Enable git maintainence for all repos
Update emacs, neovim, zsh plugins with justfile
Telescope fix height
Consult extensions
Enable autocompletion doc popup
See if telescope supports fzf syntax otherwise remove it
Setup zsh lang support
Defer with leaf
Emacs highlight with treesitter
Fix emacs formatter for elisp
Fix noevim gq (format) binding
Use telescope to show commands
Enable spell and grammar check for commits and code and comments
Setup M-x and : keybindings both for emacs and neovim
add named directories
- fzf keymaps
- fzf ordering
- telescope show hidden files
- git lfs
- git merge multiple repos
- git smudge and clean filters
- git attributes
- git diff ignore whitespace and enable word diff
- manage scratch buffers
- manager terminals and repls
- breadcrumbs
- git blame mappings
- completion previous both in in-buffer and mini-buffer modes
- Add LSP capabilities for neovim blink.cmp and lsp-snippet for emacs
- Add autocompletion to terminals
- marginalia
- embark
- projectile
- awshell
- quickrun
- repl-toggle
- eval-in-repl
- ein
- dabbrev
- corfu-history
- herculus
Pending Commits
- feat(user.common.neovim): add github client
- feat(user.common.neovim): add session manager
- feat(user.common.neovim): add ai integration
- feat(user.common.neovim): add proto support
- feat(user.common.neovim): add kotlin support
- feat(user.common.neovim): add rust support
- feat(user.common.neovim): add go support
- feat(user.common.neovim): add haskell support
- feat(user.common.neovim): add nu support
- feat(user.common.neovim): add nix support
- feat(user.common.neovim): add fennel support
- feat(user.common.neovim): add pkm tool
- feat(user.common.neovim): add debugger
- feat(user.common.neovim): add notebook runner
- feat(user.common.neovim): add repl runner
- feat(user.common.neovim): add code runner
- feat(user.common.neovim): add test runner
- feat(user.common.neovim): add task runner
- feat(user.common.neovim): add outliner
- feat(user.common.neovim): add project manager
- feat(user.common.neovim): add filesystem manager
- feat(user.common.neovim): add terminal manager
- feat(user.common.neovim): add folding
- feat(user.common.neovim): add linter
- feat(user.common.neovim): add formatter
- feat(user.common.neovim): add refactoring
- feat(user.common.neovim): add lsp integration
- feat(user.common.neovim): add treesitter integration
- feat(user.common.neovim): add git integration
- feat(user.common.neovim): add autocompletion
- feat(user.common.neovim): add fuzzy finder
- feat(user.common.neovim): improve ui and ux
- feat(user.common.neovim): add keymaps
- feat(user.common.neovim): adjust code style
- feat(user.common.emacs): add haskell support
- feat(user.common.emacs): add nix support
- feat(user.common.emacs): add formatter
- feat(user.common.emacs): add treesitter integration
- feat(user.common.emacs): add git integration
- feat(user.common.emacs): add autocompletion
- feat(user.common.emacs): add fuzzy finder
- feat(user.common.emacs): improve ui and ux
- feat(user.common.emacs): add keymaps
- feat(user.common.emacs): adjust code style
- feat(user.common.neovim): install neovim
- feat(user.common.emacs): install emacs
- feat(user.common.brave): install brave
[;;; Command line
;; Command line prefix history search
[:c :<c-k> :<up>]
[:c :<c-j> :<down>]
;;; Terminal
;; Switch from terminal mode to normal mode
[:t :<esc> "<c-\\><c-n>"]
;; Send escape key to program running in terminal buffer
[:t "<c-\\><c-n>" :<esc>]]
[;;; UI/UX
;; Indentation guides
{:name :ibl
:setup {;; Disable treesitter scope indicator
:scope {:enabled false}
;; Disable indentation guides for specific files
:exclude {:filetypes [:dashboard]}}}
;; UI for messages, cmdline, and popupmenu
{:name :notify
:setup {:on_open (lambda [win]
(vim.api.nvim_win_set_config win {:focusable false}))}}
{:name :noice :setup {:cmdline {:view :cmdline} :messages {:view :mini}}}
;; Window layout manager
;; TODO: Enable this
;; {:name :focus
;; :post-hook (lambda [_]
;; (vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd :FileType
;; {:group (vim.api.nvim_create_augroup :focus
;; {})
;; :callback (lambda []
;; (set vim.b.focus_disable
;; (vim.tbl_contains focus-ignore-filetypes
;; vim.bo.filetype)))}))}
;;; Fuzzy finder
{:name :telescope
:keymaps [;; Find buffer
[:n :<leader><tab> (telescope-find :buffers)]
;; Find recent files
[:n :<leader><bs> (telescope-find :oldfiles)]
;; Search project files
[:n :g/ (telescope-find :live_grep)]
;; Find projects
[:n :<leader>p (telescope-find :projects :projects)]]}
;;; Autocompletion
;; Snippet engine
{:name :snippets :setup {:create_cmp_source true :friendly_snippets true}}
{:name :cmp
:setup (lambda [cmp]
{:sources (cmp.config.sources [;; LSP autocompletion source
{:name :nvim_lsp}
;; Snippet autocompletion source
{:name :snippets}
;; Filesystem path autocompletion source
{:name :path}]
[;; Buffer autocompletion source
{:name :buffer}])})
:post-hook (lambda [cmp]
(cmp.setup.cmdline ":"
{:sources (cmp.config.sources [;; Filesystem path autocompletion source
{:name :path}
;; Command-line autocompletion source
{:name :cmdline}])
:mapping (cmp.mapping.preset.cmdline)})
(cmp.setup.cmdline ["/" "?"]
{:sources (cmp.config.sources [;; Buffer autocompletion source
{:name :buffer}])
:mapping (cmp.mapping.preset.cmdline)}))}
;;; VCS integration
;; Git commands in buffer
{:name :gitsigns
:setup {:on_attach (lambda [buffer]
(hunk-jump "[c" :prev buffer)
(hunk-jump "]c" :next buffer)
(hunk-jump "[C" :first buffer)
(hunk-jump "]C" :last buffer))}}
;; Resolve merge conflicts
;;; Treesitter integration
{:name :nvim-treesitter.configs
:setup {;; Syntax highlighting
:highlight {:enable true}
;; Incremental text object selection
:incremental_selection {:enable true}
;; Indentation
:indent {:enable true}
;; Treesitter text objects
:textobjects {:select {:enable true}
:swap {:enable true}
:move {:enable true}
:lsp_interop {:enable true}}
;; Manipulate tag pairs
:pairs {:enable true}}}
;; Manipulate tag pairs
;; Manipulate S-expressions
;; Paredit implementation for neovim
;;; LSP integration
{:name :lspconfig
:setup false
:post-hook (lambda [lsp]
(let [languages (require :language)
cmp (require :cmp_nvim_lsp)
capabilities (cmp.default_capabilities)]
(each [_ options (pairs languages)]
(when options.server
((. lsp options.server :setup) {: capabilities})))))}
;;; Refactoring
;;; Formattor
{:name :conform
:setup (let [languages (require :language)]
{:format_after_save {}
:formatters_by_ft (collect [language options (pairs languages)]
(values language options.formatters))})
:options {:formatexpr "v:lua.require'conform'.formatexpr()"}}
;;; Linter
{:name :lint
:setup false
:post-hook (lambda [lint]
(let [languages (require :language)]
(each [language options (pairs languages)]
(set (. lint :linters_by_ft language) options.linters))
(vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd [:BufWritePost
{:group (vim.api.nvim_create_augroup :linting
:callback (lambda []
;;; Folding
{:name :ufo
:setup {:provider_selector (lambda [] [:treesitter :indent])}
:options {:foldcolumn :1 :foldlevel 99 :foldlevelstart 99 :foldenable true}
:keymaps (lambda [ufo] [[:n :zR ufo.openAllFolds] [:n :zM ufo.closeAllFolds]])}
;;; PKM tool
{:name :neorg :setup {:load {:core.defaults {} :core.concealer {}}}}
;; Github client
{:name :octo :setup {:default_to_projects_v2 true}}]
- Fix vim global issue
- Difftastic as core.pager, diff.external, diff.tool, difftool.prompt, pager.difftool, interactive.diffFilter
- Use emacs and neovim daemon
- Setup starship, carapace, thefuck, zoxide, fzf for nushell
- Track xdg files on nixos and macos
- Install luajit and elisp
- Install gh
- Disable ligatures for wezterm
- Use pre-commit with treefmt and something similar for linting
- Use brave.nix, substituter.nix, emacs.nix, neovim.nix
- Zsh, emacs, neovim filter history
- Setup treesitter, lsp, linter, formatter, ts indentor, inc selector, ts text object, refactor, repl, snippet runner, command runner
- Setup haskell, purescript, scala, rust
- Setup racket, clojurescript, clojure, common lisp
- Setup go, typescript, kotlin, zig
- Setup julia, typest, python, javascript
- Setup markdown, latex, proto, json, yaml, toml, scss, SQL
- Switch to codeberg, mastadon, signal, matrix (element)
- Track neovim, emacs, and zsh lockfiles
- Pin neovim, emacs, and zsh plugins
- Lazy load zsh plugins
- Bytecompile lua, zsh and elisp
- Reformat and add comments to karabiner.json and hardware.nix
- Use fast-tags for haskell, and other tags for other langs
- Increase timeout for starship
- Auto link emacs application on macos
- Fix dotfiles project structure
- Disable neovim font level in gutter
- Disable neovim todo hints in gutter
- Emacs put nerd-icon-install-fonts into init.el
- Remove overlays
- Fix justfile
- Install file watchers for all languages
- Do not install zsh and nushell from home manager
- Use nushell on linux and zsh on macos and bash for nix envs
- Use isDarwin, isArch, flake-parts, and devenv
- Home manager overrides
- Enable XDG for both macos and nixos specially for nushell and zsh
- Install and manage xcode cmdline tools and homebrew by home manager instead of nix darwin
- Check if root is required for nix trusted users or is added by default
- Enable homebrew autoupdate and other options
- Add location and i18n and console settings by referring to nixos configuration
- Check if https://cache.nixos.org/ is added to substituters on nixos and macos, and also enable cachix
- Enable line numbering and syntax highlight on git-delta
- Add github read:project token via nix
- Copy nixos system setting to macos system settings
- Track scroll settings for macos and nixos
- Check if substituters are required by home manager and nix darwin
- Check cmdline completion via noice/nvim-cmp
- Split large neovim and emacs commits and configure conventional commits modules and add module scope to existing commits
- Install git flow and conventional commits
- Add script to clone all github repos
- Add script to delete all merged branches
- Remove cosmic default applications
- Make brave, neovim and wezterm (with zellij) as default programs
- Extract fonts, themes, etc. to config file for all terminals, etc.
- Install debug adapters for all languages
- Install test suites for all languages
- Enable nushell integration for zellij
- Configure pre commit hooks
- Check nixos installation instructions in apple notes and document it in dotfiles
- Highlight injected sql
- Make brave, alacritty, etc transparent
- Rename boot loader
- Since nix store is world readable, encrypt secure files in it
- Encrypt netrc
- Use age/sops/git crypt/bitwarden/keybase
- Validate if no secrets were commited to dotfiles repo ever
- Enable commit signing, tag signing, push signing
- Install mail client, rss feed reader, iirc, matrix, discord, slack, etc. clients
- Migrate to neovim 0.11 native lsp config, completion, native snippet engine, only use snippets templates
- Migrate to neovim terminal, project manager, file explorer, formatter, folder, linter and any other native features
- Migrate to cosmic once it is stable
- Bash/Sh
- C
- C++
- Clojure
- Common Lisp
- Conf/Gitconf
- Docker/compose
- Elisp
- Go
- Haskell
- Java
- Javascript
- Json
- Julia
- Justfile
- Kotlin
- Latex
- Lua
- Makefile
- Markdown
- Neorg
- Nix
- Nu
- Obsidian
- Org
- Proto
- Purescript
- Python
- Racket
- Regex
- Rust
- Sass
- Scheme
- Scss
- Sql with dialects
- Terraform/terragrunt
- Toml
- Typescript
- Typst
- Yaml
- Zig
- Zsh
- Bash/Sh
- C
- C++
- Clojure
- Scala
- Common Lisp
- Conf/Gitconf
- Docker/compose
- Elisp
- Go
- Haskell
- Java
- Javascript
- Json
- Julia
- Justfile
- Kotlin
- Latex
- Lua
- Makefile
- Markdown
- Neorg
- Nix
- Nu
- Obsidian
- Org
- Proto
- Purescript
- Elm
- Python
- Racket
- Regex
- Rust
- Sass
- Scheme
- Scss
- Sql with dialects
- Terraform/terragrunt
- Toml
- Typescript
- Typst
- Yaml
- Zig
- Zsh
- Brave
- Emacs
- Neovim
- Zellij
- Alacritty
- Hyprland
- Waybar
- Fzf
- Bat
- Lazygit
- Rofi
- Starship
- Nushell
- Difftastic
- Neovim feline
- Neovim tabby
- Cosmic
- Firefox
- Wezterm
- Package managers like hotpot, lazyvim
- nvim-lsp-selection-range
- nvim-spyder
- multicursors.nvim
- Yanky
- Marks
- Undos
- Jumps
- Changes
- Harpoon
- Arrow
- Transient mode
- Rainbow mode for CSS
- PKM tools - obsidian, roam, etc.
- Git clouding hosting site integration
- Avante
- Parrot
- Combobulate
- goto-chg.el
- no-littering
- lsp-booster
- dump-jump
- hippie-expand
- Try
- Snippets
- Auto pairs
- Autocompletion
- Treesitter plugins
- LSP tools
- Refactoring tools
- Linter
- Folding - Origami
- Terminal manager
- Filesystem manager - sidebar and buffer
- Project manager
- Code outliner
- Task runner
- Test runner
- Code runner
- REPL runner
- Debugger
- PKM tools - obsidian, roam, etc.
- AI integration
- Session manager
- Text case
- Inc/Dec operator
- Split join
- Move/duplicate operator
- Find and replace
- Text objects plain and treesitter based
- Annotation generator
- Alternate files
- Scratch files
- Transient mode
- Rainbow mode
- Icons
- Tabline
- Statusline
- UI components
- Highlight word under cursor
- Virtual text to discover motions
- Window layout manager
- Yanky
- Marks
- Undos
- Jumps
- Changes
- Harpoon
- Arrow
- Git clouding hosting site integration
- Forge
- Jinx
- Taskrunner
- Persp
- Eat
- Avy
- Flycheck
- Gptel
- Elysium
- Fix neogit tab handling
- Fix telescope theme with dressing
- Add conflict marker mappings
- Fix neogit log buffer top line issue
- Fugitive with cloud integrations
- Targets
- Lion
- Render markdown
- Fix neogit rebase modify
- Fix neogit char wise diff
- Check paredit, parinfer, vim-sexp vs nvim-treesitter-sexp
- Check if refactoring plugings are required
NixOS MacBook Installation
- Disable secure boot
- Boot from iso as root
- Mount usb with wifi firmware to /media/usb
- Extract firmware archive to /lib/firmware/brcm
- Reload wifi firmware modules
- systemctl start wpa_supplicant
- Connect to wifi via wpa_cli
- Partition /dev/nvme0n1 with fdisk to create 1 500MB boot partition and 1 root partition with remaining space
- parted /dev/nvme0n1 — set 4 esp on
- mkfs.ext4 -L nixos /dev/nvme0n1p5
- mkfs.fat -F 32 -n boot /dev/nvme0n1p4
- mount /dev/disk/by-label/nixos /mnt
- mount -o umask=077 /dev/disk/by-label/boot /mnt/boot
- nixos-generate-config —root /mnt
- cd /mnt/etc/nixos
- Clone dotfiles into /tmp
- Copy new hardware config
- nix flake update
- nixos-install —no-root-passwd —flake
- install home manager
- Reset password for user
- Reboot and lock root and reset user password
- Enable secure boot
- Generate ssh keys
Nix MacOS Installation
- Install via determinate installer
- Install Xcode command line tools
- Install homebrew
- chpass -s /run/current-system/sw/bin/nu
- Set default browser to brave from settings
- Generate ssh keys
- NOT REQUIRED - Track /etc/nix/nix.conf