This project demonstrates the deployment of a basic REST API using Docker and Terraform on the Azure cloud platform.
--Prerequisites Ensure you have the following installed:
Docker: Install Docker, Terraform: Install Terraform, Azure cli
--Getting Started Clone the repository to local:
git clone <repository_url> cd <repository_name>
--Source code: add flask application in Add docker files: configuration files to build docker images Terraform script to provision Azure resources. Includes the variable for main file
terraform commands to deploy the infrastructre: terraform init: initializes a Terraform configuration, downloading necessary plugins and setting up the environment for managing infrastructure. terraform plan:generates a plan for changing infrastructure to match configuration. terraform apply: applies the changes defined in your Terraform configuration to your infrastructure, making the necessary modifications to reach the desired state.
--Docker Commands to build and push the changes:
To build the image: docker build -t .
To build image for container registry: docker tag <image_name> <container_registry_url >
To push image to container registry:
- login for container_registry: docker login <container_registry_url>
- Push the image to container_registry: docker push <ontainer_registry_url> <image_name>