I am a passionate Software Engineer, Web Developer, and AI-ML-DS Enthusiast currently on a journey of continuous learning and exploration. My academic background is in Computer Science and Engineering, and I thrive on expanding my expertise in various domains.
🔭 I'm currently focusing on advanced web development techniques.
🌱 I'm delving into data analytics and database management to strengthen my grasp of data-driven decision-making.
💻 I'm advancing my coding skills in Python, C, and C++ to tackle more complex programming challenges.
🎨 I'm expanding my proficiency with UI/UX design tools.
🌐 Explore my projects at https://www.teresha.in
👯 I'm open to collaborating on projects involving web development, AI-driven solutions, and innovative applications of technology. If you have a project aligning with my skills and interests, let's bring our ideas to life.