WordPress Genesis Child Theme using Bootstrap 4.
This projects uses a build process to:
- convert Sass (
) into CSS - combine and compress CSS files
Before using this project's build process for the first time you need to run
npm install
to install all of the necessary dependencies.
During development, you should run
npm run watch
which will watch for changes in the project and run the necessary build process steps when these changes occur.
During development you can use the LiveReload functionality to automatically reload your page when you make any changes to SCSS or JavaScript.
To enable this feature add the following to an mu-plugin (preferred) or in functions.php
On my development sites, I add this code at wp-content/mu-plugins/livereload.php
* Add LiveReload snippet.
add_action( 'genesis_after', function() {
// phpcs:disable WordPress.WP.EnqueuedResources.NonEnqueuedScript
echo '<script src="http://localhost:35729/livereload.js?snipver=1"></script>';
} );
When you files are ready for deployment, you should run
npm run build
to build all the necessary files and compress them where approriate.
Any PHP files added to the includes/
directory, will be run on the genesis_setup
action hook. Adding new files for each modification is a good way to keep your changes modular.
Do not modify style.css
, this file is generated from the Sass files.
If you modify style.css
and then run the build process, it will overwrite
and you will lose your changes.
Instead, please make your changes to the Sass files (in /sass
The primary entry point for Sass is /sass/custom.scss
(which is set in
). All other Sass files are loaded from the custom.scss
Generally, adding new Sass files (e.g. /sass/_footer.scss
) and then importing
that file in custom.scss
is my preferred way to add new CSS.
@import "footer";
Add a file to the includes/
directory, which will be automatically run (e.g. includes/google-fonts.php
). The file should contain the code to enqueue the Google font, e.g.
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'my_bs4g_enqueue_fonts' );
function my_bs4g_enqueue_fonts() {
wp_enqueue_style( 'open-sans-font' );
Modify your CSS to use the new font, e.g. in sass/_variables.scss
$font-family-sans-serif: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;
This is a starter theme which is meant to be modified. As a Genesis child theme important updates should come at the parent theme level (as Genesis updates).
Sometimes it is easier to make a modification via a WordPress hook then modify Bootstrap 4 Genesis directly.
The bootstrap4_genesis_css_mapping
is a key/value array where each key is a Genesis context and the value is a string containing the class that should be added to the context (multiple classes can be added by providing a string of the classes, where each class is separated by a space).
The bootstrap4_genesis_site_title_content
is a string of the content displayed inside the site link found in the header (by default the content is the site title, i.e. get_bloginfo( 'name' )
To replace the site title with an image.
* Replace Site Title Text with an Image
* Bootstrap4 Genesis Modification
* Replace the site title in the header with an image.
* https://github.com/salcode/bootstrap4-genesis
add_filter( 'bootstrap4_genesis_site_title_content', function() {
return '<img
alt="Sal Ferrarello">';
} );
Overall the goal of this project is to apply Bootstrap 4 styles to a Genesis child theme as a starting point for development. There are rare cases where the styles in this theme depart from the default Bootstrap 4 styles.
I find the Bootstrap v4.x blockquote style to blend in with the rest of the content too much. I have added a gray left border to blockquotes so they stand out more clearly. This is similar to the Bootstrap v3.x blockquote style.
I disagree with the choices made for the official Bootstrap Code styles and therefore have modified these styles in this theme.