62 commits
to refs/heads/main
since this release
What's Changed
🚀 New Features
- Hotfix v2.15.0 by @epszaw in #927
- Back compatibility with old style cypress runtime API by @epszaw in #953
- Back compatibility with old style cucumberjs runtime API by @epszaw in #952
- Back compatibility with old style jasmine runtime API by @epszaw in #954
- Back compatibility with old style jest runtime API by @epszaw in #955
- Back compatibility with old style playwright runtime API by @epszaw in #958
- Back compatibility with old style vitest runtime API by @epszaw in #966
- Links patterns API by @epszaw in #968
- Compatibility with Mocha's parallel mode by @delatrie in #967
- Add links names patterns by @epszaw in #973
- feat(vitest): add support for env and categories by @baev in #997
- Cucumber hooks fixtures by @epszaw in #998
- CodeceptJS hooks fixtures by @epszaw in #994
- Allure Mocha: testplan support, env info and categories, metadata by @delatrie in #1003
- Cypress hooks fixtures by @epszaw in #1000
- Cypress test plan support by @epszaw in #1037
- Cypress categories and env info support by @epszaw in #1038
- feat(allure-playwright): support test tags by @baev in #1034
- Jest fixtures and test plan support by @epszaw in #1044
- feat(commons): add logStep Runtime API by @baev in #1043
- Global labels support by @epszaw in #1045
- Cypress retires handling by @epszaw in #1048
- Allow to attach Cypress videos for failed specs only by @epszaw in #1049
- feat(allure-jest): compatibility with Jest >=24.8.0 by @delatrie in #1054
- feat(allure-jasmine): selective run implementation by @delatrie in #1063
- feat(allure-mocha): add support for test retries by @baev in #1104
- feat(allure-cypress): new real-time lifecycle, hooks, and test plan by @delatrie in #1109
- feat(allure-codeceptjs): rework codeceptjs integration by @baev in #1107
- feat(commons): process metadata messages from before hooks by @baev in #1041
- feat(allure-cypress): impose some limits on step parameter values created from Cypress command arguments by @delatrie in #1127
🔬 Improvements
- [3.0] Refined allure-js-commons by @epszaw in #909
- Back compatibility with old style codeceptjs runtime API by @epszaw in #947
- Preserve original attachment file extension by @baev in #956
- impr(playwright): new fullname format and improved test plan support by @baev in #971
- Enchanced build by @epszaw in #978
- Mocha legacy runtime API by @epszaw in #986
- Fix link's order of arguments by @delatrie in #989
- Enable ts comments by @baev in #988
- Commons improvements by @baev in #991
- Add support for beforeAll and afterAll vitest fixtures by @baev in #993
- Fix Allure Mocha ESM parallel; add deprecation warnings to the legacy API by @delatrie in #995
- Add reports for vitest and playwright modules by @baev in #1009
- Change link template config type from an array to a record. Support link template functions by @delatrie in #1008
- Add report for allure-codeceptjs package by @baev in #1012
- Add report for allure-cucumberjs package by @baev in #1013
- Add report for allure-mocha package by @baev in #1014
- Add report for allure-jest package by @baev in #1016
- Specify vitest required version by @baev in #1017
- Add report for allure-jasmine package by @baev in #1018
- Add report for newman-reporter-allure package by @baev in #1019
- Rft reporter runtime by @baev in #1021
- Clean-up configs by @epszaw in #1023
- Proof of work for cypress native fixtures by @epszaw in #1024
- feat(allure-playwright): add package label by @baev in #1033
- feat(allure-playwright): support skip and fixme annotations by @baev in #1035
- Don't add extra suite label in allure-cucumberjs to fix #999 by @YakovL in #1004
- chore(allure-js-commons): add default writer factory by @baev in #1103
- fix(allure-js-commons): add support for workers in default thread label by @baev in #1110
- fix: labels consistency across packages by @todti in #1105
- fix(allure-playwright): ignore route.continue() steps by @baev in #1140
🐞 Bug Fixes
- fix: fix stepFn use this.parameter('xx', 'xx') do not work。 by @mind029 in #914
- Fix allure-jest jest.retryTimes() bug by @kriku in #928
- Small fix for cypress inner types import by @epszaw in #943
- Ensure results dir created before write result by @epszaw in #974
- Fix newman by @baev in #987
- Allure-mocha: fix test result overwritten when a test is skipped dynamically by @delatrie in #1015
- Fix duplicated afterEach (#236) by @delatrie in #1027
- Add Cypress reports for skipped tests by @epszaw in #1029
- Cypress cucumber preprocessor support by @epszaw in #1032
- fix(allure-codeceptjs): support steps in before & after hooks by @baev in #1042
- fix test timings by @baev in #1051
- fix(allure-jest): beforeEach/afterEach affect all tests in the suite, beforeAll/afterAll don't affect tests in sub-suites by @delatrie in #1052
- fix(allure-jasmine): runtime API, scoping, sequencing, and context propagation of fixtures by @delatrie in #1058
- fix(commons): fix metadata regular expressions by @delatrie in #1065
- fix(newman-reporter-allure): make Newman container name as parent suite name by @todti in #1077
- fix(allure-playwright): readme is inconsistent with v3 by @delatrie in #1071
- fix: remove ansi characters in steps statusDetails by @todti in #1085
- fix(playwright): remove step title length by @baev in #1088
- fix(allure-vitest): add support for test.extend by @baev in #1099
- fix(allure-js-commons): rft reporter configuration type by @baev in #1100
- fix test statuses for expect.extend errors by @baev in #1116
- fix(allure-cypress): missing tests and fixtures when an error occurs in a hook by @delatrie in #1123
- fix(newman-reporter-allure): fix reporter error in case of empty exec by @baev in #1121
- fix(allure-cucumberjs): fix timings by @baev in #1125
⬆️ Dependency Updates
- Build using node@18 by @baev in #910
- bump yarn to 4 by @baev in #911
- chore(deps): replace dependency npm-run-all with npm-run-all2 ^5.0.0 by @renovate in #855
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v20.11.30 by @renovate in #913
- Bump yarn to 4.2.2 by @baev in #941
- chore(deps): update dependency newman to v6 by @renovate in #866
- chore(deps): update octokit/request-action action to v2.3.1 by @renovate in #917
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-cypress to v3 by @renovate in #961
- chore(deps): replace dependency eslint-plugin-node with eslint-plugin-n ^14.0.0 by @renovate in #937
- Bump newman by @baev in #960
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v20.12.12 by @renovate in #938
- chore(deps): update dependency sinon to v18 by @renovate in #963
- chore(deps): update dependency npm-run-all2 to v6 by @renovate in #962
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-n to v17 by @renovate in #964
- chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v7 (major) by @renovate in #969
- chore(deps): update dependency @codeceptjs/configure to v1 by @renovate in #942
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v20.14.2 by @renovate in #983
- chore(deps): update yarn to v4.3.0 by @renovate in #1001
- Fix devDependency version duplication in monorepo by @vovsemenv in #1026
- Fix dependencies and add sherif to lint them by @epszaw in #1028
- chore(deps): update dependency esbuild to ^0.22.0 by @renovate in #1025
- deps(allure-playwright): bump @playwright/test to 1.45.1 by @baev in #1039
- chore(deps): update yarn to v4.3.1 by @renovate in #1011
- Fix peer deps, remove redundant deps by @delatrie in #1046
- chore(deps): update dependency esbuild to ^0.23.0 by @renovate in #1036
- chore(deps): update dependency rimraf to v6 by @renovate in #1056
- chore(deps): update yarn to v4.4.0 by @renovate in #1092
- chore(deps): update dependency glob to v11 by @renovate in #1055
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-jsdoc to v49 by @renovate in #1101
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-jsdoc to v50 by @renovate in #1102
- chore(deps): update dependency mocha to v10.7.3 by @renovate in #1106
- bump caniuse-lite by @baev in #1115
- chore(deps): update yarn to v4.4.1 by @renovate in #1120
- chore(deps): update dependency @cucumber/messages to v26 by @renovate in #1112
- chore(deps): update yarn to v4.5.0 by @renovate in #1138
👻 Internal changes
- Deprecate prefixes for the commons package by @epszaw in #939
- Global test runtime initializer by @epszaw in #944
- Disable yarn parallel build by @baev in #951
- Use cjs for yarn ci plugin by @baev in #965
- Facade types correction by @baev in #972
- Fix typescript-eslint issues by @delatrie in #1006
- Add allure report for cypress by @epszaw in #1020
- Add missing fixture tests for allure-mocha by @delatrie in #1031
- chore(allure-playwright): add test for testCaseId for skipped tests by @baev in #1030
- Normalize test fixtures by @epszaw in #1047
- tests(allure-jest): add tests to showcase runtime api usage in hooks by @baev in #1050
- chore: newman reuse getSuiteLabel util by @todti in #1080
- chore(build): use stylistic eslint plugin for formatting related rules by @baev in #1091
- Run tests on windows by @baev in #1111
New Contributors
- @mind029 made their first contribution in #914
- @kriku made their first contribution in #928
- @YakovL made their first contribution in #1004
- @cryptton2004 made their first contribution in #1057
- @todti made their first contribution in #1077
Full Changelog: v2.15.0...v3.0.0