AnyCable docs website driven by docsify
The quickest way to fix a typo or propose a small change is to use GitHub web interface (open a file, click on "Edit", create a PR).
If you want to propose a bigger change, you might want to use a common flow:
- Fork it.
- Create a new branch (
git checkout -b feat/my-proposal
). - Commit and push changes.
- Open new Pull Request.
We try to keep our documentation both correct and stylish using the following tools:
- mdl—Markdown linter, Ruby edition.
- liche—links linter.
- forspell—spelling checker.
- rubocop with rubocop-md and standard—Ruby code snippets style checking.
To run these tools locally we use Lefthook (runs linters automatically for every commit).
To sum up:
- Install
gem install mdl
- Install
go get -u
- Install Hunspell and Forspell:
# for MacOS (for other OS see Forspell documentation)
brew install hunspell
gem install forspell
- Install StandardRB and
gem install standard
gem install rubocop-md
- Install
# for MacOS (for other OS see Lefthook documentation)
brew install lefthook
- Initialize
lefthook install
Or you can skip all of these and rely on our CI, which can do all the checks for you!