Releases: SubnauticaModding/Nautilus
Nautilus 1.0.0-pre.36
⚠️ This library is only supported on the latest branch of Subnautica. If you're using the Legacy branch, use SMLHelper for legacy instead.
This library includes all the features SMLHelper offered.
What's Changed
- Updated Documentation so that depreciation warning does not appear by @FearDragon in #589
- Fix node removals failing by @MrPurple6411 in #587
New Contributors
- @FearDragon made their first contribution in #589
Full Changelog: 1.0.0-pre.35...1.0.0-pre.36
Nautilus 1.0.0-pre.35
⚠️ This library is only supported on the latest branch of Subnautica. If you're using the Legacy branch, use SMLHelper for legacy instead.
This library includes all the features SMLHelper offered.
What's Changed
- Add a dependency warning popup and a user-friendly menu to view errors by @LeeTwentyThree in #586
Full Changelog: 1.0.0-pre.34...1.0.0-pre.35
Nautilus 1.0.0-pre.34
⚠️ This library is only supported on the latest branch of Subnautica. If you're using the Legacy branch, use SMLHelper for legacy instead.
This library includes all the features SMLHelper offered.
What's Changed
- Fix BZ process filter for macOS by @toebeann in #568
- Vehicle Upgrade Module Gadget and Custom Buildable Example cleanup by @LeeTwentyThree in #567
- Harmony patch failing for FMOD BZ by @Metious in #574
- Add 'ApplyMaterialModification' MonoBehaviour class for Thunderkit by @LeeTwentyThree in #570
- Add ToString implementation to ModMessage class by @LeeTwentyThree in #571
- Implement new AddWorldForces method for the PrefabUtils class by @LeeTwentyThree in #572
- Add five new material modifiers by @LeeTwentyThree in #577
- Material utils optimization by @LeeTwentyThree in #579
Full Changelog: 1.0.0-pre.33...1.0.0-pre.34
Nautilus 1.0.0-pre.33
⚠️ This library is only supported on the latest branch of Subnautica. If you're using the Legacy branch, use SMLHelper for legacy instead.
This library includes all the features SMLHelper offered.
What's Changed
- Fixed difference highlight not working by @Metious in #552
- Specified game process by @Metious in #553
- Custom FMOD support for PlayableDirector by @Metious in #554
- Seatruck Fabricator & Fix tabs and crafting nodes on same level by @Metious in #556
- Thunderkit Utilities by @Indigocoder1 in #558
- [Fix] Duplicated nodes each time a craft tree is accessed by @Metious in #559
- Reversible craft tree nodes by @tinyhoot in #562
- Add generic overloads for PrefabUtils methods by @LeeTwentyThree in #561
- Fix KnownTechHandler SetAnalysisTechEntry with story goals overload by @LeeTwentyThree in #560
- FMOD fade-outs by @Metious in #564
- Re-introduce gridding in mixed craft tree tabs by @LeeTwentyThree in #565
Full Changelog: 1.0.0-pre.32...1.0.0-pre.33
Nautilus 1.0.0-pre.32
⚠️ This library is only supported on the latest branch of Subnautica. If you're using the Legacy branch, use SMLHelper for legacy instead.
This library includes all the features SMLHelper offered.
What's Changed
- Tab node display names are incorrect by @Metious in #550
- Add OnSpawned callback to Coordinated Spawns SpawnInfos by @LeeTwentyThree in #551
Full Changelog: 1.0.0-pre.31...1.0.0-pre.32
Nautilus 1.0.0-pre.31
⚠️ This library is only supported on the latest branch of Subnautica. If you're using the Legacy branch, use SMLHelper for legacy instead.
This library includes all the features SMLHelper offered.
What's Changed
- Prefab roots should not be deactivated by Nautilus by @LeeTwentyThree in #548
Full Changelog: 1.0.0-pre.30...1.0.0-pre.31
Nautilus 1.0.0-pre.30
⚠️ This library is only supported on the latest branch of Subnautica. If you're using the Legacy branch, use SMLHelper for legacy instead.
This library includes all the features SMLHelper offered.
What's Changed
- Asset bundles guide by @Indigocoder1 in #534
- Instantiate our prefab templates as deactivated by @LeeTwentyThree in #542
- Localization not affecting tab nodes & Language Metadata by @Metious in #536
- Prefab cache now resets by @Metious in #544
- Fixed infinite loop from parse metadata call by @Metious in #546
- Now you can stop custom prefabs from getting cached by @Metious in #545
- RegisterOnFinishLoading now works on BZ by @Metious in #547
New Contributors
- @Indigocoder1 made their first contribution in #534
Full Changelog: 1.0.0-pre.29...1.0.0-pre.30
Nautilus 1.0.0-pre.29
⚠️ This library is only supported on the latest branch of Subnautica. If you're using the Legacy branch, use SMLHelper for legacy instead.
This library includes all the features SMLHelper offered.
What's Changed
- Fixed Coordinated Spawns (Purple Edition) by @MrPurple6411 in #531 (and other modders)
- Existing Node checks. by @MrPurple6411 in #532
Full Changelog: 1.0.0-pre.28...1.0.0-pre.29
Nautilus 1.0.0-pre.28
⚠️ This library is only supported on the latest branch of Subnautica. If you're using the Legacy branch, use SMLHelper for legacy instead.
This library includes all the features SMLHelper offered.
What's Changed
- Clean up repetitive code in CraftTreePatcher.cs by @RamuneNeptune in #526
- Hotfix: Use Fallback Node if targeted node not found. by @MrPurple6411 in #527
- Stop Error Spam by @MrPurple6411 in #528
- Fix duplicate entry in Fallbacks dictionary by @LeeTwentyThree in #529
New Contributors
- @RamuneNeptune made their first contribution in #526
Full Changelog: 1.0.0-pre.27...1.0.0-pre.28
Nautilus 1.0.0-pre.27
⚠️ This library is only supported on the latest branch of Subnautica. If you're using the Legacy branch, use SMLHelper for legacy instead.
This library includes all the features SMLHelper offered.
What's Changed
This update fixes several issues relating to prefab spawning and caching, and also introduces some new features and fixes regarding craft data.
- EntitySpawner NREs by @Metious in #522
- Prefab Requests are returned early by @Metious in #521
- Dynamic CraftTreePatcher by @MrPurple6411 in #520
- Overhaul craft data patcher and handlers by @MrPurple6411 in #524
- Remove prefab requests array and lock cache dictionary by @LeeTwentyThree in #525
Full Changelog: 1.0.0-pre.26...1.0.0-pre.27