Apache Polaris™ is an open-source, fully-featured catalog for Apache Iceberg™. It implements Iceberg's REST API, enabling seamless multi-engine interoperability across a wide range of platforms, including Apache Doris™, Apache Flink®, Apache Spark™, StarRocks, and Trino.
Documentation is available at https://polaris.apache.org, including Polaris management API doc and Apache Iceberg REST API doc.
Subscribe to the dev mailing list to join discussions via email or browse the archives. Check out the CONTRIBUTING guide for contribution guidelines.
Apache Polaris is organized into the following modules:
- The main Polaris entity definitions and core business logic- API modules (implementing the Iceberg REST API and Polaris management API):
- The Polaris management modelpolaris-api-management-service
- The Polaris management servicepolaris-api-iceberg-service
- The Iceberg REST service
- Service modules:
- The main components of the Polaris server
- Quarkus runtime modules:
- The Quarkus-specific components of the Polaris serverpolaris-quarkus-defaults
- The Quarkus-specific configuration defaultspolaris-quarkus-server
- The Polaris server runtimepolaris-quarkus-admin-tool
- The Polaris admin & maintenance tool
- Persistence modules:
- The JPA entity definitionspolaris-eclipselink
- The Eclipselink implementation of the MetaStoreManager interface
Apache Polaris is built using Gradle with Java 21+ and Docker 27+.
./gradlew build
- To build and run tests. Make sure Docker is running, as the integration tests depend on it../gradlew assemble
- To skip tests../gradlew test
- To run unit tests and integration tests../gradlew run
- To run the Polaris server locally; the server is reachable at localhost:8181. This is also suitable for running regression tests, or for connecting with Spark../regtests/run_spark_sql.sh
- To connect from Spark SQL. Here are some example commands to run in the Spark SQL shell:
create database db1;
show databases;
create table db1.table1 (id int, name string);
insert into db1.table1 values (1, 'a');
select * from db1.table1;
env POLARIS_HOST=localhost ./regtests/run.sh
- To run regression tests locally, see more options here.
./gradlew clean :polaris-quarkus-server:assemble -Dquarkus.container-image.build=true --no-build-cache
- To build the image locally.docker run -p 8181:8181 -p 8182:8182 apache/polaris:latest
- To run the image.
The Polaris codebase contains some docker compose examples to quickly get started with Polaris,
using different configurations. Check the ./getting-started
directory for more information.
- To run Polaris as a mini-deployment locally. This will create a Kind cluster, then deploy one pod and one service. The service is available on ports8181
.kubectl port-forward svc/polaris-service -n polaris 8181:8181 8182:8182
- To create secure connections between a local machine and a pod within the cluster for both service and health/metrics endpoints:kubectl get pods -n polaris
- To check the status of the pods.kubectl get deployment -n polaris
- To check the status of the deployment.kubectl describe deployment polaris-deployment -n polaris
- To troubleshoot if things aren't working as expected.
Polaris Servers can be configured using a variety of ways. Please see the Configuration Guide for more information.
Default configuration values can be found in quarkus/defaults/src/main/resources/application.properties
- Docs are generated using Hugo using the Docsy theme.
- To view the site locally, run
- See README in
for more information.
Apache Polaris is under the Apache License Version 2.0. See the LICENSE.
Apache Polaris™ is an effort undergoing incubation at The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by the Apache Incubator. Incubation is required of all newly accepted projects until a further review indicates that the infrastructure, communications, and decision making process have stabilized in a manner consistent with other successful ASF projects. While incubation status is not necessarily a reflection of the completeness or stability of the code, it does indicate that the project has yet to be fully endorsed by the ASF.
Apache®, Apache Polaris™, Apache Iceberg™, Apache Spark™ are either registered trademarks or trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation in the United States and/or other countries.