/master/pwnagotchi/plugins/default/wigle.py | jayofelony | xbits | |||
wof.py | Display found Flipper Zeros from Wall of Flippers | https://github.com/cyberartemio/wof-pwnagotchi-plugin/blob/main/wof.py | CyberArtemio | ||||
wpa-sec-list.py | List cracked passwords from wpa-sec | https://github.com/dbukovac/pwnagotchi-plugins-contrib/blob/master/wpa-sec-list.py | dbukovac | ||||
wpa-sec-list.py (neon) | List cracked passwords from wpa-sec | https://github.com/NeonLightning/pwny/blob/main/wpa-sec-list.py | neonlightning | ||||
wpa-sec.py | This plugin automatically uploads handshakes to https://wpa-sec.stanev.org | https://github.com/evilsocket/pwnagotchi/blob/master/pwnagotchi/plugins/default/wpa-sec.py | dadav | ||||
xp_grid.py | Level sharing between peers for xp plugin. xp plugin must be enabled. | https://github.com/Sliim/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/master/xp_grid.py | Sliim | ||||
xp.py | XP / Leveling implementation. Just for fun! | https://github.com/Sliim/pwnagotchi-plugins/blob/master/xp.py | Sliim |