113 commits
to master
since this release
We are excited to announce the release of TorchEasyRec 0.6.0, the first public release for TorchEasyRec.
Major Features and Improvements
- High-performance training, evaluation, and prediction with GPUs.
- Supported a variety of input data types, including MaxCompute Table, OSS files, CSV files, Parquet files doc here.
- Supported a variety of feature types, including IdFeature, RawFeature, ComboFeature, LookupFeature, MatchFeature, ExprFeature, OverlapFeature, TokenizeFeature, SequenceIdFeature, SequenceRawFeature, and SequenceFeature. The feature generation operations is also efficient and robust doc here.
- Supported a variety of models, including DSSM, TDM, DeepFM, MultiTower, DIN, MMoE, DBMTL, PLE. It is also easy to implement customized models.
- Supported a variety of loss, including binary_cross_entropy, softmax_cross_entropy, l2_loss, jrc_loss doc here.
- Supported VariationalDropout feature selection.
- Easy to deploy a TorchEasyRec model as a high-performance inference service using the TorchEasyRec Processor.
Bug Fixes and Other Changes
- [bugfix] fix train_eval may hang when use OdpsDataset and set is_orderby_partition=true by @tiankongdeguiji in
- [bugfix] fix offline predict input tile model with sequence by @tiankongdeguiji in #14
For TorchEasyRec 0.6.x, you should use Docker image version 0.6.
- For the GPU version (CUDA 12.1):
- For the CPU version:
New Contributors
- @tiankongdeguiji made their first contribution in #1
- @jjbbong made their first contribution in #3
- @chengaofei made their first contribution in #4
Full Changelog: https://github.com/alibaba/TorchEasyRec/commits/v0.6.0