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Releases: apache/incubator-tuweni
Releases · apache/incubator-tuweni
Apache Tuweni v2.3.1
Apache Tuweni v2.3.0
The following changes were made since 2.2.0:
- Improvements to EVM lib, and a EVM DSL
- Performance improvements to Bytes
- Fixing sync logic of ethereum client
- New genesis file library, allowing to build your own genesis file with a DSL
- Small improvements to transaction handling, encrypting/decrypting with secp256k1 keys.
Apache Tuweni 2.2.0 (incubating)
What's Changed
- validate enodes by @atoulme in #366
- Simplify index page of crawler by @atoulme in #368
- Move stats to a separate job by @atoulme in #367
- Make synchronizers configurable by @atoulme in #369
- Log at DEBUG level when no nodes are resolved by @fab-10 in #371
- Add genesis lib by @atoulme in #372
- Update antlr4 version (Issue 373) by @pinges in #374
Apache Tuweni 2.1.0 (incubating)
New features:
- Add OpenTelemetry metrics reporting service
- Add synchronizer to eth client
- New application: Ethereum node crawler
- Add support for more EVM opcodes: extcodehash, extcodecopy, support Istanbul opcodes
- New application: JSON-RPC proxy
- New application: bootnode
- Support Java 17
- Better gradle wrapper for Windows
- Upgrade Vert.x to 4.1.2
- DNS discovery resilience, allow retries and using multiple servers. (Jiri Peinlich)
- Move to new license checks build
- Remove logback runtime dependency
- Provide system property to disable use of libsodium in hashing.
- Upgrade Kotlin to 1.5.31
Apache Tuweni 2.0.0 (incubating)
- Users can select to keep select connections to other peers alive, reconnecting on disconnection (RLPx)
- New faucet application, with a simple wallet.
- JSON-RPC client and server (server is just started)
- Add syncing capabilities for mainnet
- Cache hashcode on Bytes objects.
- Use one binary bistro, and one Docker image for all of Tuweni.
- Implement the EVM as Kotlin code, instead of importing EVMC
- Add ethstats server
- Add network crawler
- Add proxy subprotocol
- Add support for eth/66 (RLPx)
- DNS daemon no longer throws errors when it cannot communicate over TCP
- NOTICE for binary distro
- #168: Fix Bytes32.wrap with offset
- Remove biased language (allowlist, main branch)
Apache Tuweni 1.3.0 (incubating)
- Update to support Sodium 1.0.18 (#164)
- Base58 encoding support (#150)
- eth65 support (#152)
- Add a helper to transform a SECP256K1 public key into an Ethereum address (#154)
- Add a discv5 scraper (#157)
- Upgrade Bouncy Castle (#160)
- Upgrade Error Prone (#165)
- Add Windows CI test build (#167)
- Add binary snapshots (#161)
- Misc fixes and clean ups to docs
Apache Tuweni 1.2.0 (incubating)
- Ethash hashing support
- EVMC support
- Simplify distribution down to one binary and source artifacts
- Added doc build
- Refactor discv5, testing it with an eth2 client
- Simplified and streamlined LES to match ETH devp2p subprotocols
Bug fixes:
- Fixes #141 - Generated Maven pom.xml have incorrect information
- Fix SecureScuttlebutt setup.
- Added codecov and tests adding coverage
Apache Tuweni 1.1.0 (incubating)
- Implement DNS discovery reader, reading from goerli and mainnet
- Implement #71 - short hash string
- Implement #72 - Upgrade codec dependency by @ajsutton
- #74 and #75 enhance UInt256 performance by @shemnon
- Move to slf4j from logl
- Simplify address and hash classes
- Expose the ability to destroy public keys directly
Bug fixes:
- Fix for issue #50 - FileBackedFingerprintRepository throws NPE if fingerPrintFile has no parent Dir
- Fix for issue #78 - Dist tar.gz and zip contain duplicate items
- Fix for issue #82 - Fix Windows tests by @shemnon
- Adopt github actions to run CI
- Upgrade to Gradle 6.3
- Fix for issue #63 docker to build
Apache Tuweni 1.0.0 (incubating)
- Moved to JDK11 support by default. 1.0.0 drops support for JDK8.
- Added ethnetstats library.
- Added key-value store functionalities: proxy store, stores are now generic, not just bytes, and have the ability to iterate over keys or clear their contents.
- Added support for JPA-backed key value stores
- Added eth2 reference tests repository. This repository is checked out as a submodule, and will be used to test SSZ going forward.
- Fix TUWENI-30: expose key for GenericHash
- Allow CN as option when generating the self-signed certs (used to be
- Move Jenkins build to Jenkinsfile inside the repo.
Apache Tuweni 0.10.0 (incubating)
New in this release:
- Added discv5 (contributed by @YouJustDontKnow and @annashunko )
- Bytes fixes and enhancements (thanks to @rojotek )
- Fixes and minor enhancements to UInt256