🎓 I’m currently pursuing a Master in Artificial Intelligence at the International University of La Rioja (UNIR).
🌱 I'm currently studying the University Expert Diploma in Reverse Engineering and Malware Intelligence at GSEC Málaga, a diploma developed by NICS Lab (UMA) and VirusTotal, in collaboration with Google, to train experts in a highly specialized cybersecurity field.
🔭 I'm also working on my Bachelor's research combining AI and cybersecurity, developing AI-driven tools for threat detection and malware analysis.
👯 I'm looking to collaborate on projects related to AI, cybersecurity, and web development.
💬 Ask me anything related to my work or studies!
📫 How to reach me:
Email me at "[email protected]" or visit my LinkedIn
- AI-Driven Malware Detection (Master Thesis) -
Ongoing research combining cybersecurity and artificial intelligence, focusing on developing AI-driven tools for enhanced threat detection and malware analysis. This project explores the potential of machine learning models for identifying patterns in malicious software.
- Web Application for Order Management (Bachelor Thesis) -
Developed a web application for real-time order management in bars and restaurants, featuring menu organizers for establishments, real-time order tracking, and menu visualization. Graded 9.00/10.
- Mathematical Paper on Stokes' Theorem (Bachelor Thesis) -
Analyzed and explored the theory and application of integration in manifolds, focusing on Stokes' Theorem and its practical applications in mathematics.