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Apache PLC4X 0.8.0

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@chrisdutz chrisdutz released this 26 Jan 08:13
· 5493 commits to develop since this release

This is an ordinary PLC4X release, containing changes that
accumulated over time. It doesn't have an explicit focus on
a particular topic.

New Features

  • The KNXnet/IP Driver now supports writing of values.
  • The Modbus driver now supports more common notations of
    Modbus addresses using a pure-numeric notation.
  • The ADS, KNX, Modbus, S7 and simulated drivers have been
    updated to support the IEC 61131-3 data-types.
  • We are now including PLC4Go as PLC4X implementation in
    the programming language Go(lang)
  • Integration with the Milo OPC UA Server is now available.
  • Kafka Connect workers have been updated source and sink connectors
    are now included.

Incompatible changes

  • The syntax of the S7 addresses changed slightly allowing to
    provide a string length. Without this, a STRING datatype will
    read 254 characters, by adding the size in round brackets to
    the type name will use the specified number.


    Read one String which is max 10 chars long:

    Read an array of 3 Strings where each is max 10 chars long:

  • The PLCValue types have been refactored to align with the types
    defined in IEC 61131-3 (
    directly using the older Java types (PlcBoolean) is no longer

Bug Fixes

A lot of testing was done regarding the IEC 61131-3 data-types.
This resulted in numerous bugfixes in many protocols.

  • PLC4X-132 [S7] Communication to S7 PLC dies in some situations
  • PLC4X-206 When writing short values exceptions are thrown
    while preparing the write request.
  • PLC4X-207 No registered handler found for message TPKTPacket[],
    using default decode method - Communication with S7
    and Modbus device hangs
  • PLC4X-209 [S7] When writing INT and DINT values the Write
    operation fails with an internal error
  • PLC4X-210 [KNX] When running a KNX Tunneling Subscription
    for a longer time there are packets that kill
    the connection
  • PLC4X-211 PlcValues seem to always return "true" on the
    isXYZ" checks.
  • PLC4X-212 When writing multiple values in one request the
    item status is not correctly set
  • PLC4X-213 [Modbus] The Modbus driver doesn't handle error
    responses gracefully
  • PLC4X-214 [Modbus] Holding register addresses have an offset
    of 1 (Not reading the correct address)
  • PLC4X-215 Drivers using the BaseOptimizer
    (SingleFieldOptimizer) don't handle error responses
  • PLC4X-218 [Scraper] After stopping the scraper still the
    statistics are logged and the application doesn't
  • PLC4X-239 Read DTL (Date and Time)
  • PLC4X-240 Protocol error in reading string
  • PLC4X-246 S7 driver hangs on read
  • PLC4X-245 [Modbus] Apache NiFi processor throws after a while
  • PLC4X-255 Kafka Connector Source Task doesn't block within poll()
    resulting in high CPU usage.
  • PLC4X-261 Pooled connection manager returns a connection that isn't
    connected in some situations.
  • PLC4X-272 When splitting up large requests, too big sub-requests
    are generated (S7)
  • PLC4X-256 ReadBuffer truncate last byte of even small payloads
  • PLC4X-262 Error in reading Array
  • PLC4X-270 Ads driver does not accept double-digit array indexes