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Titani edited this page Jan 16, 2012 · 1 revision

The IO object is two things at once: A pub-sub system, and a container for two queues: in and out (both functionally the same.)


##register ( name, fun, [thisArg [, arg0, arg1, ...]] ) Register an event handler (fun) for the name event. When fired, it will be called with thisArg as the this value, and any arguments passed after thisArg will also be passed into the handler.

If a handler returns false, then IO.preventDefault is set to true.

##unregister ( name, fun ) Remove fun from the event handler queue for the event name.

##fire( name [, arg0, arg1, ...] ) Fire the event name. Optionally pass any other arguments to the event handler(s).

##jsonp ( opts ) Launch a jsonp request. There are currently differences between the client-side version of the bot and the server side, so until the unification this should be left partially undocumented. The source is plain and simple, so sniff around.

##loadScript ( url ) (Client-Side Only) Load a js script with a url of url. Basically just sticks a script tag on the head.

##events An object containing the events and their handlers. Used internally, should be used externally.

##preventDefault A boolean value indicating whether an event handler returned false., IO.out Two objects, wrapping around a buffer, used for general IO. They are built the same way, function the same, but their buffers are not shared.

##receive ( obj ) Appends obj to the buffer. Before the appending occurs, a receiveinput or receiveoutput event is fired with obj passed as an argument. If IO.preventDefault was switched on after the event call, the appending will not occur.

##tick () Fires an input or output event, passing the first item in the buffer as an argument. The first item in the buffer will be removed.

##flush () Unloads the entire buffer, doing the same thing as tick for each item. Before the unloading occurs, a beforeoutput or beforeinput event is fired. After it is finished, afteroutput and beforeoutput are fired.

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