This repository contains resources for the Suffolk LIT Lab's Document Assembly Line trainings.
This session is an introduction to “vanilla” Docassemble. At the end of this session, you will be able to create simple interviews that generate completed documents.
Before this session, attendees should:
- Register an account on the LIT Lab dev server
- Email [email protected] to request developer privileges (include the email you used to register)
- Introduction to the Docassemble Playground
- Create your first question
- Working with common question types
- Specifying the order of questions
- Dynamic questions
- Basic document assembly
- Using Word and Acrobat templates
This session is an introduction to the Document Assembly Line tools, especially the Weaver. At the end of this session you will be able to use the Weaver to generate a draft Docassemble interview from an existing court form.
In this session we will go over common coding issues and how to solve them, plus general troubleshooting tips and a hands-on problem-solving session.