Online Plant Nursery Application Spring Boot Project Backend of online Management where customer can buy planters, plants and seeds. After running this program in spring boot we have to hit this url to see all the API's in swagger http://localhost:8888/swagger-ui/
ONLINE NURSERY PLANT and SEED MANAGMENT | Online plant and seed management where you can customer can buy and planter can sell their plants and seeds. Service Layers, Data Access Layers to generate different end points. Features:
- User Login and Signup.
- Admin can add planter with plants and seeds.
- Customer can buy planters with plant and seed.
- Customer can see all orders history.
- Customer can add products to cart
- Built authentication while login and logout using key.
- Stored the data on MySQL and used it for Authentication.
- Deployed the website on GitHub.
- collaborative project built by a team of 4, delivered in 5 days.
- Spring
- Spring Boot
- Swagger
- lombok
- Spring data JPA
- Hibernate
- Applying Validations
- Exception Handling
- Establishing Realtionship among tables
- Spring Boot layered Architecture
- User Login and logout session handling
- Github Collaboration