- Author: Peter Steiner, Kilian Göller, and Peter Birkholz
- Conference: 2024 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (submitted)
- Weblink: https://2024.ieeeicassp.org/
This repository includes the code accompanying the research paper entitled "Separable 2D filters for note onset detection in music signals" to reproduce the results from the paper. It presents a novel approach to note onset detection in music signals using separable 2D filters applied to mel spectrograms. First it is shown that linear filters achieve equivalent results to the SuperFlux algorithm, which uses nonlinear filters. Furthermore, the filter kernels are optimized using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO).
All experiments can either be reproduced in a Python script that can be run locally or on a high-performance cluster.
- File list:
- The file list contains all files provided in the repository together with a short description.
- Usage:
- How can users get started with your research code. This contains setting up a
installing packages in a virtual environment
and running onemain.py
that includes your main code. - Very important and often forgotten: How can the data to reproduce the results be obtained?
- How can users get started with your research code. This contains setting up a
installing packages in a virtual environment
- Acknowledgments:
- Any kind of required funding information
- other acknowledgments, such as project partners, contributors, family etc.
- Referencing:
- How can your work be cited? Ideally, provide a bibtex entry of the paper.
- The following scripts are provided in this repository
: UNIX Bash script to reproduce the Figures in the paper.scripts/run_jupyter.sh
: UNIX Bash script to start the Jupyter Notebook for the paper.scripts/run.bat
: Windows batch script to reproduce the Figures in the paper.scripts/run_jupyter.ps1
: Windows batch script to start the Jupyter Notebook for the paper.
- The following python code is provided in
: Utility functions for storing and loading data and models.src/preprocessing.py
: Utility functions for preprocessing the datasetsrc/main.py
: The main script to reproduce all results.
: Text file containing all required Python modules to be installed if we are working in Python. It can be obtained by typingpip freeze > requirements.txt
in a PowerShell or in a Bash.README.md
: The README displayed here.LICENSE
: Textfile containing the license for this source code. You can finddata/
: The optional directorydata
: Training data as CSV filetest.csv
: Test data as CSV file
- (Pre)-trained modelss.
- Results as CSV file.
: Command file for Github to ignore files with specific extensions. This is useful to keep the repository clean. Templates for many programming languages are available here.
The easiest way to reproduce the results is to use a service like Binder and run the Jupyter Notebook (if available).
To run the scripts or to start the Jupyter Notebook locally, at first, please ensure that you have a valid Python distribution installed on your system. Here, at least Python 3.10 is required.
You can then call run_jupyter-lab.ps1
or run_jupyter-lab.sh
. This will install a new
Python venv, which is our recommended way
of getting started.
To manually reproduce the results, you should create a new Python venv as well.
Therefore, you can run the script create_venv.sh
on a UNIX bash or create_venv.ps1
that will automatically install all packages from PyPI. Afterwards, just type
source .virtualenv/bin/activate
in a UNIX bash or .virtualenv/Scripts/activate.ps1
in a PowerShell.
The individual steps to reproduce the results should be in the same order as in the paper. Great would be self-explanatory names for each step.
At first, we import required Python modules and load the dataset, which is already
stored in data
from file_handling import (load_data)
training_data = load_data("../data/train.csv")
Since the data is stored as a Pandas dataframe, we can theoretically multiple features.
Here, we restrict the data features to the living area. With the function
, we obtain numpy arrays and the feature transformer that can also be
used for transforming the test data later. Next, we normalize them to zero mean and
unitary variance.
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from preprocessing import select_features
X, y, feature_trf = select_features(
df=training_data, input_features=["GrLivArea"], target="SalePrice")
scaler = StandardScaler().fit(X)
X_train = scaler.transform(X)
y_train = y
We optimize a model using a random search.
from sklearn.model_selection import RandomizedSearchCV
from sklearn.utils.fixes import loguniform
from scipy.stats import uniform
from pyrcn.extreme_learning_machine import ELMRegressor
model = RandomizedSearchCV(
estimator=ELMRegressor(input_activation="relu", random_state=42,
param_distributions={"input_scaling": uniform(loc=0, scale=2),
"bias_scaling": uniform(loc=0, scale=2),
"alpha": loguniform(1e-5, 1e1)},
random_state=42, n_iter=200, refit=True).fit(X, y)
We load and transform test data.
from file_handling import load_data
test_data = load_data("../data/test.csv")
X = feature_trf.transform(test_data)
X_test = scaler.transform(X)
Finally, we predict the test data.
y_pred = model.predict(X_test)
After you finished your experiments, please do not forget to deactivate the venv by
typing deactivate
in your command prompt.
The aforementioned steps are summarized in the script main.py
. The easiest way to
reproduce the results is to either download and extract this Github repository in the
desired directory, open a Linux Shell and call run.sh
or open a Windows PowerShell and
call run.ps1
In that way, again, a Python venv is
created, where all required packages (specified by requirements.txt
) are installed.
Afterwards, the script main.py
is excecuted with all default arguments activated in
order to reproduce all results in the paper.
If you want to suppress any options, simply remove the particular option.
This research was supported by
This program is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License. If you in any way use this code for research that results in publications, please cite our original article listed above.
More information about licensing can be found here and here.
You can use the following BibTeX entry
author = "Peter Steiner",
title = "Template Repository for Research Papers",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the Research Seminar",
year = 2022,
pages = "1--6",
For any questions, do not hesitate to open an issue or to drop a line to Peter Steiner