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Security: ZenulAbidin/zpywallet

Security Policy

Supported Versions

Version Supported
< 1.0

Reporting a Vulnerability

We take the security of our project seriously. If you discover a security issue, please follow these steps to report it:

  1. Contact us privately: Send a message using the the "Report a vulnerability" button at the top of this page with details of the vulnerability. Please do not disclose the issue publicly until we have had a chance to address it.

  2. Provide detailed information:

    • Include a clear and detailed description of the vulnerability.
    • Provide steps to reproduce the vulnerability or a proof-of-concept.
    • Let us know which versions of the project are affected.
  3. Response time:

    • You will receive an acknowledgment of your report within 48 hours.
    • Our security team will work to validate and reproduce the reported vulnerability.
  4. Resolution:

    • Once validated, our team will work to address the vulnerability promptly.
    • We will keep you informed of the progress towards a resolution.
  5. Public disclosure:

    • The security team will coordinate with you on an appropriate timeline for public disclosure if needed.
    • We appreciate your patience and responsible disclosure during this process.
  6. Vulnerability acceptance/declination:

    • If the reported vulnerability is accepted, appropriate credit will be given to the reporter.
    • If the vulnerability is declined, we will provide a detailed explanation of the decision.

We appreciate your contribution to the security of our project and thank you for your cooperation.

There aren’t any published security advisories