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Terraform AWS HTML Form Action

Implements a simple form handler for plain html forms. Great for static website. Sets up Lambda and API Gateway.

How does it work

This modules creates and API Gateway POST resource and connects this to a lambda function. When a HTML form is submitted the API Gateway forwards the formdata to the lambda function and this sends the email.


You need a configured SES domain or SES emails available in the same account.


module "form_action_example_com" {
  source         = "TechNative-B-V/html-form-action/aws"

  name           = "example-com-form-action-handler"
  to_email       = "[email protected]" # Make sure SES accepts this email address or complete domain
  from_email     = "[email protected]" # Make sure SES accepts this email address or complete domain
  allowed_origin = "*" # You should set this to the website url when live

output "form_action_example_com_url_for_form" {
  description = "Use this URL in your the action attribute of your form element."
  value = module.form_action_example_com.message_post_url

Simple html form

The form html looks like this.

<form action="" method="post">

  <input type="hidden" name="_subject" value="Demo Form Submission">
  <input type="hidden" name="_success_url" value="">
  <input type="hidden" name="_fail_url" value="">

  <!-- FORM FIELDS -->
  <input placeholder="Full Name" type="text" name="full-name"><br>
  <input placeholder="Email" type="text" name="Email"><br>
  <textarea name="message" placeholder="Your message"></textarea><br>

  <input type="submit" value="send"></br>


form with reply functionality

The form html looks like this.

<form action="" method="post">

  <input type="hidden" name="_subject" value="Demo Form Submission">
  <input type="hidden" name="_success_url" value="">
  <input type="hidden" name="_fail_url" value="">

  <!-- Set the field in this form which contains the visiter email address to send a reply mail to -->
  <input type="hidden" name="_visiter_email_field" value="Email">
  <!-- This field contains a link to a mail template. This is html file which is used to create a reply -->
  <input type="hidden" name="_reply_mail_template" value="">

  <!-- FORM FIELDS -->
  <input placeholder="Full Name" type="text" name="full_name"><br>
  <input placeholder="Email" type="text" name="Email"><br>
  <textarea name="message" placeholder="Your message"></textarea><br>

  <input type="submit" value="send"></br>


The mail_template could look like this. The title is used as subject. The form handler will try to substitute variables with the fields from the form.

<title>Mailform submitted</title>
Dear $full_name,

Your mail has been sent.



Local Python development

AWS_PROFILE=some-profile python lambda_src/


Name Version
aws >= 4.0.0


Name Source Version
lambda_function terraform-aws-modules/lambda/aws 3.3.1
resource_cors mewa/apigateway-cors/aws 2.0.0


Name Type
aws_api_gateway_deployment.main resource
aws_api_gateway_integration.message resource
aws_api_gateway_method.message resource
aws_api_gateway_resource.message resource
aws_api_gateway_rest_api.main resource
aws_lambda_permission.lambda_permission resource


Name Description Type Default Required
allowed_origin Which origin to allow submissions from. Use * when testing string "*" no
from_email Receiving email address for forwarded messages, can also be configured in html form string "" no
name Name to use for function and api gateway string n/a yes
to_email 'From' email to use when forwarding a message, defaults to recipient email in the Lambda, can also be configured in html form string "" no


Name Description
message_post_url POST URL for message requests