v0.121.2 – initial release
hugo-python-distributions (Hugo
) v0.121.2
This is the first release for hugo
, a Python package that embeds binaries for the extended version of the static site generator Hugo written in Golang – allowing users to install it with pip
, Python's primary package management tool. Please refer to the README document for: installation instructions and usage, a list of supported platforms and architectures, and a variety of use cases that include some limitations.
For more information on Hugo and its usage as a static site generator, please refer to the official Hugo documentation, available at: https://gohugo.io/documentation.
This project will be versioned alongside equivalent Hugo releases, allowing users to access the same version of Hugo via these Python wheels as that of the official Hugo binaries.
Therefore, this release – in specific, corresponds to Hugo v0.121.2 and can be obtained from PyPI via the invocation of the command pip install hugo
on a terminal on these platforms and architectures: Linux (amd64 or aarch64), macOS (Intel or Apple Silicon), and Windows (amd64).
This is a re-release for python-hugo
, which was earlier available with the name of python-hugo
on PyPI, and was versioned separately according to a modified CalVer specification to match Hugo releases – these older binaries have been deleted. A special vote of thanks to @nariman for granting access to the original PyPI name, i.e., hugo
, in order to provide this release on PyPI.
Some PRs that brought this to fruition
- Add and debug workflows by @agriyakhetarpal in #1
- Debug and add Windows support by @agriyakhetarpal in #4
- Cache Hugo build files by @agriyakhetarpal in #9
- Add user manual – quickstart, use cases, known limitations, building from source, licensing by @agriyakhetarpal in #11
- Packaging revamp, introduce cleaner installation, add cross-compilation by @agriyakhetarpal in #12
- Refactor GitHub Actions workflows, get wheels ready, cross-compile macOS wheels by @agriyakhetarpal in #14
- Code quality and consistency checks by @agriyakhetarpal in #18
- Make Windows runner speedier by @agriyakhetarpal in #21
- Rename project from
by @agriyakhetarpal in #22
Full range of commits: https://github.com/agriyakhetarpal/hugo-python-distributions/commits/v0.121.2