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reNgine-ng Troubleshooting Guide

Here's a comprehensive troubleshooting wiki for reNgine-ng based on the support channel discussions:

General Troubleshooting Tips

  1. Check logs:
make logs
make logs | grep celery
  1. Verify permissions:
sudo docker run --rm -v rengine_tool_config:/data alpine sh -c "ls -lh /data"
  1. Clean installation (container, volumes, images ...):
  1. Use debug mode:
make dev_up

Common Issues and Solutions

1. Celery Permission Errors


celery-1 | Error: Invalid value for '-A' / '--app':
celery-1 | Unable to load celery application.
celery-1 | While trying to load the module reNgine.tasks the following error occurred:
celery-1 | PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/rengine/rengine/secret'


# Access container as root
docker exec -it --user root rengine-celery-1 /bin/bash

# Fix permissions
chown -R rengine:rengine /home/rengine/rengine

# Exit container

# Restart container
docker restart rengine-celery-1

2. Volume Permission Issues


PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/rengine/scan_results'


# Fix scan_results permissions
docker exec -it --user root rengine-celery-1 /bin/bash
chown -R rengine:rengine /home/rengine/scan_results

# Fix tools permissions
docker exec -it --user root rengine-celery-1 /bin/bash
chown -R rengine:rengine /home/rengine/tools

3. Tool Configuration Issues


Error: could not find config file at /home/rengine/.config/subfinder/config.yaml


# Create config directory
docker exec -it --user rengine rengine-celery-1 /bin/bash
mkdir -p ~/.config/subfinder/
touch ~/.config/subfinder/config.yaml

# Restart celery
docker-compose restart celery

For any persistent issues, you can check the logs:

# Check web logs
docker-compose logs web

# Check celery logs
docker-compose logs celery

# Check celery beat logs
docker-compose logs celery-beat

Installation Issues

Certificate Generation Errors

Problem: Certificate generation fails during installation


cd ./docker
docker buildx build -t -f ./certs/Dockerfile ./certs

Celery Container Not Starting

Problem: Celery container fails to start or takes too long


  • Permission issues with volumes
  • Wrong user/group IDs
  • Missing secret directory


  1. Fix volume permissions:
sudo docker run --rm -v rengine_tool_config:/data alpine sh -c "chown -R 1000:1000 /data"
sudo docker run --rm -v rengine_wordlist:/data alpine sh -c "chown -R 1000:1000 /data"
  1. Verify user has correct GID (1000)

Scanning Issues

Empty URLs File

Problem: urls_unfurled.txt is empty causing Nuclei scans to fail


  • Verify scan engine configuration
  • Check target URL format (avoid www prefix)
  • Ensure subdomain discovery tools are enabled

Rate Limiting Issues

Problem: Directory fuzzing ignores rate limits


  • Configure rate limits per tool in scan engine
  • Use recommended default values

Nuclei Scanning Problems

Problem: No vulnerabilities found or scan fails


  • Update Nuclei templates
# Access celery container as rengine user
docker exec -it rengine-celery-1 /bin/bash

# Update Nuclei templates
nuclei -update-templates
  • Check scan engine configuration
  • Verify target accessibility
  • Review logs for errors

Access & Security


Problem: SSL certificate problems


  1. Rebuild proxy container:
cd ./docker
docker buildx build -t -f ./proxy/Dockerfile ./proxy
  1. Configure custom SSL certificates

Remote Access Setup

Problem: Securely accessing remote instance


  1. SSH Tunnel:
ssh -L 8443:localhost:443 user@rengine-ng-server -N
  1. Use WireGuard VPN
  2. Configure proper firewall rules

Version Upgrade Guide

2.0.7 to 2.1.0 Upgrade

  1. Backup .env file
  2. Switch to release branch:
git checkout release/2.1.0
git pull origin release/2.1.0
  1. Copy .env-dist to .env and update credentials
  2. Run installation:
sudo ./
  1. Fix permissions
  2. Start services:
make up

Getting Started

  • Home - Introduction to reNgine-ng with workflows and features
  • Installation - Install reNgine-ng in different ways
  • Usage - Common usage and best practices
  • Backup-Restore - Backup and restore reNgine-ng easily

Advanced Usage

  • Dependencies - Information about used third-party libraries and tools
  • Security - Security best practices and reporting issues
  • Support - Troubleshooting guide and common issues
  • Changelog - Complete changelog


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