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Release 1.18.2

Release 1.18.2 #2

Workflow file for this run

name: "Release New Version"
run-name: "Release ${{ inputs.version }}"
description: "The version to be released. This is checked for consistency with the branch name and configuration"
required: true
type: "string"
description: "JIRA version ID (e.g. 54321)"
required: true
type: "string"
# TODO: Use different token
GH_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}
GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL: "[email protected]"
default-release-message: |
The PHP team is happy to announce that version {0} of the MongoDB PHP library is now available.
**Release Highlights**
TODO: one or more paragraphs describing important changes in this release
A complete list of resolved issues in this release may be found in [JIRA]({1}&projectId=12483).
Documentation for this library may be found in the [PHP Library Manual](
This library may be installed or upgraded with:
composer require mongodb/mongodb:{0}
Installation instructions for the `mongodb` extension may be found in the [ documentation](
name: "Prepare release"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: "Create release output"
run: echo '🎬 Release process for version ${{ inputs.version }} started by @${{ github.triggering_actor }}' >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
submodules: true
token: ${{ env.GH_TOKEN }}
- name: "Store version numbers in env variables"
run: |
echo RELEASE_VERSION=${{ inputs.version }} >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo RELEASE_BRANCH=v$(echo ${{ inputs.version }} | cut -d '.' -f-2) >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: "Ensure release tag does not already exist"
run: |
if [[ $(git tag -l ${RELEASE_VERSION}) == ${RELEASE_VERSION} ]]; then
echo '❌ Release failed: tag for version ${{ inputs.version }} already exists' >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
exit 1
# - name: "Fail if branch names don't match"
# if: ${{ github.ref_name != env.RELEASE_BRANCH }}
# run: |
# echo '❌ Release failed due to branch mismatch: expected ${{ inputs.version }} to be released from ${{ env.RELEASE_BRANCH }}, got ${{ github.ref_name }}' >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
# exit 1
# Preliminary checks done - commence the release process
- name: "Set git author information"
run: |
git config "${GIT_AUTHOR_NAME}"
git config "${GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL}"
# Create a draft release with a changelog
# TODO: Consider using the API to generate changelog
- name: "Create draft release with generated changelog"
run: gh release create ${{ inputs.version }} --target ${{ github.ref_name }} --generate-notes --draft
- name: "Read changelog from draft release"
run: gh release view ${{ inputs.version }} --json body --template '{{ .body }}' >> changelog
# This step creates the signed release tag
- name: "Create release tag"
uses: ./.github/actions/garasign/git-sign
command: "git tag -F changelog -s --local-user=${{ vars.GPG_KEY_ID }} ${{ inputs.version }}"
garasign_username: ${{ secrets.GRS_CONFIG_USER1_USERNAME }}
garasign_password: ${{ secrets.GRS_CONFIG_USER1_PASSWORD }}
artifactory_username: ${{ secrets.ARTIFACTORY_USER }}
artifactory_password: ${{ secrets.ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD }}
# TODO: Manually merge using ours strategy. This avoids merge-up pull requests being created
# Process is:
# 1. switch to next branch (according to merge-up action)
# 2. merge release branch using --strategy=ours
# 3. push next branch
# 4. switch back to release branch, then push
- name: "Push changes from release branch"
run: git push
- name: "Prepare release message"
run: |
cat > release-message <<'EOL'
${{ format(env.default-release-message, inputs.version, inputs.jira-version-number) }}
cat changelog >> release-message
# Update release with correct release information
- name: "Update release information"
run: echo "RELEASE_URL=$(gh release edit ${{ inputs.version }} --title "${{ inputs.version }}" --notes-file release-message)" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
# Pushing the release tag starts build processes that then produce artifacts for the release
- name: "Push release tag"
run: git push origin ${{ inputs.version }}
- name: "Set summary"
run: |
echo '🚀 Created tag and drafted release for version [${{ inputs.version }}](${{ env.RELEASE_URL }})' >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo '✍️ You may now update the release notes and publish the release when ready' >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY