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This repository contains the code for the paper "Attribute or Abstain: LLMs as Long Document Assistants", published on arxiv.


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Attribute or Abstain: Large Language Models as Long Document Assistants

Jan Buchmann, Xiao Liu, Iryna Gurevych

Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing Lab (UKP), TU Darmstadt

This repository contains the evaluation and analysis code for LAB, the Long document Attribution Benchmark introduced in our paper.

From the abstract of the paper:

LLMs can help humans working with long documents, but are known to hallucinate. Attribution can increase trust in LLM responses: The LLM provides evidence that supports its response, which enhances verifiability. Existing approaches to attribution have only been evaluated in RAG settings, where the initial retrieval confounds LLM performance. This is crucially different from the long document setting, where retrieval is not needed, but could help. Thus, a long document specific evaluation of attribution is missing. To fill this gap, we present LAB, a benchmark of 6 diverse long document tasks with attribution, and experiment with different approaches to attribution on 5 LLMs of different sizes, both prompted and fine-tuned.

Using this repository, the ability of LLMs (in combination with retrievers) to produce attributed responses to long document tasks can be tested.

To download the pre-formatted datasets, please see here.



It is assumed that there is a data folder at ../data (relative to this repository). This folder should contain the following:

    datasets <- Datasets to test attributability evaluation models
    results <- Test results for attribution evaluation models
datasets <- Datasets to evaluate attribution capabilities of LLMs 
openai_cost_tracking <- Only needed when using openAI models
results <- All predictions, results and models will be stored here
tensorboard <- Logging

You can simply download the data from here, unzip it and place it in the same folder as this repository.

Install requirements

conda create -n lab_env python=3.11
conda activate lab_env
# There is a requirements conflict because we are using cuda 11.8,
# so  installation is done in this bash script

Run on your machine

Set correct paths in config/location/local.yaml or create new yaml file with your own paths. Use by setting location=local when running experiments.

Quick Start

Running experiments is handled by two scripts that should be used in order: First, handles LLM training and generation, and optionally pre-generation retrieval, resulting in a list of LLM predictions. Second, these predictions are evaluated by This script optionally does post-generation retrieval and finally computes evaluation metrics.

For example, to run a post-hoc experiment with ChatGPT on QASPER, we first run

# Run inference on QASPER with ChatGPT
python description='post_hoc' task=qasper model=gpt-35-turbo-0613 use_dev_as_test_data=False required_aspects=answer_only

This will produce a new folder in the results directory, named with a unique hash. Get the hash and insert it below. This will first do post hoc retrieval and then evaluate with task-specific metrics.

python <hash> --post_hoc_extract

Find out more:

  • How to evaluate other models is explained here
  • How to reproduce the experiments in the paper is explained here.
  • More details on custom use of the evaluation scripts can be found here.

Reproducing all experiments from the paper

The experiments in the paper can be reproduced by running the scripts, and with various combinations of parameters.

Validating Attribution Evaluation Models on annotated data (Table 2)

To validate the attribution evaluation models TRUE, Attrscore and Minicheck on the data annotated during the work on the paper, use the script:

# Evaluate the TRUE model on QASPER data
python --description 'true_nli-qasper' --model_name true_nli --task_name qasper --partition dev --is_csv

All needed combinations of command line arguments can be found in experiments/templates/ Each line gives the arguments for a single run. Copy a line and paste it to the command line:

python <pasted_here>

Main Experiments - Running Attribution Approaches on LAB Benchmark (Table 3)

Running the main experiments involves up to 3 steps:

  1. Fine-tuning on the downstream task datasets.
  2. Running inference (generating predictions) on the downstream task datasets.
  3. Evaluating the predictions.


To fine-tune a model, use and pass do_train=True:

# Fine-tune Flan-T5-XL on QASPER with citation
python description='finetuning' model=flan-t5-xl task=qasper do_train=true
# Fine-tune Flan-T5-XL on QASPER without citation
python description='finetuning' model=flan-t5-xl task=qasper do_train=true required_aspects=answer_only

To run all fine-tuning runs from the paper, copy the arguments from experiments/templates/flan-t5-xl_fine-tuning.txt and paste them to the command line. Each line defines a single run:

python <paste_here>

Note that for fine-tuning on GovReport, we are using a version of GovReport that was auto-annotated with evidence using BM25. From our paper: "To simulate gold evidence, we used BM25 to find the 2 best-matching paragraphs from a document for each sentence in the gold summary".

Running Inference (Generating Predictions)

To evaluate models, use and (see Quick Start).

First, run the LLMs to generate predictions: To do all runs, get the arguments from the files in experiments/templates:

Each line in a file defines a single run. To do evaluation runs with fine-tuned Flan-T5-XL, you will need to replace TODO with the respective hash from the fine-tuning experiment.

python <paste_here>

Evaluating Predictions

After having generated predictions, evaluate them. Get the arguments from experiments/templates/evaluation.txt. There are two lines per dataset: One with post-hoc evidence retrieval (for post-hoc and reduced-post-hoc, and one without (for retrieve-then-read, citation and reduced-citation). Get the respective hashes from the LLM runs and paste them to replace TODO. Then copy a line from the file and paste it to the command line:

python <paste_here>

Running Experiments in Bulk

This repo provides two bash scripts to conveniently run multiple experiments in bulk.

In, you can specifiy an experiment file (e.g. experiments/templates/post-hoc_runs.txt). Each line in this file should contain the arguments for a single run. The script then loops over the lines in the file and runs, or, passing the content from the respective line as parameters. See for usage instructions.

If you have a cluster with SLURM batching, you can use In, specify your experiment file of choice. As above, each line in this file should contain the arguments for a single run. Each array task will then run, or, passing the content from a specific line as parameters. See for usage instructions.

Evaluating your own models

Evaluating huggingface models

  1. Add a new model config for your model. Use the template at config/model/new_hf_model.yaml.
  2. Adapt experiments/templates/your_model_runs.txt by replacing TODO with the name of your model (the name of the config file without ".yaml")
  3. Run inference: See Running Inference and use your_model_runs.txt instead of the files for reproducing experiments.
  4. Evaluate predictions: See Evaluating Predictions

Evaluating OpenAI models served via Azure

  1. Add a new model config for your model. Use the template at config/model/new_openai_azure_model.yaml.
  2. Adapt experiments/templates/your_model_runs.txt by replacing TODO with the name of your model (the name of the config file without ".yaml")
  3. Run inference: See Running Inference and use your_model_runs.txt instead of the files for reproducing experiments.
  4. Evaluate predictions: See Evaluating Predictions

Generating plots and tables

The scripts in analysis/ are used to generate plots and tables. To use them on your setup, follow these steps:

  1. Adjust analysis/util.infer_base_data_path to return a path that points to your data directory.
  2. Adjust the results.csv in the data directory root:
    1. If you only ran the models from the paper, adjust the column hash to contain the hashes from your runs.
    2. If you added other runs, add new rows to the table as appropriate. The columns with numeric content will be filled automatically.
    3. If you added new models, add them to the MODEL_ORDER and MODEL_SHORT_NAMES global variables in analysis/util.
  3. Run the scripts. The outputs will be put in the plots and tables directories in your data directory.

How this repository works

Important concepts

In our paper, we define 5 approaches to producing attributed responses to long document tasks:

  1. post-hoc: Given a long document and a task description, an LLM generates a response. A retriever then retrieves evidence segments for the response from the document.
  2. retrieve-then-read: Given a task description, a retriever retrieves the most relevant segments from the document. An LLM generates a response based on these segments, and all segments are used as evidence.
  3. citation: Given a long document and a task description, an LLM generates a response and pointers to evidence segments.
  4. reduced-post-hoc: Given a task description, a retriever retrieves relevant segments from the document (more than in retrieve-then-read). An LLM generates a response based on these segments. A different retriever then retrieves evidence segments from the document.
  5. reduced-citation: Given a task description, a retriever retrieves relevant segments from the document (more than in retrieve-then-read). An LLM generates a response based on these segments and pointers to evidence segments.

This means there is at least one LLM generation step, and up to two optional retrieval steps. Pre-generation retrieval is done in retrieve-then-read and reduced approaches, post-generation retrieval is done in post-hoc approaches.

Running experiments is handled by two scripts that should be used in order: First, handles LLM training and generation, and optionally pre-generation retrieval, resulting in a list of LLM predictions. Second, these predictions are further handled by This script optionally does post-generation retrieval and finally computes evaluation metrics.

The script handles LLM training and generation and optionally pre-generation retrieval. The hydra config is used to control all hyperparameters.

Each unique configuration results in a unique hash that is specific to the run. Running the script results in a new folder in the results directory. After the run, this folder will contain the full config in json format, the predictions made by the model in jsonl format, and a directory called evaluation, which contains evaluation-specific files (explained under

The Config

Hyperparameter management is done using the hydra package. All hyperparameters are documented in the corresponding classes in the config_lib/ directory. These classes document all config parameters and serve as typecheckers for the input values.

The default values of the parameters can be seen in the yaml files in the config/ directory. The defaults can be overridden by adding <param_name>=<param_value> to the command.

Important config parameters

All config parameters are documented in the respective module in the config_lib/ directory.

  • slurm_job_id: The id of the slurm job.
  • description: A free text description of the experiment (has no effect on the actual run performed)
  • model: The model to use. See config/model for all available models.
  • task: The task to evaluate on. See evaluation/tasks for all available tasks.
  • required_aspects: str, one of
    • "answer_and_segments" (used when doing citation)
    • "answer_only" (used when doing post-hoc and retrieve-then-read)
  • do_train: Whether to fine-tune the model on the train set of the task.
  • use_dev_as_test_data: Whether to evaluate on the dev data.
  • use_first_n_test_instances: Determine the number of instances to evaluate on. If set to -1, all available test / dev instances are used.

Automatic setting of config parameters

Some config parameters need to be set depending on the task and experimental setup. In many cases, this is predictable and does not need to be handled by the user. Instead, this is handled by the config_lib.base_config.init_config function. For example, when doing citation, we need to add paragraph identifiers ("[1]") to the LLM input, while this is not needed when doing post-hoc evidence retrieval. The is_mode config parameter is set automatically depending on the value of required_aspects to reflect this.

The script handles the evaluation of runs from the script and optionally does post-hoc evidence retrieval. It loads the predictions and config from the given hash and uses task-specific evaluation metrics and models.

Each run of results in a new numbered folder in the evaluation directory of the given hash and all outputs are put into this folder, such as:

  • evaluation_config.json: Contains evaluation parameters
  • results.json: Contains final evaluation results
  • output_for_annotation.csv: Contains responses and evidence for attributability annotation
  • predictions.jsonl: The predictions with responses and evidence. If no re-extraction or post-hoc retrieval was done, these are similar to the original predictions from the hash root folder.
  • predictions_<answer_metric>.csv: Contains the predictions of the model together with task-specific scores for response quality and evidence quality.

The script is controlled through command line arguments:

python <hash> [optional arguments]

You can supply one or multiple hashes, but they should be coming from runs on the same task under the same approach.

Important optional command line arguments

  • --post_hoc_extract: If given, post-hoc retrieval is done. The retrieval model and number of retrieved segments are automatically selected depending on the task.
  • --re_extract: Whether the raw generation from the LLM should be re-parsed (e.g. to extract cited segments). This is useful in cases something went wrong in the original parse.


Post hoc

To run post hoc experiments, we first run LLM inference, and then do post hoc evidence retrieval

# Run inference on QASPER with GPT-4, using the first 100 instances from the test set
python description='post_hoc' task=qasper model=gpt-4-turbo-128k use_dev_as_test_data=False required_aspects=answer_only use_first_n_test_instances=100
# This will produce a new folder in the results directory, named with a unique hash
# Get the hash and insert it below. This will first do post hoc retrieval and then evaluate with task-specific metrics. 
python <hash> --post_hoc_extract


# Run inference on QASPER with GPT-4, using the first 100 instances from the test set
python description='post_hoc' task=qasper model=gpt-4-turbo-128k use_dev_as_test_data=False required_aspects=answer_only use_first_n_test_instances=100 do_retrieve_then_read=short
# This will produce a new folder in the results directory, named with a unique hash
# Get the hash and insert it below. This will evaluate with task-specific metrics.
python <hash>


# Run inference on QASPER with GPT-4, using the first 100 instances from the test set
python description='post_hoc' task=qasper model=gpt-4-turbo-128k use_dev_as_test_data=False required_aspects=answer_and_segments use_first_n_test_instances=100
# This will produce a new folder in the results directory, named with a unique hash
# Get the hash and insert it below. This will evaluate with task-specific metrics.
python <hash>

Reduced Post Hoc

# Run inference on QASPER with GPT-4, using the first 100 instances from the test set
python description='post_hoc' task=qasper model=gpt-4-turbo-128k use_dev_as_test_data=False required_aspects=answer_and_segments use_first_n_test_instances=100 do_retrieve_then_read=long
# This will produce a new folder in the results directory, named with a unique hash
# Get the hash and evaluate. This will do post hoc retrieval and evaluate with task-specific metrics. 
python <hash> --post_hoc_extract

Reduced Citation

# Run inference on QASPER with GPT-4, using the first 100 instances from the test set
python description='post_hoc' task=qasper model=gpt-4-turbo-128k use_dev_as_test_data=False required_aspects=answer_and_segments use_first_n_test_instances=100 do_retrieve_then_read=long
# This will produce a new folder in the results directory, named with a unique hash
# Get the hash and insert it below. This will evaluate with task specific metrics.
python <hash>

Adding new tasks / datasets

  • Add new datasets to ../data/datasets. Create a new directory <dataset_name>. In that new directory, create one directory <dataset_name>_itg for the dataset in itg format and optionally another directory for the raw dataset.
  • Add a new <task-name>.py file to evaluation/tasks. Implement the required classes (...Instance, ...Prediction, ...Result, ...Task) in that file, inheriting from the Base... classes in evaluation/ You can use the other tasks for reference
  • If your dataset exists as individual json files, you might want to use evaluation/common/SingleFileDataset to implement data loading
  • Add your new classes to
  • Add new yaml file to config/tasks that specifies hyperparameters for the task. If new hyperparameters are necessary, add them to config_lib/base_task/BaseTaskConfig
  • Add new task_explanation and example to config/


The experiments are automatically logged using a tensorboard logger. This includes the train loss and the metrics from intermediary evaluations on the development set.

To view the logs in your browser, follow these steps:

  1. Install tensorboard on your local machine pip install tensorboard
  2. Set logging directory in config/location/local
  3. Start tensorboard tensorboard --logdir /path/to/logging/dir

Structure of this repository

analysis/ <- contains scripts to make analyses, plots and tables

attribution_eval/ <- Contains code to construct claims from responses for attributability evaluation <- Contains code for the attributability evaluation models <- utility functions 

config/ <- contains yaml files with default values for parameters
    location/ <- Default paths for models, result files, predictions, datasets, ...
    model/ <- defaults for currently implemented models
    task/ <- defaults for currently implemented tasks
    config.yaml <- top-level config file with general parameters
    prompts.yaml <- Hard coded prompt elements to choose from
config_lib/ <- contains config classes for documentation and type checking

dataset_creation/ <- Contains code to automatically annotate evidence via post hoc retrieval

    tasks/ <- Contains task classes that implement instance loading and evaluation <- Contains callbacks that are called during training and evaluation, important for storing predictions and logging <- Base classes for tasks, instances, predictions. New tasks should inherit from these base classes. <- Metrics for evaluation (e.g. Answer F1) <- Contains run() which is called in <- Basic implementation of evaluation loop. <- Utility functions for evaluation
models/ <- General implementation for API-served models (e.g. ChatGPT). <- Base class for models <- General implementation of decoder-only models that can be accessed through Huggingface's AutoModelForCausalLM class. <- A simple oracle model that returns the ground truth as predictions. Can be useful for debugging. <- Retrievers for reducing, retrieve then read and post hoc <- General implementation of encoder-decoder LMs.
notebooks/ <- Ipython notebooks for experimentation.

scripts/ <- Script to filter the natural questions dataset

structformer/ <- Helper functions for data collation <- Helper functions for formatting of in-context examples. <- Creates functions for constrained generation <- Functions for data processing <- Functions to produce a single string from an Intertext Document <- Functions to map between tokenized ITGs and ITGs. <- Main script for experiments <- Main script to evaluate runs, e.g. for attributability. Post hoc retrieval is also done here <- Main script to evaluate attributability evaluation models <- Job script for slurm jobs


If you use our data or code in your research, please cite

    title = "Attribute or Abstain: Large Language Models as Long Document Assistants",
    author = "Buchmann, Jan  and
      Liu, Xiao  and
      Gurevych, Iryna",
    editor = "Al-Onaizan, Yaser  and
      Bansal, Mohit  and
      Chen, Yun-Nung",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing",
    month = nov,
    year = "2024",
    address = "Miami, Florida, USA",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "",
    pages = "8113--8140",
    abstract = "LLMs can help humans working with long documents, but are known to hallucinate. *Attribution* can increase trust in LLM responses: The LLM provides evidence that supports its response, which enhances verifiability. Existing approaches to attribution have only been evaluated in RAG settings, where the initial retrieval confounds LLM performance. This is crucially different from the long document setting, where retrieval is not needed, but could help. Thus, a long document specific evaluation of attribution is missing. To fill this gap, we present LAB, a benchmark of 6 diverse long document tasks with attribution, and experiments with different approaches to attribution on 5 LLMs of different sizes. We find that *citation*, i.e. response generation and evidence extraction in one step, performs best for large and fine-tuned models, while additional retrieval can help for small, prompted models. We investigate whether the {``}Lost in the Middle{''} phenomenon exists for attribution, but do not find this. We also find that evidence quality can predict response quality on datasets with simple responses, but not so for complex responses, as models struggle with providing evidence for complex claims. We release code and data for further investigation. [Link](",


This repository contains experimental software and is published for the sole purpose of giving additional background details on the respective publication.


This repository contains the code for the paper "Attribute or Abstain: LLMs as Long Document Assistants", published on arxiv.







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