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Table of default arguments

Zeioth edited this page Jul 16, 2024 · 29 revisions

The default arguments we pass to the compiler of every language are show warnings and compile in debug mode. We do this so you can debug the resulting executable using DAP.

Language Compiler Default arguments we pass
asm x86-64 nasm to compile and mingw-w64 to call the linker ld -g
c gcc -Wall -g
c++ g++ -Wall -g
c# csc or dotnet -warn:4 /debug for csc. For dotnet it requires you to use its own building system, there is no way to pass compiler arguments to dotnet using compiler.nvim: For border cases, use the terminal instead.
dart dart or flutter ""
elixir mix ""
fortran fpm ""
f# dotnet Because dotnet requires you to use its own building system, there is no way to pass compiler arguments to dotnet using compiler.nvim: For border cases, use the terminal instead.
gleam gleam build Because gleam requires you to use its own building system, there is no way to pass compiler arguments to gleam using compiler.nvim: For border cases, use the terminal instead.
go go build -a -gcflags='-N -l'
java javac -Xlint:all
javascript node ""
kotlin kotlinc ""
lua lua ""
make make ""
perl perl ""
python python (interpreted), nuitka (machine code), pyinstaller (bytecode) "" (interpreted), --warn-implicit-exceptions --warn-unusual-code (machine code), --log-level WARN --python-option W (bytecode)
r Rscript ""
ruby ruby ""
rust rustc -D warnings -g
shell sh ""
swift swiftc "-warn-swift3-objc-inference-minimal -g"
typescript tsc and node "--dirOut /dist" (tsc)
visual basic dotnet dotnet Because dotnet requires you to use its own building system, there is no way to pass compiler arguments to dotnet using compiler.nvim: For border cases, use the terminal instead.
zig zig Because zig requires you to use its own building system, there is no way to pass compiler arguments to zig using compiler.nvim: For border cases, use the terminal instead.

This information is important so you can pass your own arguments to the compiler using a .solution.toml file.