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Releases: abcnews/aunty


10 Feb 07:26
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Support Svelte 5 (thanks @thomasbrettell)

This is major release because technically it could be a breaking change for some project due to changing the verbatimModuleSyntax config, but for most project there should be no impact.

v15 : Summer 2023

06 Dec 01:11
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Support Svelte 4 and adding automated generate and build tests.


  • Svelte 4 projects generated.
  • Automated testing of every project type on GitHub Actions and locally.
  • Jest types added.
  • npm run test links current Aunty to each generated project.

Notable dependency updates

  • TypeScript from 4 to 5.
  • Node 16 or greater is required now.

Please update existing projects if you upgrade aunty in them!

Update global npm install --global @abcnews/aunty@latest.

Update local npm install @abcnews/aunty@latest in your project directory.

v12 : Autumn 2021

16 Apr 03:01
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This release updates dependencies, removes generators, removes Vue project support and adds some new build options

New / changed build config options

  • entry can now be an array of strings, each matching a a file under src/ to build a bundle from. Output file names will always match their entry point file names (default: "index")
  • includedDependencies should be an array or either strings or regular expressions to match dependenencies that should also be included in babel's transpilation. Each will be resolved relative to the project's node_modules directory (default: []) (e.g.: ["aframe", /d3-/])

Notable dependency updates

  • Webpack updated from 4 to 5
  • Loaders / plugins updated to v5 compatible versions
  • Internal Webpack config edits to suit

Generators changed

  • articles removed
  • fragment removed
  • thumbnail removed
  • volume removed
  • Vue project and component type options

Also, because newly created projects will install the latest major release of @abcnews/alternating-case-to-object, their import signature has changed:

-import * as acto from '@abcnews/alternating-case-to-object';
+import acto from '@abcnews/alternating-case-to-object';

Please update existing projects if you upgrade aunty in them!

@abcaustralia/* component support

27 Aug 00:20
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You can now import components from @abcaustralia libraries into your React/Preact projects without having to add any custom webpack CSS config to your aunty config. This includes:

  • @abcaustralia/nucleus,
  • @abcaustralia/abc-components and
  • @abcaustralia/global-components

Their specific CSS Modules setup and postcss config is now baked in, and will still support extracting CSS if that's your preference.

TypeScript support

27 Aug 00:14
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You now have the option to write and test your projects with TypeScript.

New project generators have been created for vanilla JS/TS and all supported frameworks (Preact, React, Svelte & Vue).

Svelte support

26 Feb 04:48
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You can now generate svelte projects & components