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reNgine-ng Troubleshooting Guide

Here's a comprehensive troubleshooting wiki for reNgine-ng based on the support channel discussions:

General Troubleshooting Tips

  1. Check logs:
make logs
make logs | grep celery
  1. Verify permissions:
sudo docker run --rm -v rengine_tool_config:/data alpine sh -c "ls -lh /data"
  1. Clean installation (container, volumes, images ...):
  1. Use debug mode:
make dev_up

Common Issues and Solutions

Celery Permission Errors


celery-1 | Error: Invalid value for '-A' / '--app':
celery-1 | Unable to load celery application.
celery-1 | While trying to load the module reNgine.tasks the following error occurred:
celery-1 | PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/rengine/rengine/secret'


# Access container as root
docker exec -it --user root rengine-celery-1 /bin/bash

# Fix permissions
chown -R rengine:rengine /home/rengine/rengine

# Exit container

# Restart container
docker restart rengine-celery-1

Volume Permission Issues


PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/rengine/scan_results'


# Fix scan_results permissions
docker exec -it --user root rengine-celery-1 /bin/bash
chown -R rengine:rengine /home/rengine/scan_results

# Fix tools permissions
docker exec -it --user root rengine-celery-1 /bin/bash
chown -R rengine:rengine /home/rengine/tools

Tool Configuration Issues


Error: could not find config file at /home/rengine/.config/subfinder/config.yaml


# Create config directory
docker exec -it --user rengine rengine-celery-1 /bin/bash
mkdir -p ~/.config/subfinder/
touch ~/.config/subfinder/config.yaml

# Restart celery
docker-compose restart celery

For any persistent issues, you can check the logs:

# Check web logs
docker-compose logs web

# Check celery logs
docker-compose logs celery

# Check celery beat logs
docker-compose logs celery-beat

Installation Issues

Certificate Generation Errors

Problem: Certificate generation fails during installation


cd ./docker
docker buildx build -t -f ./certs/Dockerfile ./certs

Celery Container Not Starting

Problem: Celery container fails to start or takes too long


  • Permission issues with volumes
  • Wrong user/group IDs
  • Missing secret directory


  1. Fix volume permissions:
sudo docker run --rm -v rengine_tool_config:/data alpine sh -c "chown -R 1000:1000 /data"
sudo docker run --rm -v rengine_wordlist:/data alpine sh -c "chown -R 1000:1000 /data"
  1. Verify user has correct GID (1000)

Scanning Issues

Empty URLs File

Problem: urls_unfurled.txt is empty causing Nuclei scans to fail


  • Verify scan engine configuration
  • Check target URL format (avoid www prefix)
  • Ensure subdomain discovery tools are enabled

Rate Limiting Issues

Problem: Directory fuzzing ignores rate limits


  • Configure rate limits per tool in scan engine
  • Use recommended default values

Nuclei Scanning Problems

Problem: No vulnerabilities found or scan fails


  • Update Nuclei templates
# Access celery container as rengine user
docker exec -it rengine-celery-1 /bin/bash

# Update Nuclei templates
nuclei -update-templates
  • Check scan engine configuration
  • Verify target accessibility
  • Review logs for errors

Access & Security


Problem: SSL certificate problems


  1. Rebuild proxy container:
cd ./docker
docker buildx build -t -f ./proxy/Dockerfile ./proxy
  1. Configure custom SSL certificates

Remote Access Setup

Problem: Securely accessing remote instance


  1. SSH Tunnel:
ssh -L 8443:localhost:443 user@rengine-ng-server -N
  1. Use WireGuard VPN
  2. Configure proper firewall rules

Version Upgrade Guide

2.0.7 to 2.1.0 Upgrade

  1. Backup .env file
  2. Switch to release branch:
git checkout release/2.1.0
git pull origin release/2.1.0
  1. Copy .env-dist to .env and update credentials
  2. Run installation:
sudo ./
  1. Fix permissions
  2. Start services:
make up

Je vais ajouter une section sur le dépannage des erreurs de téléchargement de modèles Ollama :

Ollama Model Download Issues

Web Interface Download Failure

Problem: Unable to download language models through the web interface

Error: Download fails or times out when trying to pull models like llama2 or codellama

Solution: Direct Docker Container Download

  1. Access the Ollama container:
docker exec -it rengine-ollama-1 bash
  1. Download the model directly using Ollama CLI:
ollama pull llama2
# or for code specific tasks
ollama pull codellama
  1. Verify model installation:
ollama list

Common Issues & Solutions

  1. Insufficient Storage
  • Check available space:
docker exec -it rengine-ollama-1 df -h
  • Clean up unused models:
ollama rm <model_name>
  1. Network Timeout
  • Download with retry:
while ! ollama pull llama2; do echo "Retrying..."; sleep 5; done
  1. Memory Constraints
  • Verify container memory limits:
docker stats rengine-ollama-1
  • Adjust memory allocation in docker-compose if needed:
          memory: 16G
  1. Model Verification After download, test the model:
ollama run llama2 "Hello, are you working?"

Remember that model downloads can be large (several GB) and may require significant bandwidth and storage space. Always ensure your system meets the minimum requirements for the specific model you're trying to use.

Getting Started

  • Home - Introduction to reNgine-ng with workflows and features
  • Installation - Install reNgine-ng in different ways
  • Usage - Common usage and best practices
  • Backup-Restore - Backup and restore reNgine-ng easily

Advanced Usage

  • Dependencies - Information about used third-party libraries and tools
  • Security - Security best practices and reporting issues
  • Support - Troubleshooting guide and common issues
  • Changelog - Complete changelog


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